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50k Horse On Tonight

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I feel like the drunker you are, the more your true self comes out. Mean drunks have a mean little bastard inside of them, and I doubt Scotty is an exception.

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I would do the following things to Tilly's vagina: avoid it. Tilly isn't even remotely attractive. She's also turning into an absolute heifer.
QFTShe also seems a couple of sandwiches short of a full picnic.
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have u people ever been drunk?? geez......seriously.........it's like u've never seen someone drinking and acting like a douche bag before.......I really don't think he acts like an idiot all the time (I might be wrong )but some people seem pretty hypocritical to me.

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Scotty just makes really bad plays sometimes, I doubt he was in the top half of the field in the 50k HORSE in terms of combined skill in all the games.3 handed I think that is an easy call on the turn. There are plenty of scare card rivers, but with the jack paired you're pretty much getting at least half the pot the majority of the time unless Lindgreen has the jack. He doesn't have it often enough here for Scotty to fold, and Scotty has the ace of hearts so he knows Lindgreen doesn't have the nut flush draw. Maybe that's why he thought Lindgreen had the jack. A likely scenario going through Scotty's head is that Lindgreen had some sort of low flush draw, pair and/or a wrap combo so a number of cards would have split the pot and a few would scoop for Lindgreen so he didn't want to lose two bets. However, a non heart nine, 10, Q, K, or A would more than likely scoop the pot for Scotty like 80% of the time. The only reason Scotty would fold is that he had a megaread on Erik that he had the jack or a set, which is unlikely because Scotty was pretty drunk, or he read his hand or the board wrong because he was drunk, or most likely he is just a very poor player at shorthanded O8.

Does everyone really think that this was a chip dump by Scotty? In Omaha 8Scotty: Ah Ac 9d 3dLindgren: Qs Qc 8d 4dBoard: 3h 7c Jh JdAt this point, Scotty cannot make a low hand. And his Hi hand is Aces Up and can only improve to a full house with an Ace or J on the river (if his opponent doesn't aready have a J). Also, Scotty has no back up draws either.Meanwhile, his opponent still may have the low draw (which he does) and/or a J for the potential scoop. His opponent can also have a heart draw for a scoop as well. There are also a couple of other draws available (4-5 and 8-9) that can beat him on the river too. Two pair is rarely a winner in Omaha 8.I'm not saying it's not suspicious, it is. Especially with the speech, "I'm going to keep him alive. I'm going to throw that away just for him" which is pretty damning.But I've laid that type of hand down in Omaha 8 to save a couple of bets before.I'm just saying, on the face of the cards, it is not that suspect of a laydown. Now if Scotty had another draw in there and laid it down, it would be an easier call for chip dumping.Besides, Eric Lindgren is not someone you want to double up at that stage in a tourney.
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have u people ever been drunk?? geez......seriously.........it's like u've never seen someone drinking and acting like a douche bag before.......I really don't think he acts like an idiot all the time (I might be wrong )but some people seem pretty hypocritical to me.
Yeah, but when I act a fool it's usually not while millions of dollars are on the line or when I'm publicly commemorating my dead friends.
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I would do the following things to Tilly's vagina: avoid it. Tilly isn't even remotely attractive. She's also turning into an absolute heifer.
Don't be haten on the Jen....maybe because her and I are from the same Jeneration(lol, I kill myself)....for the record, I like it...I like it alot.
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Apparently Scotty was not so concerned about playing his best poker that he was embellishing in a premature celebration while playing the final table - although it played to his advantage.I have run into Scotty a few times in the past and he sometimes spends his entire breaks hanging out with random people and being very nice to them, so apparently thgis is not typical behavior for him.As with all telecasts of poker tourneys we did not get to see all of the events that transpired at that table that led up to Scotty acting like a drunken jackass. Regardless of his behavior on TV, E-Dog said it best "Could not beat the drunk guy", more power to him for being drunk and taking that tourney down. I still like Scotty, and would go out drinking with him anytime - although I prefer happy drunks to angry ones. End of the day Scotty has the HORSE championship, almost 2 Million in winnings, a tarnished reputation - Pretty good trade-off if you ask me. Like professional athletes, poker players are not role models and should never be treated as such - most of these guys are degenerates, drunks and jackoffs.

