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Fat Downswing! Need Support

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basically my whole month of march sucks. Ive lost about 30% of my BR and I can't remember the last time i had a solid winning session, let alone a solid break even session. At time I play my best game ever, and still lose. Other times I still play OK and still lose. Ive only tilted a handfull of times, but even then it wasnt very costly. And thank god I placed high in a $50 mtt (8th for 900) otherwise... ugh i dont even want to think about it. Its a good thing i follow strict bankroll management and play way under the limits I should be playing... but still the limits I play at now really hurt me, as I am losing bills and spending money by the day... when what i should be doing is taking care of my current debt. Idk, i guess i just need you guys to tell me that im going to get through this, that there is light at the end of the tunnel and things will get better. it's been a while since ive been on a downswing this bad for this consistent amount of time.

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Been there. Done that.Drop down. Take a break. Play through it.Re-examine your play, make sure you aren't becoming more passive, or too tight, etc.
OMG ZACH SAYS TAKE A BREAK.Seriously its the best thing you can do. We all been there , we all know you want to keep playing to make up your losses as soon as possible. You don't want to lose time cus time is money but its the best thing you can do. Take 2-3 days off. Miss poker. Miss playing good and dominating. Go back playing when you have the right motivation.
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Full Tilt Poker Game #2087864944: Table El Parque - $0.25/$0.50 - No Limit Hold'em - 12:37:02 ET - 2007/03/28Seat 1: BNLUCKY ($47.90)Seat 2: Up_with_Aces ($50)Seat 3: Irrational ($26.95)Seat 4: ontiltsince82 ($35.90)Seat 5: popotito ($19.50)Seat 6: JoshAngulo ($49.45)Seat 7: toedrag27 ($58.70)Seat 8: zinger82 ($73.30)Seat 9: Natethegreel ($127.10)BNLUCKY posts the small blind of $0.25Up_with_Aces posts the big blind of $0.50The button is in seat #9*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Natethegreel [Kd Ah]Irrational foldsontiltsince82 foldspopotito foldsJoshAngulo calls $0.50toedrag27 foldszinger82 foldsUp_with_Aces: I raiseNatethegreel raises to $2.25Up_with_Aces: I raiseBNLUCKY foldsUp_with_Aces raises to $50, and is all inJoshAngulo foldsNatethegreel calls $47.75Up_with_Aces shows [Kh 8d]Natethegreel shows [Kd Ah]*** FLOP *** [5s 8s 9c]*** TURN *** [5s 8s 9c] [Ts]*** RIVER *** [5s 8s 9c Ts] [4c]Up_with_Aces shows a pair of EightsNatethegreel shows Ace King highUp_with_Aces wins the pot ($97.75) with a pair of Eights*** SUMMARY ***Total pot $100.75 | Rake $3Board: [5s 8s 9c Ts 4c]Seat 1: BNLUCKY (small blind) folded before the FlopSeat 2: Up_with_Aces (big blind) showed [Kh 8d] and won ($97.75) with a pair of EightsSeat 3: Irrational didn't bet (folded)Seat 4: ontiltsince82 didn't bet (folded)Seat 5: popotito didn't bet (folded)Seat 6: JoshAngulo folded before the FlopSeat 7: toedrag27 didn't bet (folded)Seat 8: zinger82 didn't bet (folded)Seat 9: Natethegreel (button) showed [Kd Ah] and lost with Ace King highHe gets up from the table.:ehugaments:

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Full Tilt Poker Game #2087864944: Table El Parque - $0.25/$0.50 - No Limit Hold'em - 12:37:02 ET - 2007/03/28Seat 1: BNLUCKY ($47.90)Seat 2: Up_with_Aces ($50)Seat 3: Irrational ($26.95)Seat 4: ontiltsince82 ($35.90)Seat 5: popotito ($19.50)Seat 6: JoshAngulo ($49.45)Seat 7: toedrag27 ($58.70)Seat 8: zinger82 ($73.30)Seat 9: Natethegreel ($127.10)BNLUCKY posts the small blind of $0.25Up_with_Aces posts the big blind of $0.50The button is in seat #9*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Natethegreel [Kd Ah]Irrational foldsontiltsince82 foldspopotito foldsJoshAngulo calls $0.50toedrag27 foldszinger82 foldsUp_with_Aces: I raiseNatethegreel raises to $2.25Up_with_Aces: I raiseBNLUCKY foldsUp_with_Aces raises to $50, and is all inJoshAngulo foldsNatethegreel calls $47.75Up_with_Aces shows [Kh 8d]Natethegreel shows [Kd Ah]*** FLOP *** [5s 8s 9c]*** TURN *** [5s 8s 9c] [Ts]*** RIVER *** [5s 8s 9c Ts] [4c]Up_with_Aces shows a pair of EightsNatethegreel shows Ace King highUp_with_Aces wins the pot ($97.75) with a pair of Eights*** SUMMARY ***Total pot $100.75 | Rake $3Board: [5s 8s 9c Ts 4c]Seat 1: BNLUCKY (small blind) folded before the FlopSeat 2: Up_with_Aces (big blind) showed [Kh 8d] and won ($97.75) with a pair of EightsSeat 3: Irrational didn't bet (folded)Seat 4: ontiltsince82 didn't bet (folded)Seat 5: popotito didn't bet (folded)Seat 6: JoshAngulo folded before the FlopSeat 7: toedrag27 didn't bet (folded)Seat 8: zinger82 didn't bet (folded)Seat 9: Natethegreel (button) showed [Kd Ah] and lost with Ace King highHe gets up from the table.:ehugaments:
That's what I'd like to call a "sh it and run."
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  • 2 weeks later...

