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doyle brunson and crew cheap?

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no reason a pro cant take a rack of 5 dollar chips and throw them at the dealer when they win a pot, these guys blow their nose on 5 dollar bills.
and they snort with 100s :wink:
must make it hard to pay for lap dances with 5's covered in snot and 100's covered with blow...
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I'd really like to hear Daniel or Josh or any other pro who reads this thread's take on it. I mean those two are obviously big time winners at the poker table but what about guys who need to live off all their winnings? Should they have to tip too, even when it could be the different between making and not making rent over the course of a month?To address the original poster I DEFINATELY, DEFINATELY don't think anyone should discourage others from tipping the dealers. That's just rude, none of their business and has no bearing on the game.

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From what I've heard, the dealers just rotate around the floor, and the big game is just another one of their tables.  Also, most dealers don't like dealing the big game because the don't get tipped as well as at the lower limit games, and the players get really p*ssed if they make any mistakes.
not only if the dealers make mistakesthe high limit players (not all) also blame the dealers for bad beats. they throw cards, swear at the dealers, and so on. its funny how they dont mention this stuff on the wpt shows. I have witnessed dealer abuse from both ends, and there is no need for it.
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My Super Chinese family has taught me on how to be cheeep to the max. 10% tips at restaurants, I probably wouldn't tip a dealer if I got BAD BEATS!! </bill fillmaff>
I just fell out of love with you :wink: :club:
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If you play in a B&M casino, tip.  If you dont want to tip, play in home games or online.I'm pretty suprised to hear that Brunson or other pros dont tip.  I dont think it would cut into the money they win that much at all.  They dont have to tip $200 or something insane for every hand they win.  For a high limit like that maybe they should just bring some $5 chips along soley for the purpose tipping.  Most people tip way too much at the low limit tables (3/6 and others).Does anyone have any information about the big game where the limits are really high?  Is there tipping in that game, or is the dealer just paid at a higher rate?  Just curious.
I tip on monster pots.Bottom line is it should be the casinos responsibility to pay the dealers their wages.
dont come and play where I deal thancasinos pay dealers minimum wagethere is NO ONE hated more than stiffs in las vegas, trust me
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read somewhere that they use $1 chips for this game for security purposes, then just write cheques for winnings and losings.  no source on that though.
that's only when they take the game on the road. Daniel wrote about that in one of his blogs. He said that Gus acted as the banker on the time that he mentioned. It was also that night when he popped the stuck for a million cherry. To those who said if you don't want to tip a dealer then play at home, please. If you are caring about your bottom line then don't tip, its not mandatory. I also get angry when people bitch about a player not leaving extra after they win a tourny like John Stolzman or Arnold Spree. Money is taken out of the purse to begin with and unless ad money starts to get included in prize purses and the players themselves are paying the entire purse then you can do whatever you want with your own $$$, you earned it and noone has any right to judge
thanks, wasn't sure.and i encourage people to tip the guy who transfers your calls. great example, because thats what i've been sitting here doing for the last 4 hours and haven't gotten a single tip from you cheap bastards. :wink: daniel
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I think the notion of tipping for every hand that you win is absurd.If i wanted to donate money to someone, casino dealers would hardly be the first one's in line. That's essentially what it is; charity. There's no moral imperative on you to compensate them for flipping over a bunch of cards above and beyond what you're paying in the form of a rake. They make plenty of money for a profession that is essentially unskilled labour, if not from the hourly wage, then from the overly generous tips that they receive from recreational gamblers who want to impress everyone with their generosity. On the other hand, i rarely give less than 15% tips at restaurants, even if the server messes up; so long as they were making an effort to do everything right. Given that there arent many who wave their financial penis when sitting at the local diner by tipping $5 for every plate that gets delivered to the table, I feel giving them money is better justified.This is coming from someone who is considering dealing at a local casino for the summer.

