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Yet Another Bad Wsop Decision

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Alas there was yet another extremely poor decision today in the main event at The WSOP (but according to my sources this is how it went down).A player goes all in and then calls a clock on another player who is contemplating whether or not to call.The floor person counts down until he gets to the final few seconds.Floor person: 3....2.....1Player says: I CallFloor person: Your hand is dead.Player: Can you call a supervisor.Supervisor comes over and asks dealer and floor person and other players what happened and it is confirmed that the rule is floor person has to say 3...2...1...your hand is dead before the player says I call for the hand to be dead but still upholds the floor persons decision regardless of the fact that everyone agrees player said I call before the floor person says the hand is dead.There are around 300 or so players left at this point and it is a HUGE pot and we are very deep into the biggest poker event ever held and this decision can affect the outcome of the payouts of the players involved rather substantially.After the hand is dead the player asks the first player what he had and he shows him a stone cold bluff and he would have been out with the call.This has to be a BLATANT abuse of the rules...the rule is you have 1 min and 10 secs and NOT 1 min and 9 secs.The player who bluffed has a sponsors cap here. Let us say (and I am not saying this has happened here) but this poor decsiion could have been the result of favouritiwsm to the sponsored player who was bluffing and all in. It brings into question the very integrity of the game and could be a result of collusion between a player and a floor person or favouritism for a particular site.IMO it is an example of a VERY POOR floor person and supervisor decision and none of the other suggestions above but I hope you all get the point.This incident was witnessed by reporters and several spectators not to mention the other players at the table and dealer and is a shocking example of how these bad decisions by inappropriately qualified floor staff is having a significantly detrimental effect on the game.I would be interested to know of the names of the staff members involved along with all the players at the table (I only have some names so far) as this incident imho demands further investigation.

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Well, it's been made clear multiple times that the WSOP staff is subpar. The problem is, how can this be investigated further? Bluff or not, the hand may've held up (assuming there were more cards to come), and any speculation as to whether or not it would've is pointless (unless the player bluffing was drawing dead). Ergo it's probably impossible to determine any monies this may or may not have cost the player; an NGC investigation would probably affect nothing. Potentially insinuating collusion/favoritism is ridiculous at this point, IMO (yes, I'm aware you didn't directly insinuate anything).

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wow that is terrible. how can these morons keep screwing the biggest tournament of all time. this is life changing money these guys are playing for and some inexpirienced floorperson on a power trip is changing the possible outcome. with all of the stories about changing the rules as they go along, people coming back after break missing chips,ect,ect why has the gaming control board not steped in yet. shame on you harrahs

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I dunno why everyone expects the biggest tournament in the world to be run by individuals who are trained proffesionals.
i got itnice
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What the hell is the player waiting for the last second for anyway. seriously, I'm not saying that it's not a messed up situation, and the rules should be followed as written. I'm saying that there is no reason to cut it that close.

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What the hell is the player waiting for the last second for anyway. seriously, I'm not saying that it's not a messed up situation, and the rules should be followed as written. I'm saying that there is no reason to cut it that close.
probably kept doubting himself.. I have no clue what goes on in some of the players heads in the WSOP.
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Was it a close call? Certainly.Was it handled properly?Certainly not.But then this is America; where mediocrity is hailed as genius and people fail upwards.

