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Take her to a movie. Before the previews start, say "Look, I don't know what your rules are, but I don't make out during the movie. If you want to make out with me we have to do it during the previews or at the credits at the end OK?" Then she'll laugh or just stare blankly at you. Then say "I'm just kidding you know". She'll say "Yeah, I know". Then you say "Yeah, I'll make out during the movie, thats fine.....just let me finger nail extract the milk dud and popcorn remnants from my teeth first"
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There is some of the worst advice ever (and it was given seriously) in this thread. I swear, some days, I cannot figure out how the human population continues to grow. (Just leave it alone, OK?)
Reminds me of the move Idiocracy
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first off...LOVE the Major League reference!I just read all 7 pages and FFS you are RoyalTOUR....Fred would be ashamed if he wasn't in chinaland. and no one not one Swingers reference...you are ROYAL TOUR you are so fucking money it's not funny!and ray....teddy did bribe you, with his mom!Mitch are you going to be out there still in April. I am thinking of booking a weekend trip for my bday

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It's like you go to the beach. You go down to the water. It's a little cold. You're not sure you want to go in. There's a pretty girl standing next to you. She doesn't want to go in either. She sees you, and you know that if you just asked her her name, you would leave with her. Forget your life, whoever you came with, and leave the beach with her. And after that day, you remember. Not every day, every week... she comes back to you. It's the memory of another life you could have had. Today is that girl.

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seriously dude, just read "The Game " ...you'll finish it in about 2 days then ask her out.
bah,, i got game. and I think i'm decent enough looking. But this chick is smoking. shes got like a sweetheart face. jennifer love hewitt type. and shes about 5'3 maybe 105-110 pds and killer ass with probably almost C cup tatas.dude, shes Hot.. thats all i'm gonna say..anyways, the update is i chatted for like 20 seconds with her, shes a new waitres.. but while i was trying to work some magic some stupid kid kept cutting in to try and work his shit too.
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bah,, i got game. and I think i'm decent enough looking. But this chick is smoking. shes got like a sweetheart face. jennifer love hewitt type. and shes about 5'3 maybe 105-110 pds and killer ass with probably almost C cup tatas.dude, shes Hot.. thats all i'm gonna say..anyways, the update is i chatted for like 20 seconds with her, shes a new waitres.. but while i was trying to work some magic some stupid kid kept cutting in to try and work his shit too.
all i gotta say is lol
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bah,, i got game. and I think i'm decent enough looking. But this chick is smoking. shes got like a sweetheart face. jennifer love hewitt type. and shes about 5'3 maybe 105-110 pds and killer ass with probably almost C cup tatas.dude, shes Hot.. thats all i'm gonna say..anyways, the update is i chatted for like 20 seconds with her, shes a new waitres.. but while i was trying to work some magic some stupid kid kept cutting in to try and work his shit too.
and said kid is not in gutter wtf
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bah,, i got game. and I think i'm decent enough looking. But this chick is smoking. shes got like a sweetheart face. jennifer love hewitt type. and shes about 5'3 maybe 105-110 pds and killer ass with probably almost C cup tatas.dude, shes Hot.. thats all i'm gonna say..anyways, the update is i chatted for like 20 seconds with her, shes a new waitres.. but while i was trying to work some magic some stupid kid kept cutting in to try and work his shit too.
that c0ck blocking son of a b1tchkeep spitting your game RT, and jennifer love hewitt types are the best!
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picking up females who work in the service industry while they are working is pretty much next to impossible to do. they have heard it all before in at least three languages. you are going to need to come off in some way that will make you different from all the other people. a cute one liner will not work. i think your best chance is just to walk up to her and be like hey, im around here a lot and i've noticed you and i'd like to get to know you better, wanna go have a drink when you get off?