We've all been through this. What's your BR and what stakes do you play if you dont mind, because I think I deserve to get an award for most careful bankroll management. I have 320 sit and go's or sometimes 160 when i play 200s. Never played a 500 yet. And for cash games i have about 160 or 80 (but downswings are less then sit and gos) buy ins as well...that's carefull bankroll managemetn.

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Full Tilt Poker Game #2087864944: Table El Parque - $0.25/$0.50 - No Limit Hold'em - 12:37:02 ET - 2007/03/28Seat 1: BNLUCKY ($47.90)Seat 2: Up_with_Aces ($50)Seat 3: Irrational ($26.95)Seat 4: ontiltsince82 ($35.90)Seat 5: popotito ($19.50)Seat 6: JoshAngulo ($49.45)Seat 7: toedrag27 ($58.70)Seat 8: zinger82 ($73.30)Seat 9: Natethegreel ($127.10)BNLUCKY posts the small blind of $0.25Up_with_Aces posts the big blind of $0.50The button is in seat #9*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Natethegreel [Kd Ah]Irrational foldsontiltsince82 foldspopotito foldsJoshAngulo calls $0.50toedrag27 foldszinger82 foldsUp_with_Aces: I raiseNatethegreel raises to $2.25Up_with_Aces: I raiseBNLUCKY foldsUp_with_Aces raises to $50, and is all inJoshAngulo foldsNatethegreel calls $47.75Up_with_Aces shows [Kh 8d]Natethegreel shows [Kd Ah]*** FLOP *** [5s 8s 9c]*** TURN *** [5s 8s 9c] [Ts]*** RIVER *** [5s 8s 9c Ts] [4c]Up_with_Aces shows a pair of EightsNatethegreel shows Ace King highUp_with_Aces wins the pot ($97.75) with a pair of Eights*** SUMMARY ***Total pot $100.75 | Rake $3Board: [5s 8s 9c Ts 4c]Seat 1: BNLUCKY (small blind) folded before the FlopSeat 2: Up_with_Aces (big blind) showed [Kh 8d] and won ($97.75) with a pair of EightsSeat 3: Irrational didn't bet (folded)Seat 4: ontiltsince82 didn't bet (folded)Seat 5: popotito didn't bet (folded)Seat 6: JoshAngulo folded before the FlopSeat 7: toedrag27 didn't bet (folded)Seat 8: zinger82 didn't bet (folded)Seat 9: Natethegreel (button) showed [Kd Ah] and lost with Ace King highHe gets up from the table.:ehugaments:
There's no reason to call an all in preflop with AK in a cash game.
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I think my worst down swing was around 3 months. Bankroll management and a few short breaks kept me from going bustola. Everybody has them, just play the levels you can afford and you'll eventually pull through it.

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Having a similar downswing playing $22's and $33's SNGs on Tilt as well as 6 tabling $50 max. Haven't won a 60/40 in I can't tell you how long. Just trying to ride the shi.tstorm to the finish. Keep your head up, and if you're a winning player it will all turn around for you. I know I've gone through runs like before and I just march onward. Sometimes a break is necessary just to get your head back in the game. Go out, get drunk, get laid. Poker will always be there.

