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Reminscing About A Bankroll Lost

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This is gross sick. I've never quite drank enough that I don't remember what I did. I think it's a bit scary.
You, sir, have not lived.I once made close to 1000 on party while blacked out.I've also blown like 4k on online blackjack. Damn you bodog!
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OMG good read, but that REALLY sucks!That is why I am inventing the Poker Site BreathalizerEDIT: The breathalizer will still let you rail chat tho...
I've thought about this as well. I'd definitely buy one if someone makes it before I do.
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This is gross sick. I've never quite drank enough that I don't remember what I did. I think it's a bit scary.
Seriously? How old are you?Cause lately, I forget stuff almost every time. Granted, not the whole night, but definitely bits and pieces.
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[X] Amazed you were too drunk to remember what you did, but apparently, not drunk enough to forget your password.
saved password
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I think it's funny though all these reply's about drinking, it was funny in that he brought a chick home drunk and decided to play poker instead.When it comes to drinking remember: binge responsibily......... ...or... throw caution to the wind and dare the consequences of your actions to catch up to you.

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I dunno..... sounds like you had a somewhat memorable time and didn't suffer any bodily harm. Could have been a lot worse. You have a life story. Perhaps not something to be proud of, but then we have all been there. Laugh at it, chalk it up to experience and move on.Oh yeah... recall it every now and then chuckle and share it with friends.

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Clay Aiken, is there life on other planets??
Before this question can be answered, we first must be sure we answer the question "What is life" and "Do I know it when I see it??" And as I pondered this question, behold a vision permeated my weary eyes. Calypso, ruler of the underworld, rose from his throne in the sea and called my name with a bellow that would tear the skin from your bones if it hadn't been stitched there by the handcrafted love of a thousand angels before time itself began. And as the echo from his mighty shout reverberated through the Universe sending the souls of men hiding wherever shelter could be found, I turned my gaze towards this, my newest nemesis. Staring straight into his heartless eyes, I purred my latest lullaby into his ears, with the words handed to me from the Creator of the Universe in trust, cooing softly "It's nice to believe in nice things, and wonderful to believe in wonderful things. But it's the very best thing to believe in the very best things." At this Calypso writhed in agony, as the beauty in the Universe was wrung from each pore and coalesced and condensed into that single moment in time. With Calypso defeated, I walked away, knowing that my battle was done for the day, but was it done forever?? I turned to my bluebird friend and said "What say you??" He just grinned with his jubilant eyes beaming and whispered softly "I love you." This I truly and honestly believe!! Wonderful!!
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OMG good read, but that REALLY sucks!That is why I am inventing the Poker Site BreathalizerEDIT: The breathalizer will still let you rail chat tho...
LOL.......I'd buy one !
This is gross sick. I've never quite drank enough that I don't remember what I did. I think it's a bit scary.
Didn't you go to college ?
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LOL.......I'd buy one !Didn't you go to college ?
I went to college.....I just puke before I black out. Everyone reacts to drinking differently. My wife is a blackout drinker. Sometimes we play put the night back together.....i could definitely implant some memories if I felt like it.fwiw, saved password = bad.....kind of defeats the purpose of password protection.
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So I blew through a 5 figure bankroll in epic fashion once, and I was just reminded of the story so I'll write it up. This was about a year and a half ago.I had deposited $700 on UB on a Monday. I won their $109 $9,000 guaranteed tournament twice in consecutive days, and before I knew it I was sitting on $6k. I played a bunch of super satellites for their Aruba tournament, won some $500 seats, and got about $1500 in T$ for that which I promptly turned into something like $2000 real money. Voila, $8k bankroll in 4 days.The next 4 or 5 days, I played a mixture of 5/10 limit, 10/20 limit, and 1/2nl, and I found myself up to $11,000 by the following Wednesday. Sweet, right? Let's have a party!Thursday night, a bunch of my friends come over. Pizza, beer, wine, shots, shots, shots... more shots... oh gosh I can't see. Okay, time to go out!More tequila, more tequila. Pound a bottle of champagne when I come home with the girl. Continue to be blacked out and wake up the next morning with a wicked hangover.Order some chinese food, boot up the computer to play some poker, and my UB account says $0. What? What the ****?I call UB and say, "what the **** happened to my money?""Uh, you played.""What? No I didn't..."So they sent me hand histories. I was playing 50/100, 100/200 HU LHE and capping every hand I could. Sure, I won some, but peace out $11k./end of story
Maybe you lucked out and lost it to a superuser and will get a refund in 6 months only after overwhelming proof is presented after months of denials by UB.
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Maybe you lucked out and lost it to a superuser and will get a refund in 6 months only after overwhelming proof is presented after months of denials by UB.
You sir are king of the optimists, well played.
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I went to college.....I just puke before I black out. Everyone reacts to drinking differently. My wife is a blackout drinker. Sometimes we play put the night back together.....i could definitely implant some memories if I felt like it.fwiw, saved password = bad.....kind of defeats the purpose of password protection.
I only puke while drinking if it's a volume thing......ie shotgunning beers (which I haven't done since college/switching to wine and hard liqour). I'm a puke the next day kind of gal :club: Cardcore..............that is a painful tale
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I went to college.....I just puke before I black out. Everyone reacts to drinking differently. My wife is a blackout drinker. Sometimes we play put the night back together.....i could definitely implant some memories if I felt like it.fwiw, saved password = bad.....kind of defeats the purpose of password protection.
On the other hand... I've never puked from drinking.
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