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Official 2008 Patriots Team Thread

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So uh...45-0 in the first half. Brady throws 5 TD passes in 1 quarter.
Its like 2007 all over again! The only bad thing is that I cann't see the game as Sky Sports (uk coverage) is showing the Seahawks vs Cardinals. Great preparation for coming over the UK. I would have loved to get tickets but my sister selfishly arranged her wedding the same weekend :club:
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despite my early pessimism, the Pats are doing not bad. The AFC East should be won fairly easily however the real test will be against the Colts!

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Just saw the last few minutes of yesterdays game. 2 thinks, should have punted on 4th down and that was clearly a 1st down when they did go for it!Ah well when the Patriots run the score up in the AFC Championship game it will so much sweeter.

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Just saw the last few minutes of yesterdays game. 2 thinks, should have punted on 4th down and that was clearly a 1st down when they did go for it!Ah well when the Patriots run the score up in the AFC Championship game it will so much sweeter.
When you only think about that game then it can rip your heart out...but that game was not the end of the season. The Patriots were not eliminated from playoff contention last night. They are not suddenly no-longer in clear control in the AFC east with a fighting chance at the #2 seed and a bye.One could almost argue that this loss was good for them as the pain of last night may provide a little extra motivation when they play again. Also, for the rest of this year when they have a team down in the 2nd half you can be sure that they will not be taking their foot off their opponents throat.With that said, I really hope they destroy the Jets next week, and then end the Saints perfect season in 2 weeks.
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You guys may have lost the game, but you've gained a fan. I'm officially on the Patriots bandwagon. I started gravitating towards them when they in 2007 when they were running up the score on everyone, and now it's official. I love BB's aggressiveness on 4th down, in the face of NFL convention. Now that the bears are out of it, I'm throwing my support behind the patriots. Belichick is god.

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