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Dn Playing 100/200

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DN has done a good job grinding it back after this handimg]http://www.feralcowpoker.com/images/feral_cow_icon.gif[/img]v1.24Feral Cow PokerPokerStars No-Limit Hold'em $100/$200 ante $50 - 6 playersUTG Bebop86: $24,689.00 UTG+1 Prefontaine: $10,600.00 CO takechip: $58,634.00 Button KidPoker: $50,000.00 SB Mr Zahmat: $20,897.00 BB molswi47: $58,936.00 Preflop: ($600.00) (6 players)3 folds, KidPoker raises to $600, Mr Zahmat raises to $2200, molswi47 folds, KidPoker calls $1600Flop: ($4,900.00) :5c: :D: :D: (2 players)Mr Zahmat bets $2400, KidPoker raises to $4800, Mr Zahmat raises to $8250, KidPoker raises to $47750 and is all-in, Mr Zahmat calls $10397 and is all-inTurn: ($42,194.00) :qh: (2 players)River: ($42,194.00) :ts: (2 players)KidPoker showed :4h: :club::, and lost with two pair, Sevens and FivesMr Zahmat showed :3h: :jh:, and won ($42191) with three of a kind, ThreesMr Zahmat won $42191(Rake: $3)

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Poker Stars $100/$200 No Limit Hold'em $50 Ante - 6 players - View hand 814554The Official DeucesCracked.com Hand History ConverterSirens (UTG): $20738.00Prefontaine (MP): $30689.00takechip (CO): $42557.00KidPoker (BTN): $71696.00steamraise (SB): $37950.00molswi47 (BB): $75957.00Pre Flop: ($600.00)3 folds, KidPoker raises to $600, 1 fold, molswi47 raises to $2200, KidPoker calls $1600Flop: ($4800.00) 6 :qh A :club: 5 :jh(2 players)molswi47 bets $2800, KidPoker calls $2800Turn: ($10400.00) K :D(2 players)molswi47 checks, KidPoker checksRiver: ($10400.00) T :D(2 players)molswi47 checks, KidPoker bets $4200, molswi47 calls $4200Final Pot: $18800.00KidPoker shows 4 :ts 3 :4h (high card Ace)molswi47 shows A :3h Q :5c (a pair of Aces)molswi47 wins $18797.00(Rake: $3.00)

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okerStars Game #47225492911: Hold'em No Limit ($100/$200 USD) - 2010/07/24 21:21:23 ETTable 'Daniel's Rm 200 IV' 6-max Seat #3 is the buttonSeat 3: molswi47 ($54848 in chips) Seat 4: KidPoker ($50000 in chips) Seat 5: Sussie Smith ($73298 in chips) Seat 6: Mr Zahmat ($22598 in chips) KidPoker: posts small blind $100Sussie Smith: posts big blind $200molswi47: posts the ante $50KidPoker: posts the ante $50Sussie Smith: posts the ante $50Mr Zahmat: posts the ante $50*** HOLE CARDS ***Mr Zahmat: folds molswi47: raises $400 to $600KidPoker: raises $1800 to $2400Sussie Smith: calls $2200molswi47: folds *** FLOP *** [Ah 7c 3h]KidPoker: bets $3600Sussie Smith: calls $3600*** TURN *** [Ah 7c 3h] [8c]KidPoker: bets $8200Sussie Smith: calls $8200*** RIVER *** [Ah 7c 3h 8c] [2s]KidPoker: bets $35750 and is all-inSussie Smith: calls $35750*** SHOW DOWN ***KidPoker: shows [Ac Ks] (a pair of Aces)Sussie Smith: shows [Jc Jd] (a pair of Jacks)KidPoker collected $100698 from pot*** SUMMARY ***Total pot $100700 | Rake $2 Board [Ah 7c 3h 8c 2s]Seat 3: molswi47 (button) folded before FlopSeat 4: KidPoker (small blind) showed [Ac Ks] and won ($100698) with a pair of AcesSeat 5: Sussie Smith (big blind) showed [Jc Jd] and lost with a pair of JacksSeat 6: Mr Zahmat folded before Flop (didn't bet)

