GeneralGeeWhiz 0 Posted December 11, 2010 Share Posted December 11, 2010 Sin City. I haven't seen it in years and found the DVD that I bought years back. Forgot how awesome that movie is. Link to post Share on other sites
GWCGWC 83 Posted December 11, 2010 Share Posted December 11, 2010 sorry if I'm repeating myself. It's a Saturday night and I want to go see a movie with my woman. I'm in a small town with two theaters that have 3 screens each. We go to the first theater, look at the marquee and don't see anything. We may as well go to the second theater to see the other options. We drive across town and five minutes later see this on the second theaters Marquee, "Frank Miller's Sin City Starting Bruce Willis"Under that main listing we see a movie that looks bad and also some kids cartoon, can't remember the animated movie, but my now ex-wife isn't into kids movies so that was out. Frank Miller didn't register in my mind because I've never read any of his graphic novels and I'm horrible with names and such. But the name Bruce Willis rang out because he can play a decent action hero. ACTION HERO! This coupled with the title Sin City held great appeal on a night that I was going to the movies just to go. From the first scene I was blown away and the movie only got better. I couldn't believe this movie wasn't on my radar in any way. I was completely hypnotized by every shot....every single shot. After the movie, I was still firmly planted in my seat through most of the credits trying to digest what I had just seen. I would have stayed through another showing if I could but I was with someone who would have walked if I would have agreed. There were a lot of people who walked out which isn't surprising considering where I live. I had zero expectations going into the movie other than some vague marquee suggestion it would be Die Hard-ish and that expectation was crushed literally in the first 5 seconds. I can't say enough(or very well) about how truly incredible it was to see Sin City without any inkling or hint of what was coming. This was my #1 movie theater viewing experience. I'm sure this is the reason why Sin City ranks so highly on my best movies list. So yeah, I liked it. Link to post Share on other sites
speedz99 145 Posted December 12, 2010 Share Posted December 12, 2010 Yeah, a lot of the viewing experience is all about expectations. The Matrix blew me the **** away because I had no idea what was coming...all I knew was that there were some new special effects techniques, I hadn't even read a review. The Blaire Witch Project was a snoozefest because I had heard way too much hype, basically knew what to expect, etc. Link to post Share on other sites
digitalmonkey 929 Posted December 12, 2010 Share Posted December 12, 2010 I'm Still HereIt can not be overstated how good of an actor Joaquin Phoenix is. He's incredible. It's a huge shame that it was leaked that this was a hoax, it would be much more powerful (especially the mis-directed ending) if the viewer thought it was real.The scene where they go to Puff Daddy's recording studio is hilarious. The first song they play for him is great, and everyone is like "wow, that's great."... and then all the other songs sound like a high school band. Sooo awesome.It's a shame that it was all set up.The balls is took for JP to make himself a laughingstock is incredible. And so rare among elites with a lot to lose.I loved it. sorry if I'm repeating myself. It's a Saturday night and I want to go see a movie with my woman. I'm in a small town with two theaters that have 3 screens each. We go to the first theater, look at the marquee and don't see anything. We may as well go to the second theater to see the other options. We drive across town and five minutes later see this on the second theaters Marquee, "Frank Miller's Sin City Starting Bruce Willis"Under that main listing we see a movie that looks bad and also some kids cartoon, can't remember the animated movie, but my now ex-wife isn't into kids movies so that was out. Frank Miller didn't register in my mind because I've never read any of his graphic novels and I'm horrible with names and such. But the name Bruce Willis rang out because he can play a decent action hero. ACTION HERO! This coupled with the title Sin City held great appeal on a night that I was going to the movies just to go. From the first scene I was blown away and the movie only got better. I couldn't believe this movie wasn't on my radar in any way. I was completely hypnotized by every shot....every single shot. After the movie, I was still firmly planted in my seat through most of the credits trying to digest what I had just seen. I would have stayed through another showing if I could but I was with someone who would have walked if I would have agreed. There were a lot of people who walked out which isn't surprising considering where I live. I had zero expectations going into the movie other than some vague marquee suggestion it would be Die Hard-ish and that expectation was crushed literally in the first 5 seconds. I can't say enough(or very well) about how truly incredible it was to see Sin City without any inkling or hint of what was coming. This was my #1 movie theater viewing experience. I'm sure this is the reason why Sin City ranks so highly on my best movies list. So yeah, I liked it.^^^^^Stuff like this is why I keep returning to this thread. Link to post Share on other sites
