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Killin' It In Vegas

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OP, this sample is like ridiculously small but great run so far. And you do know it's coming, right? Right?o.k., just so that you know. GL! :club:
yeah, I didn't wanna sound like I was flaming but I thought I'd throw a caution to the wind. If you like LHE you're guaranteed to have a lot of losing sessions. 60/40 win-loss is solid. You know where this is going.GL
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apparently I visited Vegas in the absolute worst week, Dec 11-15th. I see all these trip reports about huge wins at 1/2 NL and in over 25 hours of play, I never even saw a 1k stack.Yes, I realize he was playing limit.Congrats.

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you're shooting yourself in the foot working 60 a week instead of working 40 and playing an extra 20 hours. i totally agree with you that the vacation mentality of the vegas games make them really really easy to beat. you really should get a job that has less hours. you'll make a lot more in the longrun and can put a big enough downpayment on a house that you'll be able to get a mortgage.
Yes, possibly, except you can't get a mortgage as a poker player. I'm staying in my same industry (sales) so my job history doesn't change. Poker is helping us build a BIG downpayment for in about 1.5 years when we buy a house. THEN, we may consider playing for a living. Plus I'm on track to make well over $100k at my job so my hourly rate ($40/hour @ 60 hours a week) is about the same as poker.BELIEVE ME, if I could play poker for a living I would!
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I wish you the best of luck I really do, I just hope your wife doesnt go ape one night and drop a couple buyins at the 5-10NL game
LOL funny thing you're worried about the wrong person. If anyone would be liable to lose a crapload in one session, it would be me. :club: She's probably the most level-headed player ever.that's why she won the WSOP Circuit Event Ladies Championship at Ceasar's Indiana last time the Circuit was there. :D
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Just a question from a casino noob. Is it wise to already go up a level after only 5 playing sessions? I mean... if 8/16 is so easy to make money, why not stay there a bit longer to build up your bankroll some more?
Yes and no... if 8/16 really is THIS easy, then 15/30 won't be TOO much harder, and really I can make a "run at it" using 2 sessions worth of profits from 8/16. If I lose, I stay down, if I win then I just stay up there, risking only the profits from the first session. Nothing wrong with "making a run". Just don't stay there if you get killed! :club:
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Good going. If you seriously think you can beat the games on a consistant basis then why not go "pro?" I mean, if you're making that much more than your day job, the mortgage company doesn't care how you pay the rent on the house you're trying to sell, just that you pay it. Now, at least one of you is going to need to have a normal, full-time gig to get a new home loan but so what? Have the better poker player play for a living while the other one works. That's what me and the fiance do. She has the day job, I contribute with my poker/investment earnings. It works out nice. I actually need a few pointers from a guy like you because I'll be hitting Vegas next month and I need to know where all the soft NL cash games are. I heard the Excalibur is a fish farm and since I'll be staying at that end of the strip, I try 'em. The plan is to pick up a few buy-ins to pay for some tournaments I'd like to play in. We'll see.
Well I didn't give all the details in my OP on my "real" job income. My salary is VERY low ($400/week) but I get commission on top of it and my first commission check will be $9k (for 1 month). And, I don't really know much about this job (this is my first time in mortgage sales). Just imagine what I'll do once I actually learn the industry! The issue isn't the CURRENT mortgage, it's later on when we get a NEW one for a new house.Unfortunately I'm the one that has the 16 years of sales experience, we made a decision a long time ago (13 years ago) that my wife would stay home to raise our kids. No offense to anyone who believes differently, but WE want to raise OUR kids, not let a daycare do it. We went without for a LONG time so she could stay home. Oh, and prety much she's the better player, she just has to get comfortable playing higher than $1/2/NL. She is more consistant, even in NL versus my Limit play. I love NL but my variance is WAY too high.Someone asked before where you can get an $800 mortgage, that's actually BOTH of our mortgages, we financed $80k on a $100k house 8 years ago... 1700sq/ft on a cul-de-sac with a poker room in the basement (we built it), on 1/3rd of an acre. that's in Northern Indiana. Now we're in a 3200sq/ft house in a gated community with a lot that's about 25% the size of our land in Indiana, but no lawn work, no maintenance. Just the $1600/month rent payment.BTW we LOVE Venetian. Rake is $1/hand more but it's SUCH a nicer room. We haven't been to Excalibur since January 2006 but it was soft back then. Red Rock is also a gem off the strip, especially Friday at around 3pm. I hate (as a "local") taking money from "locals", but they all come, cash their checks and go buck wild on Fridays. It's gravy. We also played at MGM, I had a very good session there, dealers are good too.
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to the OP:your last few posts have me feeling you are going to be in for a rude awakening before long.Some things you said that a poker player doesnt say or understands:The rake is a dollar more a hand but the room is nice. First of all I didn't know the Venetian had a higher rake, but if it does, that is not where you want to be playing. Those dollars add up in the long run.Something to the effect of NL being a lot more swingy than Limit and that proving your wife's ability b.c she has less swings Limit has without a doubt much worse swings than No Limit. This isn't even debatable. Between you not understanding this and you getting all amped up about running hot in a few sessions, and you not worrying about the best rake, I doubt you understand poker in the aspect that you probably think you do.I want to play 100 dollar tourney's to break up the monotony of limit hold em Those 100 dollar tourney's usually have bad structure and charge too much juice to really make it profitable. And the most asinine thing you said "I'm not really out to take local's money" Pretty self explanatory and once you get to 15/30 and above, you will be playing the same people (locals) everyday. You will know everyones name and story and should be nice to all of them and try to gut them at the same time. At least 75% of the players will be locals. You will even recognize frequent visitorsgood luck

