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Horse (pokerstars Response To My Email)

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Hello Josh,Thank you for your email. I believe that there are plans in the future to introduce Razz as a game on PokerStars. We would then have in essence all the games to make this possible. I have forwarded your email on to Management for consideration.Regards,EdPokerStars Support Team
Excited? Word.
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Just got another email.

Hello Josh,I forgot to mention in the last email that our razz tables would be far more rigged than any of our other games. Any players from FCP will automatically pick up kings, queens and jacks, every hand.Good luck,EdPokerStars Support Team
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Razz is pretty fun, I wish more people played it. I finished 4th in one of those Razz freerolls on Full Tilt a week ago for a whooping 2 bucks!

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it would be cool though if they actually offered a rotation game at several limits(and have a uber high limit rotation game)
Yes, this would be awesome. Im suprised FTP hasnt done this yet.
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Yes, this would be awesome. Im suprised FTP hasnt done this yet.
Are there any sites that offer Dealers choice or rotating games on a table?ffishh
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Isn't the biggest problem for spreading a mixed game table that people could easily just sit out the games they don't know or play as well making it very annoying and not as big an advantage. I agree it would be cool to play a rotation cash game it just seems hard to make fair, especially online

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Isn't the biggest problem for spreading a mixed game table that people could easily just sit out the games they don't know or play as well making it very annoying and not as big an advantage. I agree it would be cool to play a rotation cash game it just seems hard to make fair, especially online
That's easy to fix, just make it so that you leave your seat if you sit out...
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I love playing mixed games but don't like H.O.R.S.E. because Razz just doesn't interest me enough.I wish there could be a S.H.O.T. game with Stud-7, NL Holdem, PL Omaha, 2-7 Triple Draw...now THAT's a nice mix IMO.

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