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2007 Bellagio Wpt Championship ***update Thread***

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Did Ben Johnson pass the steroid test ?
Not sure but DN should be carefull because Ben Johnson "Cheetah's" all the time!!
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An opponent in Seat 4 raised to 300, Eugene Todd called, and the flop came 10c10s6s. The opponent checked to Todd who bet 500. The opponent called and the turn came 6c. Both players checked and the river came Jh. Seat 4 bet 2k, Todd raised to 7.5k, and Seat 4 moved all in. Todd called and the players showed:Eugene Todd JcJdSeat 4 6d6hThe opponent doubled up with quad 6s and eliminated Eugene Todd.EUGENE TODD BRO! :club:

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Daniel Negreanu Chips UpDaniel Negreanu raises to $500 from UTG+1 and the player in middle position calls. The player in the hijack seat raises to $2000 total. Daniel calls and the middle position player calls behind. The flop is Jd-5h-8c, and Daniel checks. MP bets $2200, hijack folds, and Daniel calls. The turn is the 7c and both players check. The river is the 6c and Daniel bets out $6,000. His opponent calls and Daniel shows 99 for the straight. His opponent flashes KJ as Daniel rakes the pot.Negreanu has about $65,000 in chips.JC is hovering about $50k

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Daniel Negreanu Chips UpDaniel Negreanu raises to $500 from UTG+1 and the player in middle position calls. The player in the hijack seat raises to $2000 total. Daniel calls and the middle position player calls behind. The flop is Jd-5h-8c, and Daniel checks. MP bets $2200, hijack folds, and Daniel calls. The turn is the 7c and both players check. The river is the 6c and Daniel bets out $6,000. His opponent calls and Daniel shows 99 for the straight. His opponent flashes KJ as Daniel rakes the pot.Negreanu has about $65,000 in chips.JC is hovering about $50k
zomg...sucked out like an industrial strength vacuum!, lol. Nice catch.
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Am I the only one thinking the flopp call was a little loose? :club:
Am I the only one thinking that calling a reraise with KJ at this stage of the tourney was a little loose? He got what he deserved. Was a nice suckout though. Go Daniel, JC, etc., etc., and especially Looshle. .2% of 3.9 million would do nicely.
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from P5s live: From early position J.C. "PrtyPSux" Alvarado raised to 500 and Mark Newhouse called from J.C.'s immediate left (the two had to pause their conversation about styles of play at their respective WPT final tables during season 5). Freddy Deeb also called and the flop was 954.J.C. and Mark checked to Deeb who bet 1,500. J.C. called and Mark tossed his hand in. With the 9 on the turn J.C. check called a 3,000 bet from Deeb.The river was the 2 and Alvarado checked to Deeb again. This time Deeb checked behind and J.C. showed the JJ to win the pot.

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not really only one over, and the guy played that like he was a scared bi***
there's a lot of dead money in this event (surprisingly) -- calling 99 on a flop like that isn't bad
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media people were saying JC looked like a rock star, hahaI have a bunch of photos and video, but I can't get it on my computer until I leave the Bellagio. My computer got a wicked virus the night before I left, and I wasn't able to fix it in time for the event or re-install all of the software. big frown ::club::

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media people were saying JC looked like a rock star, hahaI have a bunch of photos and video, but I can't get it on my computer until I leave the Bellagio. My computer got a wicked virus the night before I left, and I wasn't able to fix it in time for the event or re-install all of the software. big frown ::club::
Aww. That sucks. :D Any update on Daniels chip count? All the sites still have him at 61,000.
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The story that card player is saying is that she has gone broke a few times playing poker and was working at a $10/hr job and she used her paycheck for a satellite into the 2K which she won, then she cashed in the $2000 event for like 7K, then she won the $3000 event which also got her a seat into the main event. That's all there is to know about her she hasn't done anything else.
Thanks for the info. Nice story. Gives almost anyone hope.
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