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I Want To Try Lsd

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bunch of god damn druggies.this thread really takes me back. its been a real long time since I've done any hallucinogens, but believe you me I've had my share. there was one summer where pretty much every weekend me and a bunch of friends would split a sheet (not all the way, I don't have that many friends). that was good times. I always enjoyed being in nature during a trip. didn't really care to be around a bunch of people usually, unless it was at a show (ie phish or widespread). I spent many a night talking to a tree. they're good listeners.
indeed they are
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indeed they are
if you didn't have a boyfriend I would totally hit on you over the internet. and succeed. back to acid, one of my most memorable moments of any drug/alcohol/party type thing was one time I was tripping with a bunch of people, decided to get away from everybody, went to one of my buddy's vehicles and put on a widespread cd, and love tractor came on and it rocked so freaking hard. don't really know how to explain it any more than that, but it was good times.riding around a pond in a jon boat is fun too.
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I think the best time I had dosing was during our annual canoe trip. It was almost always a nice lazy river so it was very low stress. The worst was when me and roomie were both working a saturday night in the liquor store and seriously miscounted the drop time. Had to work the last hour (always the busiest) with it coming on strong and the boss decided to show up. Toooo much neon to concentrate on the register. We had to drink in the parking lot after work for an hour or two just to chill out and get giggly again.

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So what happens during the trip?Like is it a state of euphoria? Explain further.
The best trip I took was a transluscent blue square. I was a roadie for a band that was playing a Battle of the Bands at the Washington Ave. Armory. The same building where Phil Jackson coached early in his career with the Patroons. Forty minutes after dropping one square, I was sitting with the drummers girlfriend, and I told her to look at how the squares on the wall were shading black to grey. She told me those were windows. As I walked to the bathroom, the yellow, blue, red and green lines on the gymnasium floor were all crossing each other and writhing like snakes. In the bathroom, the walls of the stall were melting along with the toilet. The intense visuals lasted for approx two hours and the effects were still felt six hours later. Some acid contains strychnine, which makes you grind your teeth, not fun. But some good advice has already been given by a few others, have some liquids, some weed and just enjoy the ride.
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Ok, I take it back about not doing more than an eight. I guess it's a personal preference thing.I always found that putting them on food just prolonged the agony. I always just choked them down as quickly as possible.
Yep. It's really not that bad though. I've found that most of it is mental. If I sit and think for several seconds about how bad they're going to taste they taste 10x worse than if I just shove them in my mouth and chew really fast.
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You can take 1/2 a hit when trying LSD for the first time if you're nervous about the experience.I would put shrooms in my beer. Sometimes I'd see little worms floating around.Sex while on acid is awesome. Even when a vampire is watching. Well, it was a plant not a vampire but I didn't realize that until about 8 hours later.

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You can take 1/2 a hit when trying LSD for the first time if you're nervous about the experience.I would put shrooms in my beer. Sometimes I'd see little worms floating around.Sex while on acid is awesome. Even when a vampire is watching. Well, it was a plant not a vampire but I didn't realize that until about 8 hours later.
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Sex while on acid is awesome. Even when a vampire is watching. Well, it was a plant not a vampire but I didn't realize that until about 8 hours later.
ok gross on the worms in the beer...Your story reminded me of another funny thing that happened to a classmate on acid.My Junior year in highschool my 4th period class was split for lunch, we went to class for 25 min, 45 min lunch and back for another 25 min of class. One day my friend and I got back to class about 5 minutes early and the classroom was still locked up. Sitting right outside of the doorway was a girl from our class who looked like she was crying. She was sitting there with her head between her knees and hands on top of her head rocking back and forth and weeping.We didn't know her very well so we just left her alone, but the teacher didn't when he got there to unlock the door. He leaned down and asked her what was wrong, and she scared him when she grabbed his arm and yanked him close and asked him to help hide her from the arch angels of hell that were coming to get her. Were of course sitting there saying what the fuck is she talking about??? She went on to say that on her way back into school she saw these two evil angels waiting for her at the entrance and she ran around the side of the building and snuck back to the class. The teacher took her to the nurse, turns out she dropped 4 hits of acid before class and it started kicking in as we went to lunch. Later we realized that the two arch angels she claimed she saw were a couple statues outside the school, they were nothing menacing in anyway but when your having a bad trip who knows what they might have appeared as.
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You can take 1/2 a hit when trying LSD for the first time if you're nervous about the experience.I would put shrooms in my beer. Sometimes I'd see little worms floating around.Sex while on acid is awesome. Even when a vampire is watching. Well, it was a plant not a vampire but I didn't realize that until about 8 hours later.
Good thing your gal wasn't on her period or that plant would have shoved you aside, like an altar boy without a crucifix.
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Shrooms are great. I've done them a few times but the last time I did it I definitely had a bad trip. I didn't have a clear mind, was around "friends" whom I hadn't known very long and wasn't the most comfortable around either. They weren't bad people, they just weren't my closest friends. I ate a little less than an 1/8th and was great for the first few hours, but after that I started feeling like I was someone in a crack house and the only reason I was there was to score drugs and get my fix since everybody was very messed up on various shit. I let the shrooms control me, started thinking I was a low life drug addict, and ended up flushing almost a 1/4th of weed down the toilet. Bad times.Each time before that one was great. Just really make sure you are around people you trust and are comfortable around. I definitely shoulda smoked some weed the last time but I was so freaked out that I was too scared to. Never done acid before. I don't mind the taste of the shrooms because it is just dry with no flavor really. Just don't smell them. The first time I did shrooms, I swear my roommate and I back in college laughed for 3 straight hours at anything and everything. Our stomachs were so cramped up from having such a good time. It was back when Napster was huge and free on the college internet connection. We listened to tunes all night and would go out on a drive in the neighborhood behind campus with 2 other buddies who were smokers. We packed up the bong in a backpack along with a bottle of water so we could fill it up. A couple bong hits later each, we would come back and just repeat the same process over and over.Edit: My roommate and I who were doing shrooms did not drive. I don't recommend doing that. It just doesn't seem possible, nor safe. We let the other pot heads drive. At least you can't get pulled over for speeding that way, lol.

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I'd rather do 100 hours of community service then try LSD
Good drugs are not for dumb people, good choice. Though, it still would be fun to drop a ten strip in your drink and watch you wig.
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put me on the "Don't try it" side.But, I can't speak from experience on anyhting but alcohol.And I'm cool with that.
I'm happy for you that you're cool with not doing any serious drugs...to each his own. That said, what gives you any sort of confidence that you should be giving someone else advice about something you've never done? Is there any particular reason why you think he shouldn't try acid once for the experience?
I always enjoyed being in nature during a trip. didn't really care to be around a bunch of people usually, unless it was at a show (ie phish or widespread). I spent many a night talking to a tree. they're good listeners.
I love you. I really do.I also love phish and widespread (or used to and now just enjoy them occasionally)...and have also spent many hours talking to trees. They aren't just good listeners, they have their own stories to tell.
i actually lost my virginity while i was tripping....
Go on...
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I'm happy for you that you're cool with not doing any serious drugs...to each his own. That said, what gives you any sort of confidence that you should be giving someone else advice about something you've never done? Is there any particular reason why you think he shouldn't try acid once for the experience?
Do you need to try crack to advise someone not to do it? LSD is not as bad, but it's considered a Class A drug for a reason.
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Good drugs are not for dumb people, good choice. Though, it still would be fun to drop a ten strip in your drink and watch you wig.
I guess that I'm not smart enough to be a hippie. Oh well... :club:
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