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I think the notion of tipping for every hand that you win is absurd.If i wanted to donate money to someone, casino dealers would hardly be the first one's in line.  That's essentially what it is; charity.  There's no moral imperative on you to compensate them for flipping over a bunch of cards above and beyond what you're paying in the form of a rake.  They make plenty of money for a profession that is essentially unskilled labour, if not from the hourly wage, then from the overly generous tips that they receive from recreational gamblers who want to impress everyone with their generosity.  On the other hand, i rarely give less than 15% tips at restaurants, even if the server messes up; so long as they were making an effort to do everything right.  Given that there arent many who wave their financial penis when sitting at the local diner by tipping $5 for every plate that gets delivered to the table, I feel giving them money is better justified.This is coming from someone who is considering dealing at a local casino for the summer.
when you get in the box and deal I hope you get stiffedthen come back and post
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We're talking about making money for a living for people, to give extra money away every time you win a pot seems a little outragious. Lets say you see 30 hands an hour, over time, maybe average 2.5-3 won pots per hour, playing 40 hours a weekSay you work 50 weeks out of the year, 5000 pots a year, playing for 20 years... 100,000 pots in the 20 year span... im not going greatly into this, put tipping a dollar per pot, you'd be giving up somewhere around $100,000 over 20 years, you're giving up alot of income there IMHO

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I think the notion of tipping for every hand that you win is absurd.If i wanted to donate money to someone, casino dealers would hardly be the first one's in line.  That's essentially what it is; charity.  There's no moral imperative on you to compensate them for flipping over a bunch of cards above and beyond what you're paying in the form of a rake.  They make plenty of money for a profession that is essentially unskilled labour, if not from the hourly wage, then from the overly generous tips that they receive from recreational gamblers who want to impress everyone with their generosity.  On the other hand, i rarely give less than 15% tips at restaurants, even if the server messes up; so long as they were making an effort to do everything right.  Given that there arent many who wave their financial penis when sitting at the local diner by tipping $5 for every plate that gets delivered to the table, I feel giving them money is better justified.This is coming from someone who is considering dealing at a local casino for the summer.
when you get in the box and deal I hope you get stiffedthen come back and post
I second that, I'm a dealer and theres nothing more frustrating than to see someone hit a miracle river card, double up, and then stiff your ass, only to see them toke the cocktail waitresses a few bucks a drink! Some people are just cheap I guess, and other people just cant stand the fact that a dealer might make more than them.
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theres nothing more frustrating than to see someone hit a miracle river card, double up, and then stiff your ass,So if you deal the river to someone to give them that miricle should the person you screwed never tip you? Or even berade you?After all, you think since you did something to give them that card you deserve a reward... So if you screw someone else shouldnt they have the right to complain to you and yell at you? No? Well then they shouldnt have to tip you just because you gave them the card..I tip, its not like I dont, but im not gonna toss money away every time I get a pot

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In Johnny Chan's book he advocated tipping only skilled dealers doing their job well but keep in mind that tipping in low limit games can eat significantly into profits. Can't say if he practices what he preaches though.

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You guys are so cheap. Dont you get it, these dealers barely get payed at all from the casinos. You can say it is unskilled labor and that any idiot could do it but when that dealer turns the river card over before the player has called the bet and it has to get pulled off the board, I guarantee your cheap ass will be crying about how the stupid dealer cost you the pot because he didn't pay attention to what was going on. In some card clubs in Dallas(my hometown)dealers work off tips exclusively. The excuse that your playing for a living and cant afford any extra expenses is absurd, paying the person to deal the game is a business expense of playing cards for a living, or I suppose you could just rotate the deck and get about 60% as many hands in an hour. And the rake does not pay for the dealer, that pays for your table, your chips, the casino your playing in, the omviance of your setting. I dont see how someone so unwilling to sacrifice a few bucks could possilby have the courage and gamble it takes to win consistently in any higher limit game.

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Oh here you go dealer, have some of my money. Why you ask? Well obviously because you DID YOUR F.UCKIN JOB. Oh well of course all professions don't get tips, but because the casino is being mean to you, I am required to give you some of my money I live off, duh!? lolz??!! Think about it, someone is going to win EVERY hand, damn 5 bucks a hand... 30 hands an hour even, well thats um 150 measily bucks an hour, damn that does suck, I should probaly give you more. Hey do your job cause thats what you are payed to do, and I'm sorry but its not my job to pay you. If I feel it is neccesary to tip you, I will, get your hands out of my wallet you bitch, why don't you go tip a McDonalds person, I bet there job is harder then yours, nobody is b.itching for them.

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the dealers in the bellagio big game all make over 100k a year, there is no rake taken from the pots, they pay 10 an hour for the table and tip on top of that when they leave. when there is a dealer dealing and greenstein takes a beat he makes them bring in a new dealer and deck.

