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Nice story. From Tarek El Basir's blogRookie Camp: Day TwoSo how exactly did Alex Ovechkin end up on the ice with two dozen prospects at KCI this morning? He came to Coach Bruce Boudreau at 8:30 a.m. and asked if it would be okay, that's how."What does that say about the character of the guy?" Boudreau said. "I thought it would be quite a thrill for some of these young kids to get a pass from Alex."From the sounds of it, those young kids got a whole lot more.Many of them did a doubletake when Ovechkin joined them on the bench. And although they tried not to stare, I definitely caught a few of them sizing up the reigning MVP when he skated past. Ovechkin also was fully aware that he being watched. For example, he made sure to skate to the front and pay close attention when Boudreau went over Xs and Os at the dry erase board.One prospect in particular will have a story to tell later on. Defenseman Eric Mestery, an 18-year-old draft pick, was manning his position in front of the net when Ovechkin raced in, slammed on the brakes and gave Mestery a shove."I didn't know what to do, actually," Mestery said with a big smile. "I didn't know whether to push him back or just ...I don't know. It was great to have him on the ice. It was so cool. My parents are here and they were taking pictures.""I just thought, 'Wow, that's Ovechkin, the best player in the league," he added.Ovechkin introduced himself to Mestery with an elbow to the gut, but for the most part, Ovechkin held back a little, particularly when it came to unloading his rocket of a slap shot."My shot right now, actually, it's not good right now," Ovechkin joked. "CCM is making me new sticks right now, so I have to figure out what's going on."He added: "They [kept asking] me one question: if you go on break away or you have chance to score, where do you shoot?"Ovechkin came back to Kettler around 3 p.m. to pick up Russian prospects Simeon Varlamov, Dmitry Kugryshev and Viktor Dovgan, who grabbed their belongings and followed Ovechkin out to his car like younger brothers trailing their big brother."Guys have a tendency not to show that they are in awe," Boudreau said. "But I bet you when they go home, the first person they phone are mom and dad and say, 'You're not going to believe who was on the ice with today.'"

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Ovechkin is the man. I've always liked him better then Crosby. He's just so funny and awesome.
Damn, I had money on Serge being the first one to bring up Crosby.Seriously though, why does it have to be Ovechkin vs Crosby?
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Ovechkin is the man. I've always liked him better then Crosby. He's just so funny and awesome.
Damn, I had money on Serge being the first one to bring up Crosby.Seriously though, why does it have to be Ovechkin vs Crosby?
lmao, I had the same bet. What line did you get? I had to lay 100 to 1.
its obvious....I didnt want to say it...But the NHL should bank its future on Ovy....not Crosby
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lollmao, I had the same bet. What line did you get? I had to lay 100 to 1.lol
ya the truth is hilarious to all the Penguin fans that are brainwashed..Crosby has been marketed as the "next one" since he was 14....However Ovechkin is the real superstar..the kid just loves to play "haakey" as he calls it....whatever...No point in arguing..Ovechkin is the man.
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ya the truth is hilarious to all the Penguin fans that are brainwashed..Crosby has been marketed as the "next one" since he was 14....However Ovechkin is the real superstar..the kid just loves to play "haakey" as he calls it....whatever...No point in arguing..Ovechkin is the man.
Who is arguing? I love Ovechkin, and so do most sane hockey fans. Most of them like Crosby too. The ones that dislike Crosby usually only do so because he's pushed on everyone by the media. That's not his fault, and makes no difference in how good he is as a hockey player. Both of these players are incredibly sick, each in their own way. I don't see how it always devolves into Ovechkin vs Crosby. Can they not just coexist? Or do you always need to find something to start a war about?
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Who is arguing? I love Ovechkin, and so do most sane hockey fans. Most of them like Crosby too. The ones that dislike Crosby usually only do so because he's pushed on everyone by the media. That's not his fault, and makes no difference in how good he is as a hockey player. Both of these players are incredibly sick, each in their own way. I don't see how it always devolves into Ovechkin vs Crosby. Can they not just coexist? Or do you always need to find something to start a war about?
first of all..I didnt start it..Second of all its the obvious comparison..Gretzky vs Lemieux was always on the forefront..They can coexist but people love to compare and its fun to "argue" who is better.
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Crosby > Ovechkin :club: jk...I'm a big fan of both of them and I'm pretty sure I'm going to see more of Ovechkin live this year that Crosby. I've got 3 Penguin games eyed up so far but 2 of them are in DC. I also have tickets for 9 other caps games. One of them being the Leafs but I'll probably put those tickets on Ebay.

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first of all..I didnt start it..Second of all its the obvious comparison..Gretzky vs Lemieux was always on the forefront..They can coexist but people love to compare and its fun to "argue" who is better.
I hated when there was endless argument over Gretzky vs Lemieux, and I hate it when they bring up Crosby vs Ovechkin. Just cause we are talking about one, we have to talk about the other?I feel lucky as a fan that I got to see not just one, but another pair of superstars to this degree of talent. I feel no need whatsoever to ever compare one to the other, mostly because these comparisons are nothing more than degrading the greatest players of all time, pointing out the slightest perceived weaknesses. (Gretzky was weak, Lemieux was lazy, bla bla bla)I think Ovechkin is an incredible ambassador for the game, and he never ceases to amaze me with his attitude and personality. His game is incredibly fun to watch, but his demeanour outside the rink is just as amazing, from anything I have seen/read.The NHL should thank its lucky stars they have not just Crosby but Ovechkin to build around for the next 10years.
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I agree with these statements, but what I dont agree with is the NHL promotes the hell out of Crosby. Non hockey fans know who Crosby is, Ovechkin not so much.And whats the point of watching hockey, if we cant discuss and argue which player is better than other. but i digress...Drop the puck already.

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It's fine to argue over who is better, but every time you bring it up, you not only say you think one person is better, but you completely right off the other person as having any talent at all.
Jerry: So we're going to make the Post Office pay for my new stereo?Kramer: It's just a write off for them.Jerry: How is it a write off?Kramer: They just write it off.Jerry: Write it off what?Kramer: Jerry all these big companies they write off everything.Jerry: You don't even know what a write off is.Kramer: Do you?Jerry: No. I don't.Kramer: But they do and they are the ones writing it off.Jerry: I wish I just had the last twenty seconds of my life back.
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