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the mexican tequila guy is the worst businessman I have ever seen....................
I liked him better when he was posting bad checks on the cash register and running cockfights in the back of his store.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Gotta wait til next year to see how they wrap all this up.If they only do 6 more episodes, gonna have to pack alot in.
hopefully they pack some acting lessons in for certain of the actors during the down time.
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Wow what a wasted season. This show just fails to excite anymore. I just wish there were more celebrity cameos. I feel like thats whats missing from the show in those 3minutes where there isnt someone famous being talked to. Were Jordan Farmer+Kevin Love really necessary? Minka Kelly? Throw in Eminem, Ryan Howard, Drew Brees and the ridiculous storyline with Mark Cuban, and that episode was the Harrahs buffet version of an episode. Lots to see, nothing of quality.

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Eminem cameos are always appreciated but pissing off one star even if it's Derek Jeter's girlfriend probably won't get you tossed
Not that it matters, but they made it seem like he'd already done this kinda thing earlier, I believe the bouncer said "complaintS".
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I found the ending a bit too predictable. I suppose the whole Eminem thing was a nice touch but the season ending with Vince getting busted was too obvious. Too much drama (as in dramatic not johnny) this season for me...it seemed the episodes continuously got less and less funny.

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I was hoping Vince would overdose. But the police angle is okaay I guess. What are the odds that Drama jumps in and says the coke was his? Which in turn would fuck his new show up.
I'd say pretty good. Seems too predictable, but why change course now.Right at the end, it looked like Drama was about to say something anyway when they cut to black.
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yeah this show has hit the crapper fast. It has gotten progressively bad. I mean there were some entertaining parts to the season but overall these last few season have just gone down hill. As much as I never wanted it to happen thank god there is only 6 more episodes. Every single storyline just went so overboard it is silly. The E thing is just crazy, Turtle has gotten irritating and Drama had to do way too much serious acting in this episode. And the whole Ari thing just sucks. Really didn't recognize Christina Aguilera. The show has so many damn cameos it felt like a damn Subway commercial.

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  • 9 months later...

I watched this season last week. I enjoyed it, but I'm wondering if Entourage is better when you can watch 3 episodes in a row. And someone should tell Jeremy Piven that his hairpiece wears him, not the other way around.

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I watched this season last week. I enjoyed it, but I'm wondering if Entourage is better when you can watch 3 episodes in a row. And someone should tell Jeremy Piven that his hairpiece wears him, not the other way around.
There's probably something too that, I like Entourage but 24 minutes a week is too short.
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Entourage is one of my favourite shows of all time, but I've watched all the seasons on DVD, and yeah, I usually watch the entire season in 1-2 days. I don't think it would be nearly as enjoyable waiting a week between episodes.season 7 ships tomorrow from Amazon, can't wait.

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  • 3 weeks later...

wow I thought there would be post about the new season. I have been a way on vacation and haven't watched the first episode. Does anyone know where to find it online? The sites that I use to use no longer are working. Any help would be appreciated.

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wow I thought there would be post about the new season. I have been a way on vacation and haven't watched the first episode. Does anyone know where to find it online? The sites that I use to use no longer are working. Any help would be appreciated.
Do you want to download it or stream it?
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i thought this season has sucked so far. the only good parts I've liked so far is the Lloyd/Ari talks. They have been funny. .
I only watched the season premiere thusfar, but basically what you're saying is that this season is exactly like the last 4?
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