El Guapo 8 Posted December 13, 2010 Share Posted December 13, 2010 Yeah, a lot of the viewing experience is all about expectations. The Matrix blew me the **** away because I had no idea what was coming...all I knew was that there were some new special effects techniques, I hadn't even read a review. The Blaire Witch Project was a snoozefest because I had heard way too much hype, basically knew what to expect, etc.Ya, that is interesting. When I saw the Blair Witch Project I saw it on opening night. I knew very little, in line for the movie I overheard some people talking about a documentary "special" that was on the kids who made the film and that they still hadn't found them or something like that.While watching the movie I was going back and forth between fake documentary/real documentary. So I really enjoyed it. Once I looked into it the next day it was confirmed fake, but one hell of a marketing campaign. Link to post Share on other sites
JubilantLankyLad 1,957 Posted December 13, 2010 Share Posted December 13, 2010 Ya, that is interesting. When I saw the Blair Witch Project I saw it on opening night. I knew very little, in line for the movie I overheard some people talking about a documentary "special" that was on the kids who made the film and that they still hadn't found them or something like that.While watching the movie I was going back and forth between fake documentary/real documentary. So I really enjoyed it. Once I looked into it the next day it was confirmed fake, but one hell of a marketing campaign.I went into District 9 under the impression that it was some sort of documentary about Apartheid. That definitely changed my viewing experience - I was very confused. Link to post Share on other sites
Mercury69 3 Posted December 13, 2010 Share Posted December 13, 2010 The Girl WIth The Dragon TattooKind a of a cyber-punk thing, which isn't bad. The story arc appears to be built to accomodate a trilogy and I knew this, so I wasn't execting all ends to be neatly tied up. Basically, it's about a framed reporter and a punky hyper-intelligent girl who "team" up to solve a mystery or two. Story was fairly good, involving Nazis and serial killers, and the actors were pretty decent, esp the girl. Some pretty graphic scenes of violence may disturb some.The main problem I had, along with my viewing partner, is that we don't have a wide-screen TV, so the subtitles were embedded in the picture instead of the black bar along the bottom. This was a drag, as some of the words got lost in the images. Nothing that caused us to lose track of the story.All in all, it was def worth the time spent. The "girl" kicks major ass...7.5/10 Link to post Share on other sites
dapokerbum 0 Posted December 13, 2010 Share Posted December 13, 2010 The Girl WIth The Dragon TattooKind a of a cyber-punk thing, which isn't bad. The story arc appears to be built to accomodate a trilogy and I knew this, so I wasn't execting all ends to be neatly tied up. Basically, it's about a framed reporter and a punky hyper-intelligent girl who "team" up to solve a mystery or two. Story was fairly good, involving Nazis and serial killers, and the actors were pretty decent, esp the girl. Some pretty graphic scenes of violence may disturb some.The main problem I had, along with my viewing partner, is that we don't have a wide-screen TV, so the subtitles were embedded in the picture instead of the black bar along the bottom. This was a drag, as some of the words got lost in the images. Nothing that caused us to lose track of the story.All in all, it was def worth the time spent. The "girl" kicks major ass...7.5/10The books are cool too.Watched Due Date over the weekend.Zach Galifinakas (sp) is just plan awkwardly funny, but I really hate Robert Downey jr. I'm not sure why, but he just gets on my nerves. The movie was mildy funny but in no way is it a must see in the theater. Link to post Share on other sites
ajs510 122 Posted December 13, 2010 Share Posted December 13, 2010 Watched Due Date over the weekend.Zach Galifinakas (sp) is just plan awkwardly funny, but I really hate Robert Downey jr. I'm not sure why, but he just gets on my nerves. The movie was mildy funny but in no way is it a must see in the theater.I have no issue with either actor, but I thought the writing on Due Date was really weak. I thought some of the physical comedy was funny but the jokes and the dialog didn't get me to laugh even once that I remember. Definitely not a must-see in the theater. Link to post Share on other sites
frautotenkinder 1,025 Posted December 13, 2010 Share Posted December 13, 2010 I went into District 9 under the impression that it was some sort of documentary about Apartheid. That definitely changed my viewing experience - I was very confused.I thought so much of District 9 was about aliens (in terms of nationality) and poverty. Link to post Share on other sites
JubilantLankyLad 1,957 Posted December 13, 2010 Share Posted December 13, 2010 I thought so much of District 9 was about aliens (in terms of nationality) and poverty.Oh, absolutely. I guess I inferred the themes correctly. But not the backdrop... Link to post Share on other sites
frautotenkinder 1,025 Posted December 13, 2010 Share Posted December 13, 2010 Easy AI really liked it. Emma Stone is so likeable and real on the screen, I wanted to spend more time with her. It's only a 90 minute movie, and even at that the plot gets a little lost, but I still really liked it. A-TeamBad. Not good. No there there. Not even so bad-it's-good. I was surprised to see at Rotten Tomatoes the A-Team was at 47%, while The Expendables was at 41%. No way, bub! The Expendables has Stallone! And Rourke! and moooorrrreee. Link to post Share on other sites
