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Your Perception Of Jews?

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I am jewish and where i was raised it was like 40-50% jewish so everyone i encountered at least had met a jew in their life. However since comign to college i realize probably more than half of america has never met a jew first hand. I wear a jewish star now with pride hoping that people who never met a jew will have a positive view of them after meeting me. as poker players seem to be more rational people, i was wondering what this community thinks of jews in general. i probably dont have to say this because it is the internet, but be honest. if you hate us for whatever reasons just say it. i am curious to hear honest opinions.

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I am jewish and where i was raised it was like 40-50% jewish so everyone i encountered at least had met a jew in their life. However since comign to college i realize probably more than half of america has never met a jew first hand. I wear a jewish star now with pride hoping that people who never met a jew will have a positive view of them after meeting me. as poker players seem to be more rational people, i was wondering what this community thinks of jews in general. i probably dont have to say this because it is the internet, but be honest. if you hate us for whatever reasons just say it. i am curious to hear honest opinions.
This post is harming your cause.Just kidding.I think most people judge people as individuals, not as members of a group. People who are members of smaller type groups tend to be more concious of their own status than anyone else. The only time people judge others as "one of those" is if that person insists on pointing out their Jewishness/Born-Again-ness/Trekkie-ness/Gay-ness/etc.
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This post is harming your cause.Just kidding.I think most people judge people as individuals, not as members of a group. People who are members of smaller type groups tend to be more concious of their own status than anyone else. The only time people judge others as "one of those" is if that person insists on pointing out their Jewishness/Born-Again-ness/Trekkie-ness/Gay-ness/etc.
I'm not sure being Jewish is being part of a "smaller type group", but point taken. The truth is anti-semitism has been completely internalized by a lot of people in communities where there is not a significant population. And, it sounds like you are warning the OP that advertising his Jewishness will cause trouble. It's dangerous ground. I don't think that was your intention.
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I'm not sure being Jewish is being part of a "smaller type group", but point taken. The truth is anti-semitism has been completely internalized by a lot of people in communities where there is not a significant population. And, it sounds like you are warning the OP that advertising his Jewishness will cause trouble. It's dangerous ground. I don't think that was your intention.
No, it absolutely was NOT my intention. Basically, I'm saying that very few people I know even think about other people's orientations, whether religious, sexual, hobby, job, etc until that person brings it up. So when OP asks what I think of Jews, my answer is "which one?" I know there is racism, sexism, and all sorts of -isms around -- that is undeniable. But I think people who have been traditionally harassed have a fine line to walk between fearing that -ism against them all the time and ignoring it at their peril. Most people don't have strong "group beliefs", ie, stereotypes, about any particular group; but the people who do have such beliefs need to be carefully avoided.
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I was best friends with two reformed jews in high-school, and part of college, I dunno if they count because they didn't really have any jewish culture about them aside from trying to get out of school for extra holidays. One of them didn't wear deodorant, but i'm guessing that was a hygiene thing and not a jewish thing. Regardless, it was smelly. I'm guessing you see more of a significance in difference of culture from an orthodox jew, but I'm pretty naive to it all.

