Timdog1010 0 Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 Who the fuck are you? GTFO!!!!!I love it. Link to post Share on other sites
Hobbes 1 Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 I'm instantly convinced this is going on my resume, and that it's going to help me get a job.Would you be offended if I told you that I thought your avatar was Ashton Kutcher originally? Link to post Share on other sites
keith crime 8 Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 Would you be offended if I told you that I thought your avatar was Ashton Kutcher originally?Jon Brion might Link to post Share on other sites
Timdog1010 0 Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 Jon Brion mightWould you be offended if I told you I don't know who that is? Link to post Share on other sites
lvpro 0 Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 Would you be offended if I told you that I thought your avatar was Ashton Kutcher originally?Nah. Jon Brion isn't the easiest guy to ID.Would you be offended if I told you I don't know who that is?He does scores for movies (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Magnolia), produces records (Kanye West's "Late Registration" and the original version of the new Fiona Apple record), and has a solo album called "Meaningless" that I'm obsessed with.All around amazing musician. Link to post Share on other sites
keith crime 8 Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 Would you be offended if I told you I don't know who that is?He's a genius musician i used to go see him in LA every week but he's low key prefers to produce and do movie soundtracks mostly for Paul Thomas Anderson He's produced Aimee Mann and Fiona Apple and just for fun co produced the last Kayne West album - he can play any song on any instrument in any style - just a sick talent - but largely unknown Link to post Share on other sites
Hobbes 1 Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 Caleb's bird picture has inspired me. I took this picture with my phone yesterday. I figure it should at least be worth thousands, right? Link to post Share on other sites
mrdannyg 274 Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 I made myself laugh for 10 minutes reading this after I realized how it could reflect on our circumstances.without further apu, i present The General Forum by Charles Dickens:Pale and haggard faces, lank and bony figures, children with the countenance of old men, deformities with irons upon their limbs, boys of stunted growth, and others whose long meagre legs would hardly bear their stooping bodies, all crowded on the view together; ther were the bleared eye, the hare-lip, the crooked foot, and every ugliness or distortion that told of unnatural aversion conceived by parents for their offspring, or of young lives which, from the earliest dawn of infancy, had been one horrible enduranced of cruelty and neglect...there were young creatures on whom the sins of their frail parents had desceneded, weeping even for the mercenary nurses they had known, and lonesome even in their loneliness. With every kindly sympathy and affection blasted in its birth, with every young and healthy feeling flogged and starved down, with every revengeful passion that can fester in swollen hearts eating its evil way to their core in silence, what an incipient Hell was breeding here! Link to post Share on other sites
lvpro 0 Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 Caleb's bird picture has inspired me. I took this picture with my phone yesterday. I figure it should at least be worth thousands, right?If not tens of thousands.I love the fact that you named the image "millions.jpg"You're quite good looking. Link to post Share on other sites
Randy Reed 0 Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 Also, on the non-posting front, I will be joining our founding fathers shake and turd and will hardly ever be posting on here.Yeah that's right, my gf finally got wise to what was happening between me and all the guys on here so...Seriously though I can't post from work anymore. Maybe 5-10 minutes on lunch break but that's about it. I'll sneak in every now and then on the weekends and evenings, but that's about it.:turns back towards the cliff, pauses for dramatic effect then, solemnly, takes the last step forward, plummeting 6 feet below. Picks himself up, dusts himself off and continues walking face::diving off the cliff after him head first face:sigh. Don't go Habsey! I'll take off my pants right now, you hear me. I hart you, don't leave me! I bet Turd's Girl had something to do with this, somehow.Again, Yoko Ono My Lunch Date With Adam We went to Buffalo Wild Wings, both of us arriving at the same time me arriving much later than Adam. He was already seated and greeted me with a friendly kiss handshake. We chatted for a bit while he drank his absolut and tonic and I drank my beer Sprite. We played some trivia and I dominated him got beat like an red-headed stepsister. We chatted for a while about various people in the thread commenting on how attracted we are to each one. He ordered the shrimp and I ordered a slice of Adam a bacon cheeseburger. We got our food from the waitress which must have been hard for her since I had my penis in her and it was quite delicious. Adam's hand on my leg under the table might have had an effect on how good the food was. We chatted about vaious gay sex positions we would like to try things going on in the sports world. Eventually, we both finished each other off under the table our food, paid the bill, and parted ways after a final passionate kiss. POTW not even closeYo, that would be mad whack yo. I was just kickin it with DWade's third cousin from his mama's sister's baby's daddy's uncle, and he said you guys was frontin on me, and you all is just haters. You can't handle the mad poker street cred I bring to this threzead. Ya'll want me back, you's got to beg, and get me a jacked up vendin machine I can bust up twice a week fuh some sticky buns. You know what I'm sayin? YOU KNOW WHAT I'M SAYIN? DO YA FEEL ME?I hart you ronHOBBES!!!!!!!!!!:dusts self off and wipes the blood off then goes diving right back off the cliff after hobbes face: Link to post Share on other sites
Hobbes 1 Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 I love the fact that you named the image "millions.jpg"I laughed when I did it. b-u-t-t-e-r-f....delete....m-i-l-l-i....hahahaha. I'm such a dork.:diving off the cliff after him head first face::dusts self off and wipes the blood off then goes diving right back off the cliff after hobbes face:Pretty good looking there. Link to post Share on other sites
speedz99 145 Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 sounds like it was the most boring lunch ever a good time...I feel like you're almost too good looking.Hobbes, you better not go. Seriously...it's getting out of hand around here.You're all so damn good looking. I'd like to go through the last five pages to e-validate everyone, but I'm just too lazy. Although I will say that Adam and I have the EXACT same morning ritual (timing and everything). Good stuff. Link to post Share on other sites