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I wipe my a$$ with 4 grand... 5 if i'v had chili.
wait..isn't that a quote from the series tilt?i think i watched 4 episodes of that show and i remember that ridiculous line.now we need a rounders quote! gogogo- Jordan
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2 people played 4 sessions and you want to talk smack to "haters"You stupid phucking nub!11!oneone My x-mas vacation was 9 winning sessions in a row. oooooo.. folllowed by a big loss. thats how this lame game works. frig you're stupid

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Here is a quote for Jeremy, if he loses his roll...It hurts doesn't it? Your hopes dashed, your dreams down the toilet. And your fate is sitting right besides you".
Give it time. It's all about variance. I live in Vegas. I had a streak where I didn't lose for 21 straight sessions. Then I didn't book a winner over by next 8. Nobody makes 5BBs an hour over any long term stretch. Be happy that you're winning, but you should probbaly modify the whole "poker is sooooooooooo easy out here" comment. If you don't want to do it now, you will when your luck cools off.
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apparently I visited Vegas in the absolute worst week, Dec 11-15th. I see all these trip reports about huge wins at 1/2 NL and in over 25 hours of play, I never even saw a 1k stack.Yes, I realize he was playing limit.Congrats.
Or maybe you just suck at poker!? :club: j/k
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In online terms,"HAY GUYS!!! I PLAYED 2,000 HANDS AND IM WINNING 9BB/100 I THINK IM GOING TO QUIT MY JOB AND GO PRO LOL!"It's too bad you never hear the follow up threads of the inevitable failure.Would be a good lesson for people who are as delusively optimstic.

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Well I didn't give all the details in my OP on my "real" job income. My salary is VERY low ($400/week) but I get commission on top of it and my first commission check will be $9k (for 1 month). And, I don't really know much about this job (this is my first time in mortgage sales). Just imagine what I'll do once I actually learn the industry! The issue isn't the CURRENT mortgage, it's later on when we get a NEW one for a new house.Talk to your boss about stated income and NINA home loans. There are plenty of loans out there for people without verifiable sources of income. How do you think Mike Matasow borrows against his home?
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NH sir.We pay that for a convertible studio (like a 1br without the door) condo in Chicago. Not counting assessments. But it's a damn good deal around here, lol.
I know what you mean. My wife and I pay $2400/month for a modest house in Massachusetts, and we were able to put $30,000 down on it. I can't wait to get out of the northeast.
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Well I didn't give all the details in my OP on my "real" job income. My salary is VERY low ($400/week) but I get commission on top of it and my first commission check will be $9k (for 1 month). And, I don't really know much about this job (this is my first time in mortgage sales). Just imagine what I'll do once I actually learn the industry! The issue isn't the CURRENT mortgage, it's later on when we get a NEW one for a new house.Talk to your boss about stated income and NINA home loans. There are plenty of loans out there for people without verifiable sources of income. How do you think Mike Matasow borrows against his home?
You can borrow against your home if you have equity in it. Say, you have 200k of equity in your home, I'm sure the bank will lend you approx. that amount of money. If you can't pay, they just take your house.
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