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I'm not sure being Jewish is being part of a "smaller type group", but point taken. The truth is anti-semitism has been completely internalized by a lot of people in communities where there is not a significant population. And, it sounds like you are warning the OP that advertising his Jewishness will cause trouble. It's dangerous ground. I don't think that was your intention.
This is absolutely true. I grew up in lincoln, nebraska, which has a minuscule jewish population. I remember reading a book in middle school ( I forget the title) that was about jewish immigrants in new york.. and my teacher actually had a jewish family come to our class to speak about jewishness, what it means and ect. Because literally none of us had ever met a jew, that was probably the first jew I ever met. In high school, a number of my red neck class mates started using jew as a pejorative, having much the same meaning as "gay" but also with more traditional anti-semitic undertones, like cheating people out of money ect. It became quite a fad to use jew as an insult. and its usage always made me uncomfortable, as I was a very PC teenager, but it also confused me. I literally didn't know any jews, and neither did any of my class mates, I don't know how they possibly could have anti-antisemitism when the literally didn't know any jews. My mother, on the other hand, is a fundementalist xian, but of the peculiar branch that are highly supportive of jews and isreal. My mother firmly believes that jews are god's chosen people, and we have to do every thing we can to protect them and isreal. The state of Israel can litearlly do no wrong. I do not share my mothers convictions about the politcal state of israel.When I went away to college, I went to Northwestern, which has a very large jewish population, and it's on the north shore of chicago, which also has a very, very large jewish population. So I got to know jews of all stripes, from atheist jews, who considered themselves culturally jewish, and oberved holidays out of a sense of tradition, but were not jews in the religious sense. And I knew orthodox jews, infact I had a orthodox jewish roommate my second year of college ( which caused some strife with me leaving the ligts on a few times on friday night, and coming back very early in the morning with him in the top bunk, his poor head right by the halogen lamp that he couldn't turn off.) Also, the hottest girls at my college were jewish, they were sexy and didnt' tend to be filled with the sex-guilt hangups that a protestant or catholic upbringing will produce. After I left college, and moved to Olympia, Washington, I became friends with a guy, pretty much best friends, who was cultrually jewish, but an atheist, very proud and conscious of his jewish identity. I talked with him a great deal about jewish culture, traditions, politics. I became pretty facinated with the subject, and I learned to make several dishes ( I can make such a sweet Tzimmes with potato knadle, you wouldn't believe it). I even went with him on christmas day to see "Fiddler on the roof" at our local indy movie house, which was presented by the local temple. It was absolutely one of the best xmas's i've ever had ( I hate the holiday), it was like a jewish rockey horror picture show, with people dancing and singing and having a blast. It made me seriously consider converting, not out of religious conviction, but out of a desire to be part of such a fun and rich culture. I respect jewish culture immensely, and how much of a sense of identity and pride jewish people have maintained over thousands of years of living in areas surrounded by people who were hostile to them to various degrees.My friend steve ( the jewish friend I made in olympia) is in a band, and they toured the country, and he called me when he was in lincoln, and he literally couldn't believe the town. He said he's never been in a "Goy-er" place than lincoln, filled with so many jocko "Bros". He is probably right. I am currently living back in Lincoln, and I miss jewish food, cute jewish girls and fiddler on the roof on xmas immensely.
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This is absolutely true. I grew up in lincoln, nebraska, which has a minuscule jewish population. I remember reading a book in middle school ( I forget the title) that was about jewish immigrants in new york.. and my teacher actually had a jewish family come to our class to speak about jewishness, what it means and ect. Because literally none of us had ever met a jew, that was probably the first jew I ever met. In high school, a number of my red neck class mates started using jew as a pejorative, having much the same meaning as "gay" but also with more traditional anti-semitic undertones, like cheating people out of money ect. It became quite a fad to use jew as an insult. and its usage always made me uncomfortable, as I was a very PC teenager, but it also confused me. I literally didn't know any jews, and neither did any of my class mates, I don't know how they possibly could have anti-antisemitism when the literally didn't know any jews. My mother, on the other hand, is a fundementalist xian, but of the peculiar branch that are highly supportive of jews and isreal. My mother firmly believes that jews are god's chosen people, and we have to do every thing we can to protect them and isreal. The state of Israel can litearlly do no wrong. I do not share my mothers convictions about the politcal state of israel.When I went away to college, I went to Northwestern, which has a very large jewish population, and it's on the north shore of chicago, which also has a very, very large jewish population. So I got to know jews of all stripes, from atheist jews, who considered themselves culturally jewish, and oberved holidays out of a sense of tradition, but were not jews in the religious sense. And I knew orthodox jews, infact I had a orthodox jewish roommate my second year of college ( which caused some strife with me leaving the ligts on a few times on friday night, and coming back very early in the morning with him in the top bunk, his poor head right by the halogen lamp that he couldn't turn off.) Also, the hottest girls at my college were jewish, they were sexy and didnt' tend to be filled with the sex-guilt hangups that a protestant or catholic upbringing will produce. After I left college, and moved to Olympia, Washington, I became friends with a guy, pretty much best friends, who was cultrually jewish, but an atheist, very proud and conscious of his jewish identity. I talked with him a great deal about jewish culture, traditions, politics. I became pretty facinated with the subject, and I learned to make several dishes ( I can make such a sweet Tzimmes with potato knadle, you wouldn't believe it). I even went with him on christmas day to see "Fiddler on the roof" at our local indy movie house, which was presented by the local temple. It was absolutely one of the best xmas's i've ever had ( I hate the holiday), it was like a jewish rockey horror picture show, with people dancing and singing and having a blast. It made me seriously consider converting, not out of religious conviction, but out of a desire to be part of such a fun and rich culture. I respect jewish culture immensely, and how much of a sense of identity and pride jewish people have maintained over thousands of years of living in areas surrounded by people who were hostile to them to various degrees.My friend steve ( the jewish friend I made in olympia) is in a band, and they toured the country, and he called me when he was in lincoln, and he literally couldn't believe the town. He said he's never been in a "Goy-er" place than lincoln, filled with so many jocko "Bros". He is probably right. I am currently living back in Lincoln, and I miss jewish food, cute jewish girls and fiddler on the roof on xmas immensely.
great post sir! ur friend sounds alot like me. i am reformed, which by definition takes full advantage of the term autonomy. I have studied jewish laws immensly and this is what currently makes the most sense to me... and yea jewish girls are def. the hottest. really know how to take care of themselves.
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I can honestly say I've never met a jew in my life... What are you guys like? Are all of you funny? seriously, Mel brooks, Jerry Seinfeld, Adam Sandler, Billy Crystal, is there a jew that isn't funny?

