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Occupational Untruths

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i always find i get a negative response from women about poker. i assume the thought process goes poker player > gambler > alarm bellswhat are some of the occupational lies, if any, that you've told instead of telling people you are a professional poker player? and who'd you tell 'em to?i told this girl i worked on the stock exchange on friday, and she told me she was in property. she told me to buy a house in barbados so i got the digits, and will ring and lie some more, and maybe end up buying a house in barbados cos apparently they only cost one stack of high society.

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i always find i get a negative response from women about poker. i assume the thought process goes poker player > gambler > alarm bellswhat are some of the occupational lies, if any, that you've told instead of telling people you are a professional poker player? and who'd you tell 'em to?i told this girl i worked on the stock exchange on friday, and she told me she was in property. she told me to buy a house in barbados so i got the digits, and will ring and lie some more, and maybe end up buying a house in barbados cos apparently they only cost one stack of high society.
Actually...poker player = gambler = idiot loser with no steady income who cant give her any security because he could be broke at any momentAlso, I think shes probably just trying to make a sale man.
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This reminds me of a line in Anthony Holden's book "Big Deal"--a great read in which he takes a year to be a professional poker player back around 1989 or '90. Anyway, there was bit in reference to some pro (maybe Johnny Chan) and about what he had listed as his occupation on some official document and it simply said "importer/exporter." Holden's comment was "of what...other people's money?"

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This reminds me of a line in Anthony Holden's book "Big Deal"--a great read in which he takes a year to be a professional poker player back around 1989 or '90. Anyway, there was bit in reference to some pro (maybe Johnny Chan) and about what he had listed as his occupation on some official document and it simply said "importer/exporter." Holden's comment was "of what...other people's money?"
ye, thats such a good book. think it was jesse alto.and she's not gonna make any money off it. i just asked for advice. and if she is, who actually cares. plus, im not going to buy a godamn house in barbados.so all you fulltimers go ahead and tell everyone you play cards for rent?
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My guess its not that you think you're a real professional poker player.. may be the woman was not interested in your ability to utilize the English language or carry on a coherent conversation. :club:
ironic that this makes little, to no, sense.
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Tell them you're retired.But it tends to sound a bit ridiculous when you're 23. I'm a trader in the money market (i withdraw when rates seem good), im a personal finance advisor (see sig for more detail) and I invest (im buying my own place with the money ive won which will appreciate in value).

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haven't ruled that out.or maybe the fact that you can't even spell 'you're retarded' correctly, indicates that YOU ARE (YOU'RE) the mother****ing retard.
Oh dear... hook, line and sinker.
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Oh dear... hook, line and sinker.
Wow. Just wow. Looks like we have a new sig! I didn't think this guy could be put on the same level as JMoney2681 and TheCorporation3.HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA.That's all I've got.
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Investor, speculator, card player, professional gamerI always try and explain to people that just becuase poker is often played within a casino doesn't mean that there isn't skill involved. It would be a lot easier if poker was only played in stand alone card rooms =p

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haven't ruled that out.or maybe the fact that you can't even spell 'you're retarded' correctly, indicates that YOU ARE (YOU'RE) the mother****ing retard.
My guess... you tell women you work on a top secret project for NASA code name "USS Enterprise", when you have been drinking the job classification switches to "your a Presidential Hom0sexual aide".
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i always find i get a negative response from women about poker. i assume the thought process goes poker player > gambler > alarm bellswhat are some of the occupational lies, if any, that you've told instead of telling people you are a professional poker player? and who'd you tell 'em to?i told this girl i worked on the stock exchange on friday, and she told me she was in property. she told me to buy a house in barbados so i got the digits, and will ring and lie some more, and maybe end up buying a house in barbados cos apparently they only cost one stack of high society.
Women tend to like men who make a lot of money. Perhaps if you were more successful, you'd have more luck.
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Geez Almighty. When you first meet a gal you don't need to tell them what you do. If by chance they ask you what you do, just very cool calm and polite say " I do very well for myself" and smile. Nuff said for now. Charm them gentlemen, don't try to BS them. Save the lying and BS session for when you're drinking with your loser friends later. No wonder so many 25 year olds are still living at home with mom and dad. If you treat a first date like a job interview you'll never get any. Do you carry your resume' to nightclubs in case you meet somebody who interests you? Oh, try letting them talk too. Going on and on about what a great poker player you are is not a conversation.

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I for some reason always imagined that saying that you're a pro poker player would help get chicks, but apparently i'm wrong....rencently when I tell chicks that I play for a living, I get one of 2 responses, either they laugh and dont believe me or tell me that's ridiculous, or they're like "wtf" and then start asking retarded questions like how much you make and stuff. Point is chicks are dumb, you're better off keeping it simple so they dont ask too many dumb questions, I guess if you're actually thinking of dating her you kinda NEED to tell the truth. also, are you serious about the 10k houses in barbados? That'd be sick...

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