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I Called In Sick Today

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If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

and after 3 days, he is risen!

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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Speaking of humidity. Anybody spent the spring/summer in RI? Company is talking about sending someone out there as a "culture ambassador" for a recently acquired company and the CIO asked me if I would be interested. They would rent a furnished apartment etc for me plus pay an extra stipend over salary (not sure how much yet, still being fleshed out). I figure I could negotiate maybe 1 flight a month back here too. Not sure I can do it though. I'd have to find somebody to take care of my house and stuff.


We're announcing bonuses. I got to tell my direct reports how much they were getting for the first time which was cool. I got a healthy 10.5% up from 8% last year.

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When we added an office, we shuffled a bunch of people through, and each of them got a bonus that seemed like a decent amount of money at the time. My roommate had only been with his girlfriend for a month or two, and the relationship quickly fell apart after he came back. I would say not worth, but meh, he ended up with a better girl.


I don't know if it would have been okay to say no, though. Depends on management. Ours probably would have said "okay no problem" and then quietly counted it against the person in review season for not being all-in.

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That is kind of one of my concerns. One can say no only so many times and I've already turned down an offer to move to compliance. However, I think if I apply the proper reasoning for saying no (I have no SO to tend the homestead in my absence, I'm not just starting my career and have people reporting to me etc.) I might be able to get away with it.

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I don't know if it would have been okay to say no, though. Depends on management. Ours probably would have said "okay no problem" and then quietly counted it against the person in review season for not being all-in.


Oh, that's just horrific. No amount of money* would make this tension worth it to me.

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My bonus ended up at 3.2% out of a maximum of 3.8%. It was entirely based on company metrics, so basically, I’m not even sure what the goal of the bonus is.


i was mad because my bonus was the same as last year, but my bonus was around 18% so maybe i need to shut the hell up.

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i was mad because my bonus was the same as last year, but my bonus was around 18% so maybe i need to shut the hell up.

My company is dumb and they know it. My bonus is being changed to make more sense next year. It will still probably be sub-7% but at least I’ll have influence over half of it.


I got frustrated as I wrote that post, and I literally donated the net amount from the bonus to the company charitable committee when I got in this morning.

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Yeah. We have 24 pay periods, and my net savings from each is more than my annual bonus was.


Wow. That is so great. You are going to have an awesome retirement. Keep that going, even if you get married and have kids.

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i don't believe i've ever donated to charity. shocking i'm sure.


This can't be true.

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Wow. That is so great. You are going to have an awesome retirement. Keep that going, even if you get married and have kids.


Yeah, Strat and SA are both going to be very well off in retirement and I hope that one of them lets me live in their guest house.

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Small firm like mine, it is noticed if you don’t contribute to the charitable thing. Nobody in my rank is expected to contribute to the extent that I did this morning, but if you make $50k+, there is a stigma to giving nothing. Job performance still determines 80%+ of your fate, but culture counts for something.


Did I mention I’m funding a brokerage to use for charity? It’s not an actual charitable giving account, just a separate account with dividend ETFs. I figure I can probably get it wrapped up by the end of 2019, and have $500 per year generated for whatever, without feeling it in my cash flow. I’m still gonna owe tax on the dividends, but it shouldn’t be bad.


I am nowhere near as frugal as I was, I just have an artificially low expense number right now. I live in a cheap condo with no debt whatsoever, and I don’t do fun things. Part of me doesn’t want to go back to having a mortgage, but I’m not waiting another six years to buy the home I want.

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Yeah, Strat and SA are both going to be very well off in retirement and I hope that one of them lets me live in their guest house.


i’ll be dead long before retirement age. that’s why i’m looking at new cars

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i'll be dead long before retirement age. that's why i'm looking at new cars


I have a few suggestions:


1) I suspect an M2C is comfortably within your budget, and I think you can just walk in and buy them now. It's the most fun affordable car that a reasonable, childless person is actually going to want to drive every day, and the stock tune leaves a ton of power on the table if you want to modify something to race El-G or whatever.


2) Big truck. If you are having 1/3 life crisis or something and are looking at a bike or convertible to change your image, I think a big truck would be a much more believable new image for you. And in your part of the country, I imagine big trucks impress a lot more people than luxury cars. You can get super luxurious F-series trucks, or even a Raptor. Personally, I'm half-seriously thinking about adding a diesel to my rotation, in which case I think the Duramax is the way to go.


3)Just get a Lexus. If you can afford an LS, do that. You're not a fun person, and might not actually like a fun car. Most of what BMWs have going for them is the reputation of a comparative sportiness that doesn't actually exist in their regular cars anymore. Lexus is what you want, I think. An S Class might impress more people, but that's not really something that actually happens anyway. You seem like a Lexus guy. Don't bother with the executive package, it's for people with a taste for useless design and weirdness.

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