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BigD,You have to be careful. Jewish women arent really sexy, they just understand how to control you with their breasts and soon you are buying them stuff AND doing the chores.Obv., I am marrying a shiksa. (in two months!)As a Jewish person, what is my perception of Jews? Simple. 10% of Jews give the other 90% a bad name. Just like every other race. That's how stereotypes start. Although I think we should all agree to declare that everyone likes chicken.

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she is converting and we are raising the kids jewish. she just doesnt come with the jewish upbringing.....but she is still an amazing cook. I feel blessed.edit: full disclosure, she and her parents are atheists. I am an agnostic. we are raising the kids jewish more for my parents than anything.
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BigD,You have to be careful. Jewish women arent really sexy, they just understand how to control you with their breasts and soon you are buying them stuff AND doing the chores.Obv., I am marrying a shiksa. (in two months!)As a Jewish person, what is my perception of Jews? Simple. 10% of Jews give the other 90% a bad name. Just like every other race. That's how stereotypes start. Although I think we should all agree to declare that everyone likes chicken.
Which jews are the 10 percent?
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she is converting and we are raising the kids jewish. she just doesnt come with the jewish upbringing.....but she is still an amazing cook. I feel blessed.edit: full disclosure, she and her parents are atheists. I am an agnostic. we are raising the kids jewish more for my parents than anything.
:D If she is converting, then she is jewish :club: like i said im not observant, but i feel it is our duty as jews to raise our children jewish.
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BigD,You have to be careful. Jewish women arent really sexy, they just understand how to control you with their breasts and soon you are buying them stuff AND doing the chores.Obv., I am marrying a shiksa. (in two months!)As a Jewish person, what is my perception of Jews? Simple. 10% of Jews give the other 90% a bad name. Just like every other race. That's how stereotypes start. Although I think we should all agree to declare that everyone likes chicken.
Fortunately, I'm a masochist. I also find it fascinating how intimately tied in religion, ethnicity and culture are with jewish folks. I was raised baptist, but I am now something close to an agnostic, and I don't feel any cultural connection what so ever to being a baptists, and have no intention of raising my children as baptists. I'd sooner raise them to be jews than to be baptist. So this idea of jewishness being above and beyond religious beliefs to be very foreign and very fascinating. The only thing that I think that compares to it in xianity is catholicism ( Well, possibly some of the orthodox or coptics could be even more like this, but I have little experience with orthodox branches of xianity) I know alot of people who are catholics, who are basically atheists, but still consider them selves culturally catholic ( most of these people I know like this are irish).
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Ever wonder if those 2 are related?
I think there's more of a correlation with catholicism and sado-masochist leanings. And for the record, I'm not really a masochist, I'm a switch. Like baskin robbins, I got 31 flavors.
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I was raised Christian (evangelical-ugh) and I always envied my Jewish friend when I was a kid. I loved going to Temple on Friday night. I'd convert if there wasn't that sticky Messiah/not the Messiah issue. At the wedding we attended this weekend, the groom was Jewish and they did the glass breaking-Mazeltov thing. I love that. I was totally bugging Jeffrey (Whiskey16) who was sitting in front of me about what the traditions mean and whatnot because as he stated later in the evening, he's the "token Jew" of our group. His Hebrewness gets me hot.

