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Wpt Legends Of Poker

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Thanks. I feel a bit rusty right now. I might play some online tourneys to get back into the swing of things.
uh oh... you can't just stick to dominating live poker?? now you have to take over the internet too? :club: gl this weekend to all you ballers
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GL, Steve!

Best of luck you guys.We'll be there in a few weeks for the CA Championships. Can't wait!
And you too, Scottie!!
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Don't forget his middle name.......Seven.GL to everyone playing.
SUSAN: Steve Seven Stud? You're serious?GEORGE: Yeah. It's a beautiful name for a boy or a girl...Susan scoffs.GEORGE: ...especially a girl. Or a boy.SUSAN: I don't think so.GEORGE: What, you don't like the name?SUSAN: It's not a name. It's a number.GEORGE: I know. It's Mickey Mantle's number. So not only is it an allAround beautiful name, it is also a living tribute.
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gl to all FCPers playing, should have a good turn out...whooooo wants 2nd?

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I feel like I can't trust you anymore Steve. I read your first post, and I thought "Oh, neat-o", but then I realized that this is probably just another pathetic attempt at you trying to hoodwink us. I did some research, and it behooves me to inform everyone that his con job is continuing unabated. That means he has not yet abated his con job. If you're anything like me, you would have interpreted the OP to mean, "come, play some poker with me, enjoy yourselves, let's have a good time my fellow FCP members. Also, everything is free." But everything is not free. Why didn't you tell us this, you dirty scumbag? Do you think it's funny that I left my job in a fit of bliss, grabbed the first flight to California, and with unadulterated glee demanded a seat for this tournament, only to be shattered into a million tiny pieces, metaphorically speaking. Imagine my surprise when I was informed that it would cost me upwards of $10,000. Probably a direct deposit into Steve7Stud's bank account no doubt, which will likely fund his ongoing battle against freedom and to pay scientists to stop working on their cures for cancer and to instead focus on making more accurate guns designed specifically for killing the snowy owl.You nauseate me.And when you say "Wanted to wish everyone else who is playing from this site good luck. Not sure who is playing yet.", you probably meant "I hope you all do poorly, and I know EXACTLY WHO IS PLAYING." I don't know how that last part makes you a bad person yet, but I'll figure it out.