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bah,, i got game. and I think i'm decent enough looking. But this chick is smoking. shes got like a sweetheart face. jennifer love hewitt type. and shes about 5'3 maybe 105-110 pds and killer ass with probably almost C cup tatas.dude, shes Hot.. thats all i'm gonna say..anyways, the update is i chatted for like 20 seconds with her, shes a new waitres.. but while i was trying to work some magic some stupid kid kept cutting in to try and work his shit too.
I'm in vegas in 2 weeks, I may need to check this girl out to confirm this blasphemy. What poker room?
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The only time I had success with a smokin hot waitress was when I was on Comp for a back injury. 3 of us would hang out and buy them shooters all night and tip huge. Finally after we tricked them into believing we were rich they asked us to stay after closing. That girl could drink me under the table. My other 2 friends ended up marrying the 2 waitresses while I dated Shani for 6 months. Good times, good luck with this one.

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The only time I had success with a smokin hot waitress was when I was on Comp for a back injury. 3 of us would hang out and buy them shooters all night and tip huge. Finally after we tricked them into believing we were rich they asked us to stay after closing. That girl could drink me under the table. My other 2 friends ended up marrying the 2 waitresses while I dated Shani for 6 months. Good times, good luck with this one.
dont give him false hope plzthx
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bah,, i got game. and I think i'm decent enough looking. But this chick is smoking. shes got like a sweetheart face. jennifer love hewitt type. and shes about 5'3 maybe 105-110 pds and killer ass with probably almost C cup tatas.dude, shes Hot.. thats all i'm gonna say..anyways, the update is i chatted for like 20 seconds with her, shes a new waitres.. but while i was trying to work some magic some stupid kid kept cutting in to try and work his shit too.
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Just walk up and say "nice shoes, wanna fu#@ ?"
This is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO true. How many guys make shoe comments to chicks? Little story...My wife is a shoe-o-phile, so after 15 years of shadowing her through Neiman and Nordstroms, etc. I have a bit of that metro shoe thing in me through osmossis.Well one night at Bellagio a very attractive Asian waitress just busting her butt, and gettting harrassed, etc. and just getting slammed with orders.She made her way over to our table. I didn't even order anything but I noticed she had on , not just sneakers but some insanely cool looking sneaker type shoes. Very different, not sure what they were. So I lean back as if to order something, she never looks at me, and I say "wow...verrrrry cool shoes". Her head snapped around and she suddenly had this HUGE grin on her face. Dude, if I was single (or a cheating type) it was so GAME ON after that for the rest of the night. She never left me alone. I never asked for a drink but she was bringing me beer after beer anyway. Then it morphed into suggesting different things and just bringing them over, all kinds of weird stuff, and NEVER would take any of my tips. Not one. She was smiling, chatting, and touching my neck, tapping my shoulder, etc. It got a little uncomfortable, and I even told Steve and Tony about it...they were laughing in my face. I have been out of the game a long time, and maybe this is common knowledge to most of the young single swinging diks, but I gotta tell ya....at the risk of sounding very crude...the way to a shot at the "hey-nano-nano" is through the shoes man.
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This is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO true. How many guys make shoe comments to chicks? Little story...My wife is a shoe-o-phile, so after 15 years of shadowing her through Neiman and Nordstroms, etc. I have a bit of that metro shoe thing in me through osmossis.Well one night at Bellagio a very attractive Asian waitress just busting her butt, and gettting harrassed, etc. and just getting slammed with orders.She made her way over to our table. I didn't even order anything but I noticed she had on , not just sneakers but some insanely cool looking sneaker type shoes. Very different, not sure what they were. So I lean back as if to order something, she never looks at me, and I say "wow...verrrrry cool shoes". Her head snapped around and she suddenly had this HUGE grin on her face. Dude, if I was single (or a cheating type) it was so GAME ON after that for the rest of the night. She never left me alone. I never asked for a drink but she was bringing me beer after beer anyway. Then it morphed into suggesting different things and just bringing them over, all kinds of weird stuff, and NEVER would take any of my tips. Not one. She was smiling, chatting, and touching my neck, tapping my shoulder, etc. It got a little uncomfortable, and I even told Steve and Tony about it...they were laughing in my face. I have been out of the game a long time, and maybe this is common knowledge to most of the young single swinging diks, but I gotta tell ya....at the risk of sounding very crude...the way to a shot at the "hey-nano-nano" is through the shoes man.
wowtrue F*cking story.great one too
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