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Alex Ovechkin's celebration was in large part inspired by Don Cherry......
even better...I love Don Cherry, but I am totally against him on this one.BTW Ovechin 213 NHL goals Cherry NO NHL goals in 1 NHL playoff appearance.He did score 101 goals in 1016 "pro" games though.
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As a fan of the NHL, especially casual fans, what Ovechkin does creates excitement and intrigue. The old school guys like Cherry obviously hate it. You need more guys like Ovy to sell the game..Flash, speed , excitement and just overall fun. He doesnt cheapshot anyone, he doesnt really mock anyone, he is just having fun. They promote stuff like that in the All star game, and when he does it in a game they are all anti fun all of a sudden.
All opinion on what creates excitement. I think T.O.'s celebrations (and other NFL players) are dumb and you like them.He doesn't "really" mock anyone, or doesn't at all?I'm obv right and you're obv wrong.
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All opinion on what creates excitement. I think T.O.'s celebrations (and other NFL players) are dumb and you like them.He doesn't "really" mock anyone, or doesn't at all?I'm obv right and you're obv wrong.
I guarantee you Ovechkin and Terrell Owens increase ratings among casual fans...By a large margin...Ovechkin is the best player in the game and he earns the right to celebrate. If Jason Blake does it after scoring a goal being down 5-1 then I agree...Who is he mocking?
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I guarantee you Ovechkin and Terrell Owens increase ratings among casual fans...By a large margin...Ovechkin is the best player in the game and he earns the right to celebrate. If Jason Blake does it after scoring a goal being down 5-1 then I agree...Who is he mocking?
The guy who locked his daughter in the basement for 24 years and fathered 7 children with her increases ratings for the 6:00 news...is that a good thing.P.S. I didn't see the celebration...I'm just commenting on Serge's justification.
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I guarantee you Ovechkin and Terrell Owens increase ratings among casual fans...By a large margin...
I never said they don't increase ratings, did I?
Ovechkin is the best player in the game
he earns the right to celebrate.
Highly disagree.
Who is he mocking?
The team he scores on. This one was easy, btw.It boils down to how you feel about celebrations and I'm not a fan of them. I'm embarrassed for the guys doing them (in any sport) more than I'm excited by them. A fist pump, a "WOOOOOOOOOOOO!", and the hugs/head taps with team mates is about all I draw the line at being acceptable. I understand that the game is emotional, I've played it for many years and might have crossed the line a few times in high school or college games. I just think crossing the line regularly is cause for getting called out.There is no right answer to this debate....except my answer.
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The guy who locked his daughter in the basement for 24 years and fathered 7 children with her increases ratings for the 6:00 news...is that a good thing.P.S. I didn't see the celebration...I'm just commenting on Serge's justification.
Yes thats a PERFECT analogy..Comparing a sick demented monster to Ovechkin celebrating a goal.ie...Doesnt matter the topic I would argue with Serge regardless.
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I never said they don't increase ratings, did I?Opinion.Highly disagree.The team he scores on. This one was easy, btw.It boils down to how you feel about celebrations and I'm not a fan of them. I'm embarrassed for the guys doing them (in any sport) more than I'm excited by them. A fist pump, a "WOOOOOOOOOOOO!", and the hugs/head taps with team mates is about all I draw the line at being acceptable. I understand that the game is emotional, I've played it for many years and might have crossed the line a few times in high school or college games. I just think crossing the line regularly is cause for getting called out.There is no right answer to this debate....except my answer.
Back in the day there were a lot of celebrations that people never complained about (that I recall)Tiger Williams riding his stick.Mike Foligno leaping after every goalBernie Nicholls pumpernickel.Fleury rolling around the ice after a big goal.These are things that are etched in my memory, why because they were exciting.I dont disagree with you, its your opinion. However a lot of people love Ovechkin for his enthusiasm. He adds colour to the game.
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Yes thats a PERFECT analogy..Comparing a sick demented monster to Ovechkin celebrating a goal.ie...Doesnt matter the topic I would argue with Serge regardless.
See, this is where I really do think you're a moron. I'm not comparing one act with the other...I'm saying they both draw an increased audience so therefore an increase in viewership does not necessarily mean something is good.
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Back in the day there were a lot of celebrations that people never complained about (that I recall)Tiger Williams riding his stick.Mike Foligno leaping after every goalBernie Nicholls pumpernickel.Fleury rolling around the ice after a big goal.These are things that are etched in my memory, why because they were exciting.I dont disagree with you, its your opinion. However a lot of people love Ovechkin for his enthusiasm. He adds colour to the game.