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I feel like I can't trust you anymore Steve. I read your first post, and I thought "Oh, neat-o", but then I realized that this is probably just another pathetic attempt at you trying to hoodwink us. I did some research, and it behooves me to inform everyone that his con job is continuing unabated. That means he has not yet abated his con job. If you're anything like me, you would have interpreted the OP to mean, "come, play some poker with me, enjoy yourselves, let's have a good time my fellow FCP members. Also, everything is free." But everything is not free. Why didn't you tell us this, you dirty scumbag? Do you think it's funny that I left my job in a fit of bliss, grabbed the first flight to California, and with unadulterated glee demanded a seat for this tournament, only to be shattered into a million tiny pieces, metaphorically speaking. Imagine my surprise when I was informed that it would cost me upwards of $10,000. Probably a direct deposit into Steve7Stud's bank account no doubt, which will likely fund his ongoing battle against freedom and to pay scientists to stop working on their cures for cancer and to instead focus on making more accurate guns designed specifically for killing the snowy owl.You nauseate me.And when you say "Wanted to wish everyone else who is playing from this site good luck. Not sure who is playing yet.", you probably meant "I hope you all do poorly, and I know EXACTLY WHO IS PLAYING." I don't know how that last part makes you a bad person yet, but I'll figure it out.
I just got home from a long session. This post almost went over my head........Truly genius. You made me smile sir. Free of charge.
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SUSAN: Steve Seven Stud? You're serious?GEORGE: Yeah. It's a beautiful name for a boy or a girl...Susan scoffs.GEORGE: ...especially a girl. Or a boy.SUSAN: I don't think so.GEORGE: What, you don't like the name?SUSAN: It's not a name. It's a number.GEORGE: I know. It's Mickey Mantle's number. So not only is it an allAround beautiful name, it is also a living tribute.
haven't read the whole thread, but this is the winner.MarkEdit: dammit just read Rod's comment. Ok, he wins.
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I feel like I can't trust you anymore Steve. I read your first post, and I thought "Oh, neat-o", but then I realized that this is probably just another pathetic attempt at you trying to hoodwink us. I did some research, and it behooves me to inform everyone that his con job is continuing unabated. That means he has not yet abated his con job. If you're anything like me, you would have interpreted the OP to mean, "come, play some poker with me, enjoy yourselves, let's have a good time my fellow FCP members. Also, everything is free." But everything is not free. Why didn't you tell us this, you dirty scumbag? Do you think it's funny that I left my job in a fit of bliss, grabbed the first flight to California, and with unadulterated glee demanded a seat for this tournament, only to be shattered into a million tiny pieces, metaphorically speaking. Imagine my surprise when I was informed that it would cost me upwards of $10,000. Probably a direct deposit into Steve7Stud's bank account no doubt, which will likely fund his ongoing battle against freedom and to pay scientists to stop working on their cures for cancer and to instead focus on making more accurate guns designed specifically for killing the snowy owl.You nauseate me.And when you say "Wanted to wish everyone else who is playing from this site good luck. Not sure who is playing yet.", you probably meant "I hope you all do poorly, and I know EXACTLY WHO IS PLAYING." I don't know how that last part makes you a bad person yet, but I'll figure it out.
This HAS to be the winner!
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SUSAN: Steve Seven Stud? You're serious?GEORGE: Yeah. It's a beautiful name for a boy or a girl...Susan scoffs.GEORGE: ...especially a girl. Or a boy.SUSAN: I don't think so.GEORGE: What, you don't like the name?SUSAN: It's not a name. It's a number.GEORGE: I know. It's Mickey Mantle's number. So not only is it an allAround beautiful name, it is also a living tribute.
My parents were numerlogists.
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I feel like I can't trust you anymore Steve. I read your first post, and I thought "Oh, neat-o", but then I realized that this is probably just another pathetic attempt at you trying to hoodwink us. I did some research, and it behooves me to inform everyone that his con job is continuing unabated. That means he has not yet abated his con job. If you're anything like me, you would have interpreted the OP to mean, "come, play some poker with me, enjoy yourselves, let's have a good time my fellow FCP members. Also, everything is free." But everything is not free. Why didn't you tell us this, you dirty scumbag? Do you think it's funny that I left my job in a fit of bliss, grabbed the first flight to California, and with unadulterated glee demanded a seat for this tournament, only to be shattered into a million tiny pieces, metaphorically speaking. Imagine my surprise when I was informed that it would cost me upwards of $10,000. Probably a direct deposit into Steve7Stud's bank account no doubt, which will likely fund his ongoing battle against freedom and to pay scientists to stop working on their cures for cancer and to instead focus on making more accurate guns designed specifically for killing the snowy owl.You nauseate me.And when you say "Wanted to wish everyone else who is playing from this site good luck. Not sure who is playing yet.", you probably meant "I hope you all do poorly, and I know EXACTLY WHO IS PLAYING." I don't know how that last part makes you a bad person yet, but I'll figure it out.
This is so funny, I just abated MY con job.
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JC, Looshle, and myself have been at the Commerce playing cash games for a week; we will probably all play the main event.
what limits are you guys mostly playing? GL to all of you in the main event.
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I feel like I can't trust you anymore Steve. I read your first post, and I thought "Oh, neat-o", but then I realized that this is probably just another pathetic attempt at you trying to hoodwink us. I did some research, and it behooves me to inform everyone that his con job is continuing unabated. That means he has not yet abated his con job. If you're anything like me, you would have interpreted the OP to mean, "come, play some poker with me, enjoy yourselves, let's have a good time my fellow FCP members. Also, everything is free." But everything is not free. Why didn't you tell us this, you dirty scumbag? Do you think it's funny that I left my job in a fit of bliss, grabbed the first flight to California, and with unadulterated glee demanded a seat for this tournament, only to be shattered into a million tiny pieces, metaphorically speaking. Imagine my surprise when I was informed that it would cost me upwards of $10,000. Probably a direct deposit into Steve7Stud's bank account no doubt, which will likely fund his ongoing battle against freedom and to pay scientists to stop working on their cures for cancer and to instead focus on making more accurate guns designed specifically for killing the snowy owl.You nauseate me.And when you say "Wanted to wish everyone else who is playing from this site good luck. Not sure who is playing yet.", you probably meant "I hope you all do poorly, and I know EXACTLY WHO IS PLAYING." I don't know how that last part makes you a bad person yet, but I'll figure it out.
I insited that quite a few people I know read this. We all laughed out loud, literally. You honestly have a career in writing. Kudos!
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Steve Stud, I think.
I've seen some of his movies...Good luck, Steve, Looshle, JC and HoosierAlum!Also, RodReynolds reached ShimmeringWang/BeansnIcewater levels with that post. Keep up the goot werk.
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Do they ever hang out with Tom Cruise?
Tom Cruise is a Scientologist, I didn't know he was a Numerologist.After reading Rod Reynolds thread carefully, I realized that it would be unfair to play in the WPT Legends. He's right, I now know who is going to play. He shed light on my evil plan, and now I must find darkness once again.In all seriousness, I did decided to unregiester for the WPT this weekend. I was lucky that I got my money back. Some of my friends cancelled their buy ins as well for different reasons than mine.I honestly don't feel like playing. I'm having a great time playing cash games. My girlfriend is starting her vacation today, and I would like to go away this weekend. I never got around to working on my tourney game online. I just don't feel inspired to play the event to be.One thing that I am a firm believer in, is that you should play when you feel like playing and when you consider yourself to be a pretty big favorite. At least in your own mind. Right now, I am focused on playing cash games, and I'm not in tourney mode. That might sound silly. But when I do something, I want to give it 100%. If I played this event, I would not be going in with the right frame of mind. So I made a last minute decision not to play.I do want to wish JC, Jared, Al, and Hoosier the best of luck. Hopefully one of them wins this thing.Gl guys, tid.Steve
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Tom Cruise is a Scientologist, I didn't know he was a Numerologist.After reading Rod Reynolds thread carefully, I realized that it would be unfair to play in the WPT Legends. He's right, I now know who is going to play. He shed light on my evil plan, and now I must find darkness once again.In all seriousness, I did decided to unregiester for the WPT this weekend. I was lucky that I got my money back. Some of my friends cancelled their buy ins as well for different reasons than mine.I honestly don't feel like playing. I'm having a great time playing cash games. My girlfriend is starting her vacation today, and I would like to go away this weekend. I never got around to working on my tourney game online. I just don't feel inspired to play the event to be.One thing that I am a firm believer in, is that you should play when you feel like playing and when you consider yourself to be a pretty big favorite. At least in your own mind. Right now, I am focused on playing cash games, and I'm not in tourney mode. That might sound silly. But when I do something, I want to give it 100%. If I played this event, I would not be going in with the right frame of mind. So I made a last minute decision not to play.I do want to wish JC, Jared, Al, and Hoosier the best of luck. Hopefully one of them wins this thing.Gl guys, tid.Steve
I think this happens all too often amoung young players.. WE play even when we don't want too.. I've gotten better at not playing when I don't feel like it but when you aren't on top of your game and you decide to play poker you just become Willy Wonka and the Spew factory... I commend you for pulling out sir.
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