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Fcp Heads Up Championship For The Month Of May

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well I ran good in a short match 3. The first and last matches were kinda ridiculous they way they played out. But I think overall the play was pretty strong. 2-1 cwik.

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bump anyone know when this bracket is getting updated?
cwik already lined you but its in my sig incase you ever need it
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bump anyone know when this bracket is getting updated?
Rogue06-When is good for you to play? I sent you a PM but have to go for a couple hrs. Should be back home by 9:30pm est. If you want you can set up matches starting at 10pm est. If not it's cool. We will figure something out. Peace.
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thats cool, I see it now. Just spell my name right please.
Rogue06-When is good for you to play? I sent you a PM but have to go for a couple hrs. Should be back home by 9:30pm est. If you want you can set up matches starting at 10pm est. If not it's cool. We will figure something out. Peace.
I should be free tomarrow night. You got AIM?
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milton i dont know if u ever even check this but im cancelling for tonight... im tiltin and going to go smoke a blunt with some friends.... soooo if u want to play me later than cool but i figure u will use that weak "tired" excuse again... im me or some ****

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Ive PMed stein but no response
He's at turning stone for the week. he signs on from time to time tho, i will try to get ahold of him if i can. can i let him know when you are available to play?
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He's at turning stone for the week. he signs on from time to time tho, i will try to get ahold of him if i can. can i let him know when you are available to play?
pretty much any time late like after midnight eastern till like 6 am eastern if necessary. thx
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Dubey 2 Qyayqi 1He dominated me in the 1st match, and then I basically got hit in the face with the deck for the duration of the next two matches. I actually made about 8 or 9 straights, and rivered trips with bottom pair on 3 occasions

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Fitz, I've been absolutely busy. Went to a campus far away from here for a few days last weekend. Went to the Brewers game last night and come home to find you're not there to play. I've contacted you early and often and am still ready to go whenever you are.The tired excuse is legitmate, as succeeding in college is a lot more important to me than playing one rounds of heads up poker. I'm all done with classes though, so hit me up on AIM or on here whenever you'd like to play.

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