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Chances are like one in a gajillion that I am right about this because it's so hard to make the nhl. But I just wanted to throw this wild prediction out there now incase this kid becomes a stud in the

Funny story, I'm home for the holidays and my mom asks if I want to go to the spa today for a massage. I'm like sure. She says she knows this place that has cheap massages. We went to this "spa" massa

Wow...you seem to have an IQ that is lower than Britney Spears' IQ. And a sense of humour that could be equated to, say, watching someone hit their hand with a hammer, laughing about it and, only late

Angelina? Really? Of all the women you could use in that sentence you chose Angelina? Ugh. Gross.
Angelina in her Lara Croft days was smoking..top of the line IMO.Someone im sure can find and post some hot Angelina pics.
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Angelina in her Lara Croft days was smoking..top of the line IMO.Someone im sure can find and post some hot Angelina pics.
Yeah, I don't see it. To each is own but even during the Lara Croft years I could probably find 50 hotter actresses.
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Agreed. Angelina is gross.
cmon man..U would hit it.I think you have to be over 35 to appreciate the beauty that is Angelina.
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wow Scarlet looks good there. I think she's pretty hot to being with, but good shot.wtf is with this Bieber fascination in the world? Doesnt anyone like Wham+Duran Duran anymore? FFS.My son watches some pre-teen show with Selena Gomez, pretty sure he's falling in love with her. Then I see her on some MMVA shit last week, and she's got on these hooker heels+4" skirt, and Im thinking....is that the same girl?Fashion is awesome.

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Also, I think Penelope Cruz is hideous. Her face reminds me of a chihuahua and then she speaks and makes it worse.
wow, really? I think she's beautiful and I kinda like her accent. Smile is stunning.funny how its so subjective to us.
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wow, really? I think she's beautiful and I kinda like her accent. Smile is stunning.funny how its so subjective to us.
I can see the other side. I'm not a big Scarlett Johanson fan either, but she does look good in that pic.I like Charlize:Charlize-Theron%20%2813%29.jpg
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I like her too.Hey, maybe I just like all of them????
that reminds me of a funny story.Setting:MGM taxi line, vegas. 1:00 PM. drunk.Me and a couple friends are discussing a girl who just walked by.friend 1: meh, not hotfriend 2: I'd do herme: So would I, but I'm 8 beers in. My cut off is like a 3/10.Friend 2 (yelling): 3 OUT OF 10?!?!?! MY CUTOFF RIGHT NOW IS A VAGINA!all of the sober people around us were not impressed.
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