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what do you play? and why?

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no offense.. but i like how doublemeup has been here for 2 less months than the OP but the OP is the newbie.. hell, now im the newbie, and ive been here longer than 90% of the people who post.
I should be shot for not getting here 2 months earlier.
no, but ur an idiot for implying that post count and intelligence are somehow related.
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no offense.. but i like how doublemeup has been here for 2 less months than the OP but the OP is the newbie.. hell, now im the newbie, and ive been here longer than 90% of the people who post.
I should be shot for not getting here 2 months earlier.
no, but ur an idiot for implying that post count and intelligence are somehow related.
How did i imply that? What i implyed was that theres 2.6 billion meaninless threads in general started by newbs. Most people are tired of them and i was making a harmless joke. Chill out man.
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Chillax man. Learn to get flamed. What does newbie have anything to do with it? 2.6 billion meaningless threads that are posted in the general forum are posted by newbs.  Thats what it has to do with it.
Again why is this a meaningless thread?I think it's a valid question on why people prefer these 2 types of games.Alot of people are answering it and getting information.Just because you think it's meaningless we all have to think that?GO AWAY LOSER!BTW:
Most people are tired of them and i was making a harmless joke.
Most people are tired of replies like you give because you do not like the topic at hand....SORRY!
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And to the OP what about yourself?
I play No limit here in Vegas usually a 2/5 game at bellagio, MGM or Mandaly bay.One main reason these games are so good is because in these types of games with the relatively small buy-ins people don't know how to control themselves.You can not really "bluff" in these games. Example.All the tourists come into town to play. Yippee says all us locals :)They watch too much WSOP or WPT and think they can bluff there way too a big pay day. Little do they know that most locals that play and obviously the experience tourists will play premium hands and you cant bluff them off a pot.I see it everyday (I play everyday).Why do I play No-Limit. Well when I play limit you'll get sucked out on so many pots because you'll get the drunk guy chasing down his flush or straight draw and hit it. (obviously this happens in no limit)But in no-limit you can get people off these hands so much easier if you are ahead in the hand before they make there flush or straight with a nice raise. Yes sometimes they will call you and hit but most of the time they wont.This is one reason I prefer no limit games.Who else has differnt views?
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Chillax man. Learn to get flamed. What does newbie have anything to do with it? 2.6 billion meaningless threads that are posted in the general forum are posted by newbs.  Thats what it has to do with it.
Again why is this a meaningless thread?I think it's a valid question on why people prefer these 2 types of games.Alot of people are answering it and getting information.Just because you think it's meaningless we all have to think that?GO AWAY LOSER!BTW:
Most people are tired of them and i was making a harmless joke.
Most people are tired of replies like you give because you do not like the topic at hand....SORRY!
Chillax newb
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Chillax man. Learn to get flamed. What does newbie have anything to do with it? 2.6 billion meaningless threads that are posted in the general forum are posted by newbs.  Thats what it has to do with it.
Again why is this a meaningless thread?I think it's a valid question on why people prefer these 2 types of games.Alot of people are answering it and getting information.Just because you think it's meaningless we all have to think that?GO AWAY LOSER!BTW:
Most people are tired of them and i was making a harmless joke.
Most people are tired of replies like you give because you do not like the topic at hand....SORRY!
Chillax newb
LOL...Gotta get that post count up! Keep going your almost at the next level!
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But in no-limit you can get people off these hands so much easier if you are ahead in the hand before they make there flush or straight with a nice raise. Yes sometimes they will call you and hit but most of the time they wont. I think this is true, but, you have to find the level that works. I just played in a $25 NL game, because of this thread.If you came in for a raise, they folded.I did win one nice pot with a set, but the other guy was big stacked and having a conversation in chat.I took ten bucks and fled.I'm going to give NL a shot....