Skeleton Jelly 2 Posted December 13, 2010 Share Posted December 13, 2010 Easy AA-TeamDid you do that on purpose? Link to post Share on other sites
frautotenkinder 1,025 Posted December 14, 2010 Share Posted December 14, 2010 Did you do that on purpose?No, I wish!There were three movies I was interested in watching this weekend:No Country for Old MenGirl Who Played With FireEasy ASo, I stayed a little on track. Link to post Share on other sites
speedz99 145 Posted December 14, 2010 Share Posted December 14, 2010 I thought so much of District 9 was about aliens (in terms of nationality) and poverty.Nah, it was just about extraterrestrials and the cool weapons they'd bring to Earth. Link to post Share on other sites
ShakeZuma 585 Posted December 14, 2010 Share Posted December 14, 2010 Nah, it was just about extraterrestrials and the cool weapons they'd bring to Earth.yeah I'm not sure how she missed that. watched knocked up last weekend. first time I saw it I liked it but didn't really care. then recently I've been watching freaks and geeks which I love now and decided to go back and watch some more aptow stuff. I really like this movie a lot now. plus, you know, paul rudd. <3 Link to post Share on other sites
GWCGWC 83 Posted December 14, 2010 Share Posted December 14, 2010 Not a movie but I just started the tv series Undeclared and it's worth watching. Link to post Share on other sites
dapokerbum 0 Posted December 15, 2010 Share Posted December 15, 2010 Just watched Scott Pilgrim vs The WorldI actually liked the movie a lot. Although it would have been way better if I would have smoked a HUGE blunt beforehand! Link to post Share on other sites
frautotenkinder 1,025 Posted December 16, 2010 Share Posted December 16, 2010 Just watched Scott Pilgrim vs The WorldI actually liked the movie a lot.Yeah, I really liked this movie a lot. It made me really nostalgic for a certain time and place. Last movie I saw was James L. Brooks new one, How Do You Know. First off, the lack of punctution at the end of that terrible title grates my nerves. I didn't think it was a very good movie, there were one or two sequences that reminded me I was watching a movie by James L. Brooks, but most of the time I felt like I was watching actors recite lines from a page.My favorite Albert Brooks movie is Defending Your Life, and I think of it often. Link to post Share on other sites
king_tanner 84 Posted December 16, 2010 Share Posted December 16, 2010 Grown UpsWell I went into it thinking it was going to be really bad, and it was mildly entertaining. I'm just interested to see what went into writing the script. It was pretty much 4 or 5 guys making fun of each other and their families and the jokes were pretty bad. With that said I was into it for about 45 minutes then watching the rest was a chore. Steve Buscemi stole the show with the zipline scene, and the basketball scene where he is in a full body cast.Chris Rock really needs to be in a movie where he can let loose. He is so bad in almost every movie. The only movie I can remember him being good in was one of the Lethal Weapon's. It was Rated R and he was allowed to be raunchy. I think he is just really bad at acting and needs to be in a role where he is being himself. Link to post Share on other sites
GWCGWC 83 Posted December 16, 2010 Share Posted December 16, 2010 I liked his crack head character in New Jack City. Link to post Share on other sites
brvheart 1,756 Posted December 19, 2010 Share Posted December 19, 2010 True Grit.Awesome. Link to post Share on other sites
ShakeZuma 585 Posted December 19, 2010 Share Posted December 19, 2010 Restrepo.Scary and while I've never been a soldier, utterly believable as accurately depicting life as one. This is what Hurt Locker wishes it had been.just watched this (it's on netflix instant watch). some heavy, heavy shit right here. damn good documentary. Link to post Share on other sites
Governator 54 Posted December 20, 2010 Share Posted December 20, 2010 The TownWas very good movie. I haven't seen Affleck's other movie he directed Gone Baby Gone but after seeing this I think I'll give that one a shot next.I did have one minor issue with the movie. Personally I think it would've unfolded better if Claire noticed the tattoo on the back of James' neck, or recognized either of their voices. It was disappointing that the FBI had to reveal everything to her, I it would've been more satisfying if she was able to piece it together herself. Link to post Share on other sites
El Guapo 8 Posted December 20, 2010 Share Posted December 20, 2010 Both movies I watched this weekend had subtitles, that's probably a first.Ip man - I watched this on a recomendation from Super Jon in the netflix thread. I thought it was really good. Some of the best and most realistic Kung Fu scenes that I can remember seeing. I looked up the the real Yip Man and apparently they took a lot of liberties with this movie. One of the things was IRL he was addicted to opium and started his kung fu schools to fund his addiction. He also trained Bruce Lee. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo I think I remember seeing someone talk about the rape scene before, did not realize there were effectively 3 rapes scenes. Can anyone who read the book explain the custodian thing to me? Where did the money come from, who was it that she burned alive in that car?I really thought it was a well written movie. I wish the girl was more attractive...or attractive at all. The scenes where she was naked made me cringe. She is what I would think Pink looks like naked, but even uglier. Link to post Share on other sites
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