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Apparently Scotty was not so concerned about playing his best poker that he was embellishing in a premature celebration while playing the final table - although it played to his advantage.I have run into Scotty a few times in the past and he sometimes spends his entire breaks hanging out with random people and being very nice to them, so apparently thgis is not typical behavior for him.As with all telecasts of poker tourneys we did not get to see all of the events that transpired at that table that led up to Scotty acting like a drunken jackass. Regardless of his behavior on TV, E-Dog said it best "Could not beat the drunk guy", more power to him for being drunk and taking that tourney down. I still like Scotty, and would go out drinking with him anytime - although I prefer happy drunks to angry ones. End of the day Scotty has the HORSE championship, almost 2 Million in winnings, a tarnished reputation - Pretty good trade-off if you ask me. Like professional athletes, poker players are not role models and should never be treated as such - most of these guys are degenerates, drunks and jackoffs.
It was said on this post or another that Scotty had sold 80% of himself...Todd Bruson has said Scotty was under big time pressure and was drinking more than Brunson had even seen him drink...I think alot of the pressure was he did not want to choke off this final table like he did the 07 main event..ok to make me and many others here happy, I'm done wih this thread..
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I'm still a big fan of Scotty. If anyone has ever met him this is not the way he is. Scotty is probably one of the best guys as far as poker players go. He just drank way too much in the biggest event of the year.

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have u people ever been drunk?? geez......seriously.........it's like u've never seen someone drinking and acting like a douche bag before.......I really don't think he acts like an idiot all the time (I might be wrong )but some people seem pretty hypocritical to me.
a) Sure, I’ve gotten drunk and done embarrassing things many times. (Dancing on tables, attempting to do cartwheels in the bar parking lot, humping couches, etc.) But in these cases I’m a buffoon, not a rude a-hole like Scotty.B) Its all about the TIME and PLACE. Being drunk and obnoxious with your friends on a Saturday night is forgivable, being drunk and obnoxious at your daughter’s 11th birthday party is not.EDIT: no idea why that smiley is there cant get rid of it
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have u people ever been drunk?? geez......seriously.........it's like u've never seen someone drinking and acting like a douche bag before.......I really don't think he acts like an idiot all the time (I might be wrong )but some people seem pretty hypocritical to me.
Glad the cameras were off at the Deerfoot Casino on new years eve. Jager Bombed.
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EDIT: no idea why that smiley is there cant get rid of it
"B" + ")" = " B)." You can get rid of it with an HTML code like "" if you're feeling ambitious.
Or uncheck the "enable emoticons" option at the bottom of the post field.
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Just watched it. Wow, that was beyond ludicrous. He is basically EVERYTHING that is wrong with poker. Not like this is his first time. He was a complete ******* in last years Main Event. Everyone felt sorry for him and I was actually very happy. Sorry folks, can't continue to let him use alcohol as the reason he's a complete *******. He's just an *******, period. They have shown that guy doing more unethical crap at the table than anyone on the planet. Pretty sure he thinks because he's Scotty that everyone wants to hear him talk. I have seen him on numerous occasions talk about hands he ISN'T in. Just off the top of my head in last years main when he says "9 high gonna win this hand" when I think John Cernuto is in a pot with some unknown, unknown folds and Cernuto flips over 98. Unbelievable that the WSOP hasn't penalized his ass. Not surprised at all but thought Lindgren handled the situation very well.

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Guys, before you blast me, watch the video one more time. I think Erick is the closest to Chip we have but......Erick got what he asked for. "Let's get some beers Scotty! Let's get this thing going!" He didn't mean for that to happen but I'm sure he knew that it could. He got the party started. The only way to avoid situations like that are to cut guys off at the final table. I don't see that happening.I took off the rest of the rambling off. It was just idle thoughts. Let's try to remember that we aren't in Sunday School. The only real gentlemen left at the tables are DB10-2 and Slapyourstick. Those guys are the guys that deserve your respect.

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Pretty sure Edog knows how bad scotty plays when he's wasted .
I thought about that. I imagine he didn't quite expect that scenario. I kind of liked it. I love a good degen show. I also still think that Scotty knew he was getting to them and ramped it up to take down the cash.
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Come on, Scotty is a grown man if he cant control himself because people are having fun around him and cheering for cocktails then he's got problems. Erick's not an instigator, he was just having fun at the table with Scotty, and if you wanna call Erick the instigator to that whole ordeal of Scotty getting wasted, then Scotty must have a life of the party attention wanting problem.

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Disgraceful Why couldnt Edog win this? :club: When I read Scotty won this event when it happened I was happy for him.....not so much anymore
QFT just finished watching ..i like erik hes just str8 forward and funny the kid was cocky but not a douche imo scotty was just out of it ..shouldnt there be a limit to how intoxicated one is at a final table ?
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