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Chillax man. Learn to get flamed. What does newbie have anything to do with it? 2.6 billion meaningless threads that are posted in the general forum are posted by newbs.  Thats what it has to do with it.
Again why is this a meaningless thread?I think it's a valid question on why people prefer these 2 types of games.Alot of people are answering it and getting information.Just because you think it's meaningless we all have to think that?GO AWAY LOSER!BTW:
Most people are tired of them and i was making a harmless joke.
Most people are tired of replies like you give because you do not like the topic at hand....SORRY!
Chillax newb
LOL...Gotta get that post count up! Keep going your almost at the next level!
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But in no-limit you can get people off these hands so much easier if you are ahead in the hand before they make there flush or straight with a nice raise. Yes sometimes they will call you and hit but most of the time they wont.  I think this is true, but, you have to find the level that works.  I just played in a $25 NL game, because of this thread.If you came in for a raise, they folded.I did win one nice pot with a set, but the other guy was big stacked and having a conversation in chat.I took ten bucks and fled.I'm going to give NL a shot....
Oh you will get sucked out on in no-limit thats for sure, but I feel If you play smart poker and know your opponents you will come out ahead usually with there money because you are taking that "let me stay in the hand and get to my draw" factor out of it.I know here in vegas at these lower limits EVERYONE will play any Ace. Ace rag is a popular hand thats a huge money maker because of the in experience at the tables.Another reason I like no-limit over limit.
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Chillax man. Learn to get flamed. What does newbie have anything to do with it? 2.6 billion meaningless threads that are posted in the general forum are posted by newbs.  Thats what it has to do with it.
Again why is this a meaningless thread?I think it's a valid question on why people prefer these 2 types of games.Alot of people are answering it and getting information.Just because you think it's meaningless we all have to think that?GO AWAY LOSER!BTW:
Most people are tired of them and i was making a harmless joke.
Most people are tired of replies like you give because you do not like the topic at hand....SORRY!
Chillax newb
LOL...Gotta get that post count up! Keep going your almost at the next level!
Beleive me I don't wanna sound rude but your not my friend and second I guess it's a pet peeve of mine about people who post like you do joke or not.People come here for information and to learn from each others experience, this is all ruined by people like you who have to put there smart ass remarks in because they don't like the topic or because they feel they need to be on some power trip.Honestly I shouldn't have to explain myself but I guess the level of maturity of some people need that? :roll:
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How the hell did i know this thread was started by a newb? Its like that sixth sense when you know the guy has a big hand. Damn, i'm good.
Talk about a sixth sense!How did I know the first post was gonna be from an idiot who has nothing better to do than post censored like that...And what does a newbie have to do with it? All it means is I dont post here alot because most of the time its not worth it because of people like you!Ohh look at me I'm not a newbie (doublemeup) because I make 100 useless posts a day!Jackass
Chillax man. Learn to get flamed. What does newbie have anything to do with it? 2.6 billion meaningless threads that are posted in the general forum are posted by newbs. Thats what it has to do with it.
I guess we know how you got 894 posts...S/W
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Chillax man. Learn to get flamed. What does newbie have anything to do with it? 2.6 billion meaningless threads that are posted in the general forum are posted by newbs.  Thats what it has to do with it.
Again why is this a meaningless thread?I think it's a valid question on why people prefer these 2 types of games.Alot of people are answering it and getting information.Just because you think it's meaningless we all have to think that?GO AWAY LOSER!BTW:
Most people are tired of them and i was making a harmless joke.
Most people are tired of replies like you give because you do not like the topic at hand....SORRY!
Chillax newb
LOL...Gotta get that post count up! Keep going your almost at the next level!
Beleive me I don't wanna sound rude but your not my friend and second I guess it's a pet peeve of mine about people who post like you do joke or not.People come here for information and to learn from each others experience, this is all ruined by people like you who have to put there smart ass remarks in because they don't like the topic or because they feel they need to be on some power trip.Honestly I shouldn't have to explain myself but I guess the level of maturity of some people need that? :roll:
You need a hug?
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How the hell did i know this thread was started by a newb? Its like that sixth sense when you know the guy has a big hand. Damn, i'm good.
Talk about a sixth sense!How did I know the first post was gonna be from an idiot who has nothing better to do than post censored like that...And what does a newbie have to do with it? All it means is I dont post here alot because most of the time its not worth it because of people like you!Ohh look at me I'm not a newbie (doublemeup) because I make 100 useless posts a day!Jackass
Chillax man. Learn to get flamed. What does newbie have anything to do with it? 2.6 billion meaningless threads that are posted in the general forum are posted by newbs. Thats what it has to do with it.
I guess we know how you got 894 posts...
Hate to dissapoint ya but i don't start meanlingless threads. :roll:
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I play... with myself
You know what amazes me...I would love for you people to try to win Daniels Protege contest.And then after you win he happens to look on the forum to see what interests you and what you post about...And finds all this crap!These are the people that he's looking for alright!Another useless reply to a thread.And your reply helps the FCP community how?
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Dammit, you guys talked me into playing NL, got my ass handed to me, lol.I fell in love with a pair of Jacks, they were soooooooo pretty. Cost me my whole stack.I went and sulked at a 6 max, couldn't win, couldn't lose, it was a lame game.I went back and played some more NL, I'm a glutton like that, and won a few, not enough.I played tighter than a frogs anus, and that's water tight. I'm still afraid to play the marginal hands, but, I don't know why I should.I had some fun with AJ sooted, flopped JJx, and this guy took off on me, we wound up all in. Turn was an A, river didn't matter. He had JQ.That was fun.