Randy Reed 0 Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 You job hunting and the recent GWH discussions made me think of this... WILL (cont'd) Say I'm working at N.S.A. Somebody puts a code on my desk, something nobody else can break. So I take a shot at it and maybe I break it. And I'm real happy with myself, 'cause I did my job well. But maybe that code was the location of some rebel army in North Africa or the Middle East. Once they have that location, they bomb the village where the rebels were hiding and fifteen hundred people I never had a problem with get killed. Now the politicians are sayin' "send in the Marines to secure the area" 'cause they don't give a ****. It won't be their kid over there, gettin' shot. Just like it wasn't them when their number got called, 'cause they were pullin' a tour in the National Guard. It'll be some guy from Southie takin' shrapnel in the ***. And he comes home to find that the plant he used to work at got exported to the country he just got back from. And the guy who put the shrapnel in his *** got his old job, 'cause he'll work for fifteen cents a day and no bathroom breaks. Meanwhile my buddy from Southie realizes the only reason he was over there was so we could install a government that would sell us oil at a good price. And of course the oil companies used the skirmish to scare up oil prices so they could turn a quick buck. A cute, little ancillary benefit for them but it ain't helping my buddy at two-fifty a gallon. And naturally they're takin' their sweet time bringin' the oil back and maybe even took the liberty of hiring an alcoholic skipper who likes to drink seven and sevens and play slalom with the icebergs and it ain't too long 'til he hits one, spills the oil, and kills all the sea-life in the North Atlantic. So my buddy's out of work and he can't afford to drive so he's got to walk to the job interviews which sucks 'cause the shrapnel in his *** is givin' him chronic hemorrhoids. And meanwhile he's starvin' 'cause every time he tries to get a bite to eat the only blue-plate special they're servin' is North Atlantic scrod with Quaker State. So what'd I think? I'm holdin' out for somethin' better. I figure I'll eliminate the middle man. Why not just shoot my buddy, take his job and give it to his sworn enemy, hike up gas prices, bomb a village, club a baby seal, hit the hash pipe and join the National Guard? Christ, I could be elected President. Link to post Share on other sites
keith crime 8 Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 how do ya like them apples? Link to post Share on other sites
SAM_Hard8 50 Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 Who the fuck are you? GTFO!!!!!I am that I am. Link to post Share on other sites
Randy Reed 0 Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 Would you like a Hot Pocket? Link to post Share on other sites
Bizzle 0 Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 Is it bad that the yahoo pool lobby I joined is called "Gallows Pole" and I thought of all of you?But yeah, me and mk are ridiculously bored. Feel free to join in if you wish. Link to post Share on other sites
Ron_Mexico 4,219 Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 sadly, I read Randy's post in my best Matt Damon GWH Boston accents.I love that movie. Actually moves me and motivates me to read or learn something after watching it.In honor of Bizzle and Casey AffleckMy boys wicked smaht Link to post Share on other sites
SAM_Hard8 50 Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 Would you like a Hot Pocket?Can I have a Hot Pocket flavored Hot Pocket? Link to post Share on other sites
Hobbes 1 Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 Is it bad that the yahoo pool lobby I joined is called "Gallows Pole" and I thought of all of you?But yeah, me and mk are ridiculously bored. Feel free to join in if you wish.What is a yahoo pool lobby? Link to post Share on other sites
ajs510 122 Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 Is it bad that the yahoo pool lobby I joined is called "Gallows Pole" and I thought of all of you?But yeah, me and mk are ridiculously bored. Feel free to join in if you wish.Like to, but can't. I used to be really good at that game too... Link to post Share on other sites
Hobbes 1 Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 In the state of Washington, playing online poker is a felony and carries the same penalty as possession of child pornography. Link to post Share on other sites
lvpro 0 Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 In the state of Washington, playing online poker is a felony and carries the same penalty as possession of child pornography.Also, it's the same as being a sex offender.I love living here. Honestly. :so much sarcasm it hurts to contain it all face: Link to post Share on other sites
Ron_Mexico 4,219 Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 in honor of Randy posting a good movie speech, here is one of my favorites, from a movie I've watched over 100 times.John Bender: Don't you ever talk about my friends. You don't know any of my friends. You don't look at any of my friends. And you certainly wouldn't condescend to speak to any of my friends. So you just stick to the things you know: shopping, nail polish, your father's BMW, and your poor, rich drunk mother in the Caribbean. Claire Standish: SHUT UP. John Bender: And as far as being concerned about what's gonna happen when you and I walk down the hallways of school together, you can forget it cuz it's never gonna happen. Just bury your head in the sand and wait for your fcking prom.Richard Vernon: Well, well. Here we are. You have exactly eight hours and fifty-four minutes to think about why you're here. You may not talk, you will not move from these seats. Any questions? John Bender: Yeah. Does Barry Manilow know that you raid his wardrobe? Link to post Share on other sites
keith crime 8 Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 in honor of Randy posting a good movie speech, here is one of my favorites, from a movie I've watched over 100 times.John Bender: Don't you ever talk about my friends. You don't know any of my friends. You don't look at any of my friends. And you certainly wouldn't condescend to speak to any of my friends. So you just stick to the things you know: shopping, nail polish, your father's BMW, and your poor, rich drunk mother in the Caribbean. Claire Standish: SHUT UP. John Bender: And as far as being concerned about what's gonna happen when you and I walk down the hallways of school together, you can forget it cuz it's never gonna happen. Just bury your head in the sand and wait for your fcking prom.I can make anything Ron posts about mehttp://www.filmthreat.com/index.php?section=reviews&Id=1314 Link to post Share on other sites
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