I know for a fact that Fleury's temmates didn't even like his celebration. Serge, you seem to be under the impression that just because YOU didn't hear someone complain then nobody complained. Have you ever seen a baby seagull?
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See, this is where I really do think you're a moron. I'm not comparing one act with the other...I'm saying they both draw an increased audience so therefore an increase in viewership does not necessarily mean something is good.
I am not going to get into it with you again..Thanks
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Back in the day there were a lot of celebrations that people never complained about (that I recall)Tiger Williams riding his stick.Mike Foligno leaping after every goalBernie Nicholls pumpernickel.Fleury rolling around the ice after a big goal.These are things that are etched in my memory, why because they were exciting.I dont disagree with you, its your opinion. However a lot of people love Ovechkin for his enthusiasm. He adds colour to the game.
So, you really think that NO ONE complained about those?In my parents/coaches vs. kids game a few weeks ago (which you can see my action shot below), I pulled such classics as...Throwing the glove in the air and shooting with my my stick.Sitting on the boards at the other team's bench and using my stick like a fishing rod.The moon walk.btw, I earned the right to celebrate on these kids after having to deal with them all year.489680552_GdjoB-L.jpg
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It's a sign of success when the haters come at you...
Ovechkin was successful before all this celebration-gate went down. I don't think anyone would disagree with that.
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I never realized that Fryer was 68 years old. God forbid you walk on his lawn. ;)I don't care about celebrations. I don't buy the "but the poor opponents who are getting disrespected" aspect because when the opponents score they celebrate as well. I don't think in professional sports players get all that bent out of shape about it as fans of the team who got scored on do. There is a line but I have yet to see Ovechkin cross it. I have seen TO cross it, like the whole stepping on the cowboys logo in the center of the field. That was pure intent to disrespect. Big difference in my opinion. Plus with Cherry's comments I think that just makes Ovie want to do it more. They played the audio of a interview last night where he said he hopes he gave Cherry something to talk about on the "coach's room or whatever it is called".

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I never realized that Fryer was 68 years old. God forbid you walk on his lawn. :club:
GET OFF MY LAWN!I guess I am an old hag when it comes to this. I love Larry Fitz and part of it goes back to Pitt when he would hand the ball to the ref and go straight to his team mates that helped make the play happen.
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GET OFF MY LAWN!I guess I am an old hag when it comes to this. I love Larry Fitz and part of it goes back to Pitt when he would hand the ball to the ref and go straight to his team mates that helped make the play happen.
I loved Larry Fitz for that as well. He's gotten away from that a bit in the pros liked it for the couple years I watched him with season tickets to Pitt.I just wonder if he stole the celebration from
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If you're in attendance at that game last night, and you witness Ovi score his 50th, and he doesn't even raise his arms, goes back to the bench, sits down and the ref drops the puck, do you feel like you witnessed history? Or would you feel a little cheated?

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If you're in attendance at that game last night, and you witness Ovi score his 50th, and he doesn't even raise his arms, goes back to the bench, sits down and the ref drops the puck, do you feel like you witnessed history? Or would you feel a little cheated?
There's no in between?
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There's no in between?
Then it becomes subjective. So, either you like players being excited by their scoring, and you want to see that, or you don't. Short of taunting the other team or goaltender (which opens a different topic), it's all subjective after that. What's too much? 2 seconds of celebration? or 10 seconds? one arm raised with a fist pump? leaving the ground with both feet while jumping into your teammates arms? distance travelled while celebrating? So you hate him for celebrating? or over celebrating? What if he didn't celebrate enough? Does he add a little more each time until he reaches a satisfaction point? and who's satisfaction point? I remember one time joking with Ric Natress about him celebrating a goal, when he scored about two in his entire career. His response? 'When YOU score in the NHL, you can celebrate any way you want'.
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If you're in attendance at that game last night, and you witness Ovi score his 50th, and he doesn't even raise his arms, goes back to the bench, sits down and the ref drops the puck, do you feel like you witnessed history? Or would you feel a little cheated?
To the anti celebratory crowd:Do you think guys like Gretzky,Lemieux, Yzerman after a big goal skated back to the bench as if nothing happened??Here is a funny top 10 goal celebrations..FYI Gretzky #5
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even better...I love Don Cherry, but I am totally against him on this one.BTW Ovechin 213 NHL goals Cherry NO NHL goals in 1 NHL playoff appearance.He did score 101 goals in 1016 "pro" games though.
This was the 3 millionth post on FCP.I rockhttp://www.fullcontactpoker.com/poker-foru...howtopic=134499
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