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I Called In Sick Today

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If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

and after 3 days, he is risen!

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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i feel like you'd barely notice strat was there. could be the perfect roommate.


Thismis actually a pretty good point. And think of my bandwidth potential.


To Thera's comment, a better response would've been "No. Strat isn't black."


Tilty: you may not want to say "speaks Mexican" anymore. Just a friendly tip. That traffic seems awful. That's 3 out of 24 hours in a car. That's a quality of life issue. That's wasted time. Sucks. I've done an hour and a half commute before, both ways combine and then moved jobs to 30 min round trip and it was a noticeable difference. Huge. I hope those 3 hours are factored into compensation. If you're working 10 hours a day with a 3 hour commute, man, that would speed up a burnout for my lazy ass.

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thank god.




and in case anybody was wondering, yes I'm still in love with that girl I work with, and yes she still won't go out with me, and yes she still wants to be buddies and chit chat all the time and yes it makes me an incredibly sad depressed super fag nearly every second of the day. so theeeeere's that.

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Ya, well, my CEO just stopped me and asked how last night was because I must have been out because I look like shit.



I went to bed around 10 and had one of my better nights of sleep.



I'll be crying in the handicap stall.

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quit your job, that will show her.

I concur. It sounds like all you need to do is make one grand gesture and she'll fall for you, hard. The advantage of this one is that if I'm wrong, you'll never have to see her again!

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suited wants to post but he's too much of a faggot. hate that guy right?



just kidding. he's ok.




yeah. this is why I keep quitting. nothing positive to say. not what's above, but what I just sat here for 5 minutes typing out and erasing. shit's too embarrassing. just not into anything anymore so what's the point you know? whatever. good luck on the video games and non sequiturs strat.

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but we can still talk about movies and music and stuff. we can avoid the topic of your depressing life and my depressing life and everyones depressing life. except DJ, that ****** has it all, the bastard.


like i saw moonrise kingdom earlier. we could talk about that but you're being selfish and quitting like a quitter.

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I had a bottle of that Strat. Wasn't bad.


Shake, that's why I quit for a while. Just nothing to say. We love ya, we need ya, and most of importantly, we would have sex with ya.

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Had a few pints of that one Saturday. I concur that it is good stiff. Had a couple 2xIPA today, don't remember the name of the brewer.

Southern Tier. Their bombers are better than most of the 12 oz bottles they offer, but that one isn't bad.

did someone recommend breckenridge's vanilla porter? I really like it.

I've seen it a bunch, but haven't had it. Most of Breckenridge isn't very good, but I'll give that a whirl next time I come across it.

I'm drinking snake dog IPA it's good, not too bitter

Good beer, no shit.

but we can still talk about movies and music and stuff. we can avoid the topic of your depressing life and my depressing life and everyones depressing life. except DJ, that ****** has it all, the bastard.


like i saw moonrise kingdom earlier. we could talk about that but you're being selfish and quitting like a quitter.

So what did you think? I watched it last weekend, enjoyed it for the most part. Thought that it dragged a little bit, but only because of the kids. All the real actors in it were very good.


Watched Safety Not Guarenteed as well. I think most of you would like it.


Had some Lagunitas Brown Shugga last night for the first time, really tasty. Also Jack's Abby Pumpkin Crop Lager, which was decent. And Sixpoint Sweet Action, which left me a little disappointed.


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So what did you think? I watched it last weekend, enjoyed it for the most part. Thought that it dragged a little bit, but only because of the kids. All the real actors in it were very good.


i liked it. thought it looked great and enjoyed the 'world' it took place in. i agree on the adult actors, they all did fine work. i must say that i though bruce willis was miscast though, but he still did okay. i disagree though, i didn't think it dragged at all. i enjoyed the kids and their scenes. i assume they were all first time actors, chosen on purpose to portray some kind of innocence or naiveté. i thought there was pretty good chemistry between the boy and girl. surprisingly i bought there young romance. good movie overall. i'd give it 7.1 out of ten. where godfather two and there will be blood are 9.9's.

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stupid hungover this morning. not nauseated but a headache that made me want to cry (more than usual). better now and searching for the finishing touches on my stupid halloween costume. need green flip flops and did NOT think about how difficult it would be to find those in october. not even anything on ebay (in my size). even the things I'm good at I'm bad at.


and not to be a strat, to the beer talk: for some reason I haven't had much interest at all in trying new fancy beers lately. think I've got comfortable with my "type" and haven't really found much outside of it that I like so it's not a very rewarding search anymore. plus I've gotten into liquor a lot more now. hopefully I'll be able to drink cheap bourbon straight out of the bottle soon as that seems to fit my personality here as of late.

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