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what do you play? and why?

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I would like to know what everyone on here plays.This is more about limit vs no limit.What stakes you play at doesn't matter because everyone has a different bankroll.I am not an internet player so all my play is in a live casino here in las vegas. But this obviously applies to everyone.So the question is...What do you play? Limit or no limit?And Why?I'm looking for different peoples point of views in why they play what they play (limit vs no limit).Also if you play both internet and live do you play the same games on both or do you play different?Thanks.

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Mostly no limit hold em, usually very low buy ins ($50-$200), but I do occasionally play $1-$2 and $2/$4 limit hold em. I'm a decent at best Omaha player too.Why? I'm too poor to dump money into other games to learn them.

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How the hell did i know this thread was started by a newb? Its like that sixth sense when you know the guy has a big hand. Damn, i'm good.
Talk about a sixth sense!How did I know the first post was gonna be from an idiot who has nothing better to do than post shit like that...And what does a newbie have to do with it? All it means is I dont post here alot because most of the time its not worth it because of people like you!Ohh look at me I'm not a newbie (doublemeup) because I make 100 useless posts a day!Jackass
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1. Learn how to use the search button for the eleventy billion threads just like this.2. If you react like that everytime you get flamed, you aren't going to last long around here. Lighten up.

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How the hell did i know this thread was started by a newb? Its like that sixth sense when you know the guy has a big hand. Damn, i'm good.
Talk about a sixth sense!How did I know the first post was gonna be from an idiot who has nothing better to do than post censored like that...And what does a newbie have to do with it? All it means is I dont post here alot because most of the time its not worth it because of people like you!Ohh look at me I'm not a newbie (doublemeup) because I make 100 useless posts a day!Jackass
hahahahahahahahaha. bravo.as for a serious response i multi table but do it a little different than most people. i load of 3 full ring tables of nl holdem of the stakes that i normally play and 1 shorthanded nl holdem game one level above these stakes. i feel like because of my experience my edge is so much greater in a shorthanded game and i make steady profits at these games and concentrate mostly on this table. the other 3 tables i use mainly for set farming and nut peddling and only make bluffs on occasion when i think i can easily pick up the pot. don't know if anyone else has tried this strat but it has worked great for me since i picked it up about a year ago.
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1. Learn how to use the search button for the eleventy billion threads just like this.2. If you react like that everytime you get flamed, you aren't going to last long around here.  Lighten up.
Please show me the eleventy billion threads just like this?I found no threads that answer the questions that I am looking for.And by the way...Everyone should react like that when they get flamed and maybe you jackasses will stop. My thread in no way needed to have people put there useless comments, if you don't like it don't reply!I forgot I was dealing with children...
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Screw the search button. This is an interactive forum, not a freaking archive.I play limit, low limit. I like NL, but, suck at it and know it. I know that NL is where the money is, grinding at limit is just that, a grind.What's funny, kinda, is we play a few family home games, and they always want to play NL tournies, like on TV. I have over 6,000 hands online since I got PT, and who knows how many thousands before. I'm the only one that plays in clubs live. They know nothing about NL, and little about poker in the first place, so, I generally win. But, it's my least favorite game.

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Screw the search button.  This is an interactive forum, not a freaking archive.
Well said!Why do think you suck at no limit?Thats a good question to me...Any specific examples?And to not get too off the subject again I think this would sum up some better answers.Why do you prefer limit vs No limit?OrWhy do you prefer No limit vs Limit?
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Screw the search button.  This is an interactive forum, not a freaking archive.
excellent response, seriously, I like that.and the search feature sux anyways.. you often get 12k returns to dig thru.to the OPI play 100-200 Razz (limit)10-20 NLHE40-80 Studbut I only post my 2/4 LHE hands in Strategy.
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Good answers so far about what people play.But the question I always like to ask people is WHY 1 vs the other in your eyes when it comes to limit and no limit?Any really good reasons why you people prefer 1 over the other?Thanks!