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Running GoodPokerStars Game #47226064625: Hold'em No Limit ($100/$200 USD) - 2010/07/24 21:39:42 ETTable 'Daniel's Rm 200 IV' 6-max Seat #5 is the buttonSeat 1: Odonkor1 ($51348 in chips) Seat 2: kingsofcards ($48250 in chips) Seat 3: molswi47 ($55294 in chips) Seat 4: KidPoker ($127192 in chips) Seat 5: Sussie Smith ($49498 in chips) Seat 6: Mr Zahmat ($26095 in chips) Mr Zahmat: posts small blind $100Odonkor1: posts big blind $200Odonkor1: posts the ante $50kingsofcards: posts the ante $50molswi47: posts the ante $50KidPoker: posts the ante $50Sussie Smith: posts the ante $50Mr Zahmat: posts the ante $50*** HOLE CARDS ***kingsofcards: raises $400 to $600molswi47: calls $600KidPoker: calls $600Sussie Smith: folds Mr Zahmat: calls $500Odonkor1: calls $400*** FLOP *** [6c 4d As]Mr Zahmat: checks Odonkor1: checks kingsofcards: bets $1800molswi47: calls $1800KidPoker: calls $1800Mr Zahmat: folds Odonkor1: raises $5600 to $7400kingsofcards: folds molswi47: folds KidPoker: calls $5600*** TURN *** [6c 4d As] [5d]Odonkor1: bets $13200KidPoker: calls $13200*** RIVER *** [6c 4d As 5d] [Ts]Odonkor1: bets $30098 and is all-inKidPoker: calls $30098*** SHOW DOWN ***Odonkor1: shows [5h 3s] (a pair of Fives)KidPoker: shows [4s 4c] (three of a kind, Fours)KidPoker collected $108293 from pot*** SUMMARY ***Total pot $108296 | Rake $3 Board [6c 4d As 5d Ts]Seat 1: Odonkor1 (big blind) showed [5h 3s] and lost with a pair of FivesSeat 2: kingsofcards folded on the FlopSeat 3: molswi47 folded on the FlopSeat 4: KidPoker showed [4s 4c] and won ($108293) with three of a kind, FoursSeat 5: Sussie Smith (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 6: Mr Zahmat (small blind) folded on the Flop

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RealKidPoker.Biggest win in that game since I started 118k. Trying to get to 50k hands and see if I can win. 9603 hands played -43k. Headed out soon. 4 minutes ago via UberTwitter

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Can someone explain what this means:YES! Another 42k win and I hit 10k hands. 10,009 hands played -751.50. All in ev adjusted I'm +10,693.20. I'm so excited! Learning tons.

