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Dear FTP Forum,I consider myself a very knowledgable poker player but sadly enough i see myself on the losing end a lot more times then i should. In my eyes i played this hand that Im going to be talking about perfectly but thats my opinion. See here goes: I was playing a live cash game 1/2 nothing big bought in for 80 2 hours later I had built up to about 300 in that time which only raised twice in that 2 hours which happened to be AA and QQ both which i was called all the way and had to show and once limped in early position with KK to win a decent pot so great table image for my style of play to pick up some dead pots later on. So heres the hand limp in middle position with K 10 diamonds 5 others in flop comes K 10 5 2 clubs great flop for me but wasnt bout to try anything fancy so i lead out for $15 2 folds next guy reraises to $30 guy behind him calls bb folds. I actually thought at that time that the guy who raised me had like KJ or KQ even and the guy who called had clubs so i decided to make it $90 more I thought that was enought to get the flush draw out and maybe still get a call from KQ so the first guy calls then the 2nd guy folds. The turn comes a 3 hearts no danger here was 100% sure guy doesnt have a set so i push all in about 180 more guy insta calls and turns over K 3 of clubs im still in good shape but now i can get beat by a club and a 3 just 2 more outs wasnt really that worried but then the river was a 3. So is there anything I could do here to stop this? Am i destined to lose all my money here? Did I play it bad? Or do I just have the worst luck in the world.......by the way this kinda stuff happens to me quite often maybe not this bad but i tend to get my money in good with bad results. ANy suggestions?

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Jesus, what can I say about this thread?Please use paragraphs.Please post in Strat.We are FCPBBFIDTS.You played it fine. Open limp less, anyone with a clue should be able to narrow your raising range to like 3 hands. Also, buy in for the max because you want to maximize your profit when you get a good hand. Buying in for 80 at a 1-2nl game is sooo short.

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Krablar is unbeatable. His K3 was suited, which is fake.Are people really this bad at poker that they say "I'm very knowledgable about poker" and then complain about a standard hand like this? You got your money in good, he had a massive draw.BBFIDT MF S

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Jesus, what can I say about this thread?Please use paragraphs.Please post in Strat.We are FCPBBFIDTS.You played it fine. Open limp less, anyone with a clue should be able to narrow your raising range to like 3 hands. Also, buy in for the max because you want to maximize your profit when you get a good hand. Buying in for 80 at a 1-2nl game is sooo short.
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Dear FTP Forum,but sadly enough i see myself on the losing end a lot more times then i should. In my eyes i played this hand that Im going to be talking about perfectly but thats my opinion. See here goes: I was playing a live cash game 1/2 nothing big bought in for 80 2 hours later I had built up to about 300 in that time which only raised twice in that 2 hours which happened to be AA and QQ both which i was called all the way and had to show and once limped in early position with KK to win a decent pot so great table image for my style of play to pick up some dead pots later on. So heres the hand limp in middle position with K 10 diamonds 5 others in flop comes K 10 5 2 clubs great flop for me but wasnt bout to try anything fancy so i lead out for $15 2 folds next guy reraises to $30 guy behind him calls bb folds. I actually thought at that time that the guy who raised me had like KJ or KQ even and the guy who called had clubs so i decided to make it $90 more I thought that was enought to get the flush draw out and maybe still get a call from KQ so the first guy calls then the 2nd guy folds. The turn comes a 3 hearts no danger here was 100% sure guy doesnt have a set so i push all in about 180 more guy insta calls and turns over K 3 of clubs im still in good shape but now i can get beat by a club and a 3 just 2 more outs wasnt really that worried but then the river was a 3. So is there anything I could do here to stop this? Am i destined to lose all my money here? Did I play it bad? Or do I just have the worst luck in the world.......by the way this kinda stuff happens to me quite often maybe not this bad but i tend to get my money in good with bad results. ANy suggestions?
I consider myself a very knowledgable poker player ....... i tend to get my money in good with bad results <---- these two statements contradict each otherDon't get all your money in on such a draw heavy board, let the river come down and then put the money in. We are poker players, not gamblers.You could have played this hand alot better, if you check it to the river and then get raised you know your 2 pairs are no good, this is what you have to do when you are as unlucky as you say you are, and I believe you bro. Sounds like you do have the worst luck in the world so try to get most of your money in on the river from now on, can't get drawn out on that way.Sincerely,Your friends here at FTP poker
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Dear FTP Forum,I consider myself a very knowledgable poker player
but sadly enough i see myself on the losing end a lot more times then i should. In my eyes i played this hand that Im going to be talking about perfectly but thats my opinion. See here goes: I was playing a live cash game 1/2 nothing big bought in for 80 2 hours later I had built up to about 300 in that time which only raised twice in that 2 hours which happened to be AA and QQ both which i was called all the way and had to show and once limped in early position with KK to win a decent pot so great table image for my style of play to pick up some dead pots later on. So heres the hand limp in middle position with K 10 diamonds 5 others in flop comes K 10 5 2 clubs great flop for me but wasnt bout to try anything fancy so i lead out for $15 2 folds next guy reraises to $30 guy behind him calls bb folds. I actually thought at that time that the guy who raised me had like KJ or KQ even and the guy who called had clubs so i decided to make it $90 more I thought that was enought to get the flush draw out and maybe still get a call from KQ so the first guy calls then the 2nd guy folds. The turn comes a 3 hearts no danger here was 100% sure guy doesnt have a set so i push all in about 180 more guy insta calls and turns over K 3 of clubs im still in good shape but now i can get beat by a club and a 3 just 2 more outs wasnt really that worried but then the river was a 3. So is there anything I could do here to stop this? Am i destined to lose all my money here? Did I play it bad? Or do I just have the worst luck in the world.......by the way this kinda stuff happens to me quite often maybe not this bad but i tend to get my money in good with bad results. ANy suggestions?
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