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Dammit, you guys talked me into playing NL, got my ass handed to me, lol.I fell in love with a pair of Jacks, they were soooooooo pretty.  Cost me my whole stack.I went and sulked at a  6 max, couldn't win, couldn't lose, it was a lame game.I went back and played some more NL, I'm a glutton like that, and won a few, not enough.I played tighter than a frogs anus, and that's water tight.  I'm still afraid to play the marginal hands, but, I don't know why I should.I had some fun with AJ sooted, flopped JJx, and this guy took off on me, we wound up all in.  Turn was an A, river didn't matter.  He had JQ.That was fun.
Sorry to hear about it.No limit is a different animal than limit, thats one reason why I originaly asked the question, Why do people chooses 1 or the other and so on.What major differences did you notice in your game specifically?Everyone plays different and I am just curious.btw: The topic wasn't meant to try to get people to try limit or no limit...lol Becareful out there...lol
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How the hell did i know this thread was started by a newb? Its like that sixth sense when you know the guy has a big hand. Damn, i'm good.
Talk about a sixth sense!How did I know the first post was gonna be from an idiot who has nothing better to do than post censored like that...And what does a newbie have to do with it? All it means is I dont post here alot because most of the time its not worth it because of people like you!Ohh look at me I'm not a newbie (doublemeup) because I make 100 useless posts a day!Jackass
Chillax man. Learn to get flamed. What does newbie have anything to do with it? 2.6 billion meaningless threads that are posted in the general forum are posted by newbs. Thats what it has to do with it.
I guess we know how you got 894 posts...
Hate to dissapoint ya but i don't start meanlingless threads. :roll:
i actually think this thread could have been better than 90% of the stuff on here. to bad you had to hijack it to pad your post count. please stop in general.and recently i've been playing sit n gos and plo8
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Online I mostly multi table the fixed limit 6-max games, and sometimes I play multi table tournaments.When I play live , I like to play NL cash games, because I can stare into my opponents souls when they forget to wear thier sunglasses.

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40-80 nl tournies onlinewhy online? because Im seventeen so I play off my brothers account, he doesnt play but lets me use my money under his name.so far Ive made about 13k in the last three years.come on.. Im seventeen, whaddya expect?

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40-80 nl tournies onlinewhy online? because Im seventeen so I play off my brothers account, he doesnt play but lets me use my money under his name.so far Ive made about 13k in the last three years.come on.. Im seventeen, whaddya expect?
You to lie and say you've won 13k in online tournaments.
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Chillax man. Learn to get flamed. What does newbie have anything to do with it? 2.6 billion meaningless threads that are posted in the general forum are posted by newbs. Thats what it has to do with it.
Again why is this a meaningless thread?I think it's a valid question on why people prefer these 2 types of games.Alot of people are answering it and getting information.Just because you think it's meaningless we all have to think that?GO AWAY LOSER!BTW:
Most people are tired of them and i was making a harmless joke.
Most people are tired of replies like you give because you do not like the topic at hand....SORRY!
Chillax newb
The moral of the story is there's no point handing "doublemeup"s ass to him, because he'll just react with some pathetic remark to pad his post-count.
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Screw the search button. This is an interactive forum, not a freaking archive.
excellent response, seriously, I like that.and the search feature sux anyways.. you often get 12k returns to dig thru.to the OPI play 100-200 Razz (limit)10-20 NLHE40-80 Studbut I only post my 2/4 LHE hands in Strategy.
100/200 razz.....Your my hero lol. As much as i love the game i just don't see how it can be profitable unless you have multiple players at the table that just don't understand the concepts and odds of the game. And at that limit these players can't possible still be around.But anyway...I play and good live limit O8 game up to 20/40...and anything up to 5/10 limit 08 so far online.
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