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I Called In Sick Today

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If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

and after 3 days, he is risen!

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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You're being D.E.N.N.I.S.ed.


speaking off, Essay's last post in here was about me making fun of him, for being that guy, bitching about bad beats. I've said way worse things to him in the past, but if that was the straw/camel event that started his deathspiral, I'll never forgive myself. And by "never", I mean I already have.

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Welcome back, Frau. We've missed you. Give us an update if you have time.

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speaking off, Essay's last post in here was about me making fun of him, for being that guy, bitching about bad beats. I've said way worse things to him in the past, but if that was the straw/camel event that started his deathspiral, I'll never forgive myself. And by "never", I mean I already have.


i hope there was some real soul searching for you. i can't imagine you'd want my death on your hands, not after everything we've been through. i expect you to be a lot nicer to me going forward.


it would have been so awesome if tilt hadn't died and could have posted after thera and slammed him. god it would have been great. too bad he's worm food.


i think i'm most disappointed in brvy. pretty clear he didn't care at all.

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Essay being gone a month, and removing all his tweets, and us as follows, is pretty weird.


i deleted all my tweets and unfollowed everyone a long time ago. i am perpetually worried that someone in real life will discover this place.

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Something else from last week. Got an offer from another firm for a little more money than I make today. It was an easy 'no' due to non-financial aspects but it's nice to see evidence that leaving my current firm wouldn't need to mean giving up $30k+.


Anyway, from my firm's perspective, that's one bullet dodged. Around the same time that I began talking to the firm from last week, I planted seeds with decision makers I know at a few other places who will need help with their upcoming software conversions/M&A.


I look back at how little it would have taken from my then-boss to avoid the disrespect shown to me, and it kind of blows my mind. I was fat and happy. All she needed to do was not be an *******, and I would not have started this process.


i think with your resume and skills you can easily find something for equal or better pay. i think i'm realizing that moving around is really necessary for people like us. we aren't the superstar that they will take care of, but we're too important to be overlooked and taken for granted for this many years. i have an interview in two weeks to move jobs and i'm trying to time it perfectly to get my annual bonus, get an offer, and leave for more annual pay. its the dream.

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Welcome back, Frau. We've missed you. Give us an update if you have time.


I think we all agree, that it's Frau, more than anyone else, that's been truly missed around here. Good to have you back, Frau.

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i think i'm most disappointed in brvy. pretty clear he didn't care at all.


The real problem is that I cared too much.

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we all need to step our games up. this is the time to win championships.


if the chiefs don’t win today i might be done with the NFL. it’s been 25 years since a home playoff win and if they can’t win this game today i’ve lost all hope.

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Are you seriously not even going to address why you scrubbed everything? That's weird dude.

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The two people I miss more than anyone (not including JJJ, obv) are Scram and Frau. Followed closely by Shake, Dr. Katz, and Beans.


Scram and Frau have by far the most interesting content whenever they post. ((of the people not around anymore) (Again... JJJ is exempt from this comment))

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Are you seriously not even going to address why you scrubbed everything? That's weird dude.


i deleted all my tweets and unfollowed everyone a long time ago. i am perpetually worried that someone in real life will discover this place.


you have a stroke recently, brvy?

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we all need to step our games up. this is the time to win championships.


if the chiefs don’t win today i might be done with the NFL. it’s been 25 years since a home playoff win and if they can’t win this game today i’ve lost all hope.


You have the 1 seed, a generational talent at QB, in his first year starting going 50 and 5000, and NOW you want to jump off the bandwagon?!? I swear to God you pathologically don't want to be happy. Any and every fan base except for maybe 2 would kill to be the Cheifs. You are the worst. Napa, you can have him.

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you have a stroke recently, brvy?


I absolutely missed two of your posts. No idea how. Sorry about that.

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