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I don't even want to satellite into these things next year now. This is getting ridiculous.I'll have to stick with the WCOOP. Let's try sat'ing into that first :club:
I played one of the doubleshoots on stars with you a few hours ago. I don't think you have to worry about sateliting into the wsop.
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Harry,I last spoke with you in person at the September, 2005, Borgata Open. I don't approach "big name" poker players and ask for autographs (although I did get Doyle's at the WSOP for obvious reasons). When I saw you last year, I approached you to congratulate your impressive sense of sportsmanship and I told you that I wished that more Americans in poker and all sports would be better at controlling their emotions during wins and losses. I mentioned how I disliked Josh Arieh's attitude and I how I liked your recommendation of humility. I also referred to the US Ryder Cup's golf team and how they were running around the golf course yelling when they were doing well. We, as players, need to speak up to fix the problems. About a month ago, you posted Jeffrey Pollack's e-mail address in a FCP message that you posted. I sent him an e-mail that said, "I saw a post that you made soliciting player feedback regarding theWSOP. I realize that a lot of players have been complaining, etc. I'll get to Vegas in 11 days, but my only concern is that all dealersand floor people know the rules of the games, that we play by the rules,that the rules are consistently applied, and that dealers and floorpeople don't get into power struggles with players who are right andwon't back down based on principle. Sometimes floor people threaten topenalize players based on their own insecurities.I look forward to great results at this year's WSOP. I wish you well."Jeffrey replied two minutes later and said, "Thank you for the note and feedback.Please say hello to me in the hallway at the WSOP. I'm there every day."When I finally spotted him a few days ago, while not on his cell phone, I approached him, I let him know who I was, I reminded him of my e-mail, and I let him know about some recent problems that I have seen at the WSOP. Jeffrey said that this is his first year as WSOP commissioner and that he will fix it for next year. He asked me to e-mail him at his corporate e-mail address with specific examples of problems. I will do that along with recommending solutions for the problems. I will send you a personal message in a few minutes with his corporate e-mail address. I'll do my best to be concise, to list as many examples of the problems, the results of the problems, and the solutions to fix the problems, and I recommend that you do the same.It's unfortunate that the things that I anticipated, that had already occurred, are still happening. I'd like to be a part of the solution regardless of whether I play the WSOP in the future.

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The player who bluffed has a sponsors cap here . Let us say (and I am not saying this has happened here) but this poor decsiion could have been the result of favouritiwsm to the sponsored player who was bluffing and all in. It brings into question the very integrity of the game and could be a result of collusion between a player and a floor person or favouritism for a particular site.
A sponsors cap "here" meaning fcp?
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Alas there was yet another extremely poor decision today in the main event at The WSOP (but according to my sources this is how it went down).SNIP
Was this before or after they "decided" to change the schedule again and extend beyond the set # of players remaining?Next year's WSOP to be held @ Circus Circus where the real clowns get to be in charge.
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The player who bluffed has a sponsors cap here. Let us say (and I am not saying this has happened here) but this poor decsiion could have been the result of favouritiwsm to the sponsored player who was bluffing and all in. It brings into question the very integrity of the game and could be a result of collusion between a player and a floor person or favouritism for a particular site.
Come on Harry. You can't be serious about this. It seems to me that you had some legitimate gripes. Now, this looks somewhat petty and it seems that you are just looking for reasons to ***** and complain. I understand that you are concerned about what goes on at the WSOP (and for good reason). But it is beginning to look a lot like "the boy who cried wolf" and if you continue to complain over every little incident your concerns and complaints will begin to be overlooked. You are a passionate advocate for players but be careful because you are beginning to look like someone who complains just for the sake of complaining.
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WSOP is rigged
Gotta think A Duke got some help along the way: not to take anything away from her, she is as salty as any working pro: But like 'Affirmative Action' there is always that doubt; Whenever a race or sex is favored over another because there's "too many white men". Y'know cardplayer is pushin' for a female player at final table' n all; they have to have a lot of influence. Not to mention all factions at the upper executive levels, WSOP, Harrahs, etc they want more women in these things...but at any cost? Recall that rumor about whats 'er name (J. Tilley? from Let it Ride) not really winning that tourney in that book about the 'dark side of poker'. It was allegedly negotiated behind the scenes, not at the table where these things ethically should be negotiated. Floor bosses just say "the stack spilled" when a player complains about their smaller stack after breaks; I think its standard wordage, so it makes me think there is "human intervention" in some advantages players get; i.e. one player less chips and a 'favorite' or 'undisclosed big tipper' gettin' more.Anyone see "Tilt?" its actually a great series thats been discontinued but DN has a couple cameo's in it. So does Helmuth, Cunningham, and TJ, et al..And i guess we're missin some chips at the '06 Main Event, eh?
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i hope this is another cardplayer typo instead of a real occurence:[blinds at 8000/16000], and William Thorsson raises to $47,000 preflop and Dan Schmiech puts out $92,000. He is informed that this is an illegal raise, but Schmiech apparently didn't intend to raise in the first place, he only wanted to call. He was forced to raise to $94,000 to complete the raise and he did so. The action gets back to Thorsson and he re-raises to $260,000. Schmiech pushes all-in for his remaining $879,000 and Thorsson folds.

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