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I think there's more of a correlation with catholicism and sado-masochist leanings. And for the record, I'm not really a masochist, I'm a switch. Like baskin robbins, I got 31 flavors.
I think a case could be made for a correlation. I was raised Baptist too and it's a denomination filled with fear and self-loathing.
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I am jewish and where i was raised it was like 40-50% jewish so everyone i encountered at least had met a jew in their life. However since comign to college i realize probably more than half of america has never met a jew first hand. I wear a jewish star now with pride hoping that people who never met a jew will have a positive view of them after meeting me. as poker players seem to be more rational people, i was wondering what this community thinks of jews in general. i probably dont have to say this because it is the internet, but be honest. if you hate us for whatever reasons just say it. i am curious to hear honest opinions.
Really? Is this true? I find that very hard to believe, but, although I have lived in a lot of places in the United States (Chicago, Sacramento, Phoenix, Philadelphia, Columbus, Cincinnati, and Milwaukee), I have never lived in the south and figured this may be true there. The United States does have the largest population of Jewish people in the World at over 5 million according to the American Jewish Comittee from 2005. Everywhere I have lived, I run into a number of Jewish people in business and in my personal life.Was just surprised by that statement. If it is true, it helps to explain alot of anti-semitism. The biggest reason for hatred is ignorance.
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(Chicago, Sacramento, Phoenix, Philadelphia, Columbus, Cincinnati, and Milwaukee)
All major cities. Jews are generally exclusively in major cities(of course there are exceptions). McGee-thats what i personally love about being jewish. I am not observant of the laws, but i still consider myself "religious" (a large distinction in judasim between observant and religous) and I am so proud to be a part of our great culture and history. Nothing compares to being in a random place, meeting a random person, introducing yourself, they see my jewish star and say "mishpacha" (family in hebrew). it is truly special. I wake up every morning and am thankful for being born a jew. That is something no one can ever take away from me.
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I think a case could be made for a correlation. I was raised Baptist too and it's a denomination filled with fear and self-loathing.
I don't think you and I are a high enough sample size. and I haven't really had sex any bapists ( that I know of) Lincoln is largely a methodist and luthern sort of place ( read: vanilla). No wonder you and I get along so famously, btw.. two kinky transwestern( that's what I call north dakota through oklahoma.. not really midwest, not really southern, not really mountain west..) baptist refugees.
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I dont have much time to post here or elaborate but unfortunately my perceptions of Jews is that they are terribly rude and self-serving on most issues. I dont know a better way to say this but Im writing about the yarmulke wearing guys, not the regular dudes who I would never even know they were Jews if they didnt tell me. I know this sounds bad but keep in mind, I live in NYC. <<<< I dont even know what thats supposed to mean there.Gotta run.

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