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What in God's name are you guys talking about? Are y'all really that ignorant. Sorry to seem harsh, but tipping poker dealers in casinos is standard, customary, frequent and common- get a clue. Over 95% of players in all B&M cardrooms tip their dealers. Its how the dealers make a living. Tipping is just part of the game.Yes, pros are trying to make a living, but so are the dealers. Both sides understand this. Toking the dealers is just an equitable way of doing business.Get a clue, really.

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I think it's up to the individual really and I see just about everyone tip, how much is another thing. I think dealers should be more professional about it though and stop complaining. I'm always hearing about dealers getting stiffed and this and that, I mean it's not like the dealers would care much if you went broke, so they shouldn't expect you to care if they get stiffed a few times, but they complain anyways. You chose this profession, so you should know how it works, your going to get rewarded sometimes and stiffed othertimes, that's life. You shouldn't expect handouts or in other words everybody to tip you huge. Also, some dealers just plain suck and can be real annoying to have run your game from not burning cards, misdeals, side pot errors and etc etc. With that said, if your going to play professionally, you need to be watching how much you tip and not be giving away too much, because it can really add up. At the same time, you shouldn't stiff someone for no reason, I think just being reasonable and giving what you feel is proper should do the trick.

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Im not saying they shouldnt be tipped, im saying if i'm trying to earn a living, im not tipping them EVERY hand. Its customary to tip? That doesnt mean crap, he's doing his job.Ok, I see a janitor mopping the floor, and he isnt paying attention and forgets to leave a "wet floor" sign up. someone might walk by and fall due to this error, I might get up and make a comment "jeez, pay attention" or "you should really put up a wet floor sign" IMO that is the equivilant of a dealer screwing up on the river and someone making a comment, I wouldnt make a comment, some people would, I know it happens, im not gonna yell at the dealer or the janitor. Now, a dealer does his job, someone wins money and they have to give him extra money out of their earnings. If i'm at my office, getting paid to work, and see a janitor mopping the floors, doing a good job, im not gonna go and sacrifice some of my paycheck because he's doing well.

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You guys are so cheap. Dont you get it, these dealers barely get payed at all from the casinos. You can say it is unskilled labor and that any idiot could do it but when that dealer turns the river card over before the player has called the bet and it has to get pulled off the board, I guarantee your cheap ass will be crying about how the stupid dealer cost you the pot because he didn't pay attention to what was going on. In some card clubs in Dallas(my hometown)dealers work off tips exclusively. The excuse that your playing for a living and cant afford any extra expenses is absurd, paying the person to deal the game is a business expense of playing cards for a living, or I suppose you could just rotate the deck and get about 60% as many hands in an hour. And the rake does not pay for the dealer, that pays for your table, your chips, the casino your playing in, the omviance of your setting. I dont see how someone so unwilling to sacrifice a few bucks could possilby have the courage and gamble it takes to win consistently in any higher limit game.
Really? Hmmm, perhaps the rake should just be raised and then the dealers salary would not be left up to interpretation.When I first began playing, I tipped dealers regularly when they would deal me pocket aces or turn over a helpful river card. However, after awhile I flopped a set and lost the pot to a runner runner straight. You know what the "cheap ass" dealer gave me? Nothing. He could say that he's just trying to make a living and that he doesn't owe me anything, but I guarantee his cheap ass will be crying after I spike a chip right between his eyes the next time my bad fortune goes unpaid.
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i read somewhere that something like 63% of $50 bills have traces of blow on themnot sure if this is true
I read somewhere that 70% of statistics quoted in conversation are made up.
You can probably add an extra 5% when they are quoted on a forum. :-)
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im from the uk and cant really understand why just for doing thier job you tip the dealer, in no other enviorement would you consider it so why in a casino, is it not up to the casino to pay the guys wages? im a roofer and its hard physical work, sitting in a warm room dealing cards isnt, get another job if the pay is cr@p.

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im from the uk and cant really understand why just for doing thier job you tip the dealer, in no other enviorement would you consider it so why in a casino, is it not up to the casino to pay the guys wages? im a roofer and its hard physical work, sitting in a warm room dealing cards isnt, get another job if the pay is cr@p.
i tip dealers i also tip when i go to a restaurant or whatever. i dont mind because i know that these people depend on tips to make a living. im not a cheap monkey
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