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Can someone explain what this means:YES! Another 42k win and I hit 10k hands. 10,009 hands played -751.50. All in ev adjusted I'm +10,693.20. I'm so excited! Learning tons.
Results don't matter?
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Can someone explain what this means:YES! Another 42k win and I hit 10k hands. 10,009 hands played -751.50. All in ev adjusted I'm +10,693.20. I'm so excited! Learning tons.
All in EV calculates what your equity was in a hand and completely eliminates luck. Say for example you win $20,000 in a session. One of the hands you played was for $5000 all in preflop with A2 vs 10h Jh. You are 50/50 in that spot so if there was say $300 in the pot you rate to get back your $5000 and win $150. Now suppose you win the flip, you'll profit $5300 because you were lucky. You are "supposed" to win $150 but you won $5300 so you are $5150 ahead luck wise.Sooooo even though you won $20,000 your All in EV adjusted figure is $14,850. So even though I'm down $700 I should be up $10,000 if my all in luck broke even but I've had slightly bad luck in all in pots.
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All in EV calculates what your equity was in a hand and completely eliminates luck. Say for example you win $20,000 in a session. One of the hands you played was for $5000 all in preflop with A2 vs 10h Jh. You are 50/50 in that spot so if there was say $300 in the pot you rate to get back your $5000 and win $150. Now suppose you win the flip, you'll profit $5300 because you were lucky. You are "supposed" to win $150 but you won $5300 so you are $5150 ahead luck wise.Sooooo even though you won $20,000 your All in EV adjusted figure is $14,850. So even though I'm down $700 I should be up $10,000 if my all in luck broke even but I've had slightly bad luck in all in pots.
Always learning new things...You seem to be doing pretty well lately from what I've been seeing. Good to see you switching up your online game.
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All in EV calculates what your equity was in a hand and completely eliminates luck. Say for example you win $20,000 in a session. One of the hands you played was for $5000 all in preflop with A2 vs 10h Jh. You are 50/50 in that spot so if there was say $300 in the pot you rate to get back your $5000 and win $150. Now suppose you win the flip, you'll profit $5300 because you were lucky. You are "supposed" to win $150 but you won $5300 so you are $5150 ahead luck wise.Sooooo even though you won $20,000 your All in EV adjusted figure is $14,850. So even though I'm down $700 I should be up $10,000 if my all in luck broke even but I've had slightly bad luck in all in pots.
Thats very interesting...Which program calculates this?
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All in EV calculates what your equity was in a hand and completely eliminates luck.
Equity wise yea, but you cold flop flushes ten times in a row and your EV would shoot through the roof, even though you're the worst player in the world.
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You're the worst player in the world.
FYP and FYFYPP Not because I actually care about capitalization, but more because I wanted to make use of the rarely-used FYFYPP anagram. To underscore my disapproval of my own "Grammar Nazi" post, I have included a sentence fragment in this reply.
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FYPFYP and FYFYPP Not because I actually care about capitalization, but more because I wanted to make use of the rarely used FYFYPP anagram. To underscore my disapproval of my own "Grammar Nazi" post, I have included a sentence fragment in this reply.
That's better.
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FYPFYP and FYFYPP Not because I actually care about capitalization, but more because I wanted to make use of the rarely-used FYFYPP anagram. To underscore my disapproval of my own "Grammar Nazi" post, I have included a sentence fragment in this reply.
:club: potd!
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Was just watching Daniel and this hand played out. Some folk clearly have too much money if they can afford to lose $22k with a pre flop bet with A5 :)PokerStars Game #47313716604: Hold'em No Limit ($100/$200 USD) - 2010/07/27 0:01:19 WET [2010/07/26 19:01:19 ET]Table 'Daniel's Rm 200' 6-max Seat #6 is the buttonSeat 1: Sussie Smith ($63995 in chips) Seat 5: KidPoker ($58196 in chips) Seat 6: Bebop86 ($22447 in chips) Sussie Smith: posts small blind $100KidPoker: posts big blind $200Sussie Smith: posts the ante $50KidPoker: posts the ante $50Bebop86: posts the ante $50*** HOLE CARDS ***Bebop86: raises $400 to $600Sussie Smith: raises $1400 to $2000KidPoker: folds Bebop86: raises $2600 to $4600Sussie Smith: raises $59345 to $63945 and is all-inBebop86: calls $17797 and is all-inUncalled bet ($41548) returned to Sussie Smith*** FLOP *** [2c Tc 6h]*** TURN *** [2c Tc 6h] [Ts]*** RIVER *** [2c Tc 6h Ts] [8c]*** SHOW DOWN ***Sussie Smith: shows [Ad 5d] (a pair of Tens)Bebop86: shows [Qd Ac] (a pair of Tens - Ace+Queen kicker)Bebop86 collected $45143 from pot*** SUMMARY ***Total pot $45144 | Rake $1 Board [2c Tc 6h Ts 8c]Seat 1: Sussie Smith (small blind) showed [Ad 5d] and lost with a pair of TensSeat 5: KidPoker (big blind) folded before FlopSeat 6: Bebop86 (button) showed [Qd Ac] and won ($45143) with a pair of Tens

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