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Everything posted by Canuckickstan

  1. I became a fan during last years WSOP, and he's from Canada, so am I. Coincidence ?He seems like the kind of guy who you could hang out with and have a few beers. He would leave with all your money, but oh well.... Hey Royal. Change from the current avatar and I will have to hunt you down and hold you down while Ron does his thing !! :eh:
  2. One time I had a str8 flush and the poor bastard across from me had the A high flush. I felt bad for him as I took all his chips.
  3. "I just won $100,000 !!" I hear as I walk into the 7-11 from a guy holding a WPT scratch and win lottery card. He looks across the counter at me and asks"4 of a kind beats a straight right?" I ask if the straight is also a flush and he re-examines the card and says "Yes I won $100,000" So I said "Sorry man, your quads no good" and leave the poor guy almost in tears at the counter still trying to collect his money. Now that's a bad beat !! On the other hand, I was happy that I was able to use my poker knowledge in a real life situation.
  4. Phil and Tiger Woods are long lost brothers.
  5. Congrats man. 4 years and counting here. Hows that saying go, Women-Can't live with them....
  6. ivey fan sucks a lot of limitless things. he's got no gag reflex Your current avatar made my shorts move !! :twisted:
  7. I get the feeling if Royal played in the NFL, he would play for Green Bay or Cleveland !
  8. OK, I voted for you. Now, one of us should be in American Idol, get to boink Paula and with the help of FCP win the thing. I can't sing, but have great rhythm !!
  9. Any other questions?How did you come up with a name like Big Poppa Dump? Really, I'd like to know. Am I the only one who noticed the AVATAR !!Welcome back avatar !
  10. I hope DN isn't pitching for a site that won't allow canadians. I tried to register and they told me to get lost !
  11. Obviously everything from the net is bogus !!
  12. I was in a game last night where 1 guy was always raising on the button, so I look down at duece's in the big blind and push. I was hoping he wouldn't call, but he had A Q offsuit so he calls. And the board, AJ7 Q, River a 2. Suckout !! One of my donkier moments that turned out good. Is donkier a word ?
  13. Yea... Happy Birthday. I like your avatar, it looks like it would be as much fun to play with as mine!! (or more)
  14. when Joe Carter hit the Home run for the Jays to win the world series back to back..awesome! I remember that like it was yesterday. We were at our favorite bar naming shooters after him. The "hitem harder joe carter" Pretty sure I got laid that night.
  15. Remember when everyone thought Royal Tour's avatar was his girlfriend?lol. how about when 80% of the male posters PM'ed me thinkin it was a pic of myself.[/ Not you ? Sorry about that. Please have judge remove restraining order. (sauce too)
  16. Me too, I'm hungry for poker on tv and enjoy watching the pro's interact with each other. Like when Todd Brunson called Freedy Deebs a terorist. Classic !!
  17. Damn, I need a better avatar. Pam Anderson maybe ?
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