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thx for all the replies and support everyone. and noneck, wow thats a bad beat if ive ever seen one... but i did like the fact that you had the stones to go with your read and call off a buy in with AK, sick read. Lets hug it out ***** ;)As for me, well things still aren't going as optimal as they could be... I'm still trying to figure out how to beat cash games again, with my only success coming from beating lo8 games. Which btw is probably my weakest game next to PLO. But I still can't find a way to consistently beat lhe, nlhe, and 2-7 lowball. Just going to keep at it and plugging away until I find a way too thoughBUT, I did win a small MTT yesterday to increase my BR by about 25% :club:

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thx for all the replies and support everyone. and noneck, wow thats a bad beat if ive ever seen one... but i did like the fact that you had the stones to go with your read and call off a buy in with AK, sick read. Lets hug it out ***** ;)As for me, well things still aren't going as optimal as they could be... I'm still trying to figure out how to beat cash games again, with my only success coming from beating lo8 games. Which btw is probably my weakest game next to PLO. But I still can't find a way to consistently beat lhe, nlhe, and 2-7 lowball. Just going to keep at it and plugging away until I find a way too thoughBUT, I did win a small MTT yesterday to increase my BR by about 25% :club:
nice, post some hands in NL stat, we will have you sorted out quick.
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  • 4 months later...

i came up to this forum because i was searching the internet about this "all in guy" in thehandhistory above. and here is my experience. i still cant believe this hand.the guy played loose and made some pots. so i decided to call his raise and then raisehis next bet. i mean, we dont have to talk about his all in on the river, but damn why he raised 6c 9s? andcalls a raise....with this hand? what are ur thoughts? Full Tilt Poker Game #3389886443: Table Franklin - $0.25/$0.50 - No Limit Hold'em - 12:32:26 ET - 2007/08/28Seat 1: garygambler ($47.75)Seat 2: powerisgood ($52.50)Seat 3: SonicMan555 ($53.20)Seat 4: Up_with_Aces ($55.05)Seat 5: mudriver ($49.50)Seat 6: azabnmp ($20), is sitting outSeat 7: vacman12 ($66.40)Seat 8: foxtrick ($49.20)Seat 9: yonixxx ($60.10)Up_with_Aces posts the small blind of $0.25mudriver has 5 seconds left to actmudriver posts the big blind of $0.50The button is in seat #3*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to foxtrick [Ac Ts]vacman12 foldsfoxtrick calls $0.50yonixxx foldsgarygambler foldspowerisgood has 15 seconds left to actpowerisgood foldsSonicMan555 foldsUp_with_Aces raises to $2mudriver foldsfoxtrick calls $1.50*** FLOP *** [4c 7s 7c]Up_with_Aces bets $3foxtrick has 15 seconds left to actfoxtrick calls $3*** TURN *** [4c 7s 7c] [5c]Up_with_Aces bets $6foxtrick raises to $12Up_with_Aces calls $6*** RIVER *** [4c 7s 7c 5c] [3c]Up_with_Aces bets $38.05, and is all infoxtrick has 15 seconds left to actfoxtrick calls $32.20, and is all inUncalled bet of $5.85 returned to Up_with_Aces*** SHOW DOWN ***Up_with_Aces shows [6c 9s] a straight flush, Seven highfoxtrick mucksUp_with_Aces wins the pot ($95.90) with a straight flush, Seven highfoxtrick is sitting out*** SUMMARY ***Total pot $98.90 | Rake $3Board: [4c 7s 7c 5c 3c]Seat 1: garygambler didn't bet (folded)Seat 2: powerisgood didn't bet (folded)Seat 3: SonicMan555 (button) didn't bet (folded)Seat 4: Up_with_Aces (small blind) showed [6c 9s] and won ($95.90) with a straight flush, Seven highSeat 5: mudriver (big blind) folded before the FlopSeat 6: azabnmp is sitting outSeat 7: vacman12 didn't bet (folded)Seat 8: foxtrick mucked [Ac Ts] - a flush, Ace highSeat 9: yonixxx didn't bet (folded)

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i've had two periods i went through like you describe. they both lasted around 15,000 hands until i swung back up and was winning again. the key to bouncing back i've found is to cut back on your play, drop stakes, figure out where to blame yourself (you have been doing something wrong), and figure out where the cards have just hated you. basically realign your perception of the game with reality.

As for me, well things still aren't going as optimal as they could be... I'm still trying to figure out how to beat cash games again, with my only success coming from beating lo8 games. Which btw is probably my weakest game next to PLO. But I still can't find a way to consistently beat lhe, nlhe, and 2-7 lowball. Just going to keep at it and plugging away until I find a way too though
maybe concentrate on one game. if you can beat lo8 get like $800 onto absolute with rakeback and keep depositing for bonuses and play the 2/4 games there. not the easiest games but if you just break even you are making like $12 an hour playing two tables. if you really want to beat nlhe try buying into games with lots of preflop raising for the minimum (im willing to discuss this more over pm or aim - same name as here).
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