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How the hell did i know this thread was started by a newb? Its like that sixth sense when you know the guy has a big hand. Damn, i'm good.
Talk about a sixth sense!How did I know the first post was gonna be from an idiot who has nothing better to do than post censored like that...And what does a newbie have to do with it? All it means is I dont post here alot because most of the time its not worth it because of people like you!Ohh look at me I'm not a newbie (doublemeup) because I make 100 useless posts a day!Jackass
Chillax man. Learn to get flamed. What does newbie have anything to do with it? 2.6 billion meaningless threads that are posted in the general forum are posted by newbs. Thats what it has to do with it.
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Chillax man. Learn to get flamed. What does newbie have anything to do with it? 2.6 billion meaningless threads that are posted in the general forum are posted by newbs.  Thats what it has to do with it.
Seconded. All except the "chillax" thing.
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How do I know I suck at NL? At the end of the game I have no money.It has been said that poker is a betting game played with cards. I believe that. I have never felt comfortable calling or making large raises, even though I know in my heart that's where the profit is.In NL you have to learn to win without the best cards all the time. To do that I think you have to be able to disassociate yourself from the money to some degree. I still see a ten dollar chip as a ten dollar bill, and my BR can't take big hits. Playing NL, or any game, with scared money is a prescripton for going broke.A good NL player will make it expensive to see the turn, and if you are not comfortable tossing it all in on a chance, you'll never win.I;m reasonably comfortable with my BR playing $1/2. Losing an entire buy in makes me furious at myself, but, doesn't kill me.I play at Party, and the smallest NL game is .25/.50, I think, and a $50 buy in doesn't seem to last as long as it does at 1/2 limit.

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Chillax man. Learn to get flamed. What does newbie have anything to do with it? 2.6 billion meaningless threads that are posted in the general forum are posted by newbs.  Thats what it has to do with it.
Seconded. All except the "chillax" thing.
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I play a lot of limit at a higher level than NL, mainly hold em as that's the easiest game to get! I play either full (6 seat) $1/$2 Limit or a short handed (2-4 handed at 6 seat table) $2/$4 Limit (the latter which I'm the first to admit is slightly above my bankroll, but I show consistent profit due to more aggression in the pots).I play the same in NL but lower with a full 6 seat table of $.50/$1 or occasionally short handed 3 or 4 man (6 seat table) $1/$2 Nl, but only to make a quick few bucks (last night I sat for a laugh at a £1/£2 with £20 and left with £95 after 9 minutes!) but I don't usually feel comfortable with the idea of losing a $1/$2 buy in a NL and playing scared money is a recipe for going broke so I only take a dip if I have had a good day.I also play a lot of NL Single table SnGs with the occasional $20 MTT on stars thrown in for good measure, havn't played there for a while though!And to the OP what about yourself?

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I mostly play live NLHE 2/5 100-300 buy in. The reason I play that is it's the only live NL game close to me. I started at 3/6 there but got tired of the weak/passive play negatively impacting my hourly rate. With no limit I can play tight and still walk out with a nice, healthy hourly win rate (approx 26/hr for 2005), all it takes is one or two key pots per session.

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no offense.. but i like how doublemeup has been here for 2 less months than the OP but the OP is the newbie.. hell, now im the newbie, and ive been here longer than 90% of the people who post.

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no offense.. but i like how doublemeup has been here for 2 less months than the OP but the OP is the newbie.. hell, now im the newbie, and ive been here longer than 90% of the people who post.
I should be shot for not getting here 2 months earlier.
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Nofx got my attention up there...The NL tables can be played with small blinds, and one coul.d tighten the screws down and play ultra tight until he feels more comfortable.I may give this a shot...I just can't build a BR grinding.It would improve my tourny play, too. There's a game in Hayward every Saturday, $50+10, that pays aabout $1,200...I could take 20 shots at it and only have to win one to come out ahead.

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Rude dog, I liked your post. I also have had a problem with getting over seeing it as chips instead of real money. And I respect your reasons to stick with limit. I think its important to learn how to play limit first anyway. I think some of the plays you learn in limit holem help you in no limit also. Like raising for a free card with a draw. My goal for the new year is to stop cashing out as much as I have and build my bankroll to move up in limits. I play a lot of games. 1 2 stud, 2 4 stud, 1 2 to occasionally 5 10 holdem, although usually 2 4, 50 or 100 dollar buy in PLO and PLO8, and just recently I've been having luck at the 50 dollar buy in shorthanded NLH tables. I think the last is really where there is good money, and I think I'm going to build my bankroll to play the 100 buy in shorthanded NLH tables regularly. I only multitable, well 2 tables anyway when I'm playing limit holdem. I find my game suffers if I play more and can't pay attentioin to the players at my table. Still learning this game but I know theres money in it if I'm patient. I need to move up in limits and put my money out there to gamble instead of beating up on games I know I can beat. It's the only way I'll get better. GL everyone, good thread.

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Nofx got my attention up there...The NL tables can be played with small blinds, and one coul.d tighten the screws down and play ultra tight until he feels more comfortable.I may give this a shot...I just can't build a BR grinding.It would improve my tourny play, too.  There's a game in Hayward every Saturday, $50+10, that pays aabout $1,200...I could take 20 shots at it and only have to win one to come out ahead.
Don't count on it. Its not easy to win one tournament outta every 20. Trust me. Play like 10 and see how you do.
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