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I Called In Sick Today

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These last couple pages might have just cost me thousands of dollars. I recently read a remark I made like a decade ago, about being too cheap to drink retail-quality coffee, and it left me in a vulnerable place w/r/t my loser behavior in the past. Plus I've been trying to visit Greece forever, but keep making terrible mistakes and going to worse places instead. I'm not going to let this place bring me down, I'm going to learn valuable lessons from it.

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If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

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I was talking to an old classmate about traveling and he said if you want the best views and scenery go to Norway. If you want the best looking women who are DTF go to Ukraine. So maybe I'll figure some roundabout trip out.

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I was talking to an old classmate about traveling and he said if you want the best views and scenery go to Norway. If you want the best looking women who are DTF go to Ukraine. So maybe I'll figure some roundabout trip out.


It's always helpful to have ties to a veteran sex tourist.


Norway looks dope. I want to see Iceland, personally.


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If you refuse a breathalyzer when pulled over, you automatically lose your license for a year. That is part of the contract on your license. At least in FL


Never heard of a breath test for just being out. Maybe it was so they could prove a public intoxication. Very weird



Never ever answer a cop's questions during an interrogation. Always demand a lawyer. No matter how innocent you are


Can't tell you how many Dateline's I've watched where they kept people in a room for 9 hours, etc. I don't even want to answer questions to help without an attorney

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Can you refuse to blow until a lawyer is present? Like "i'll blow as soon as my lawyer is here?"


My friend was just dumb as hell. Did I mention it's his 3rd dui? Cause it is. Apparently drinking and driving is an almost nightly occurrence for him which is unfortunate considering he lives 5 blocks from the bars and the cops have nothing better to do.


I wasn't going to go until I got some texts asking if i was coming and that some of our class was getting together to grill and then play some golf beforehand. Got into town around noon just as they were finishing up lunch. There was 8 of us that were golfing along with a few WAG's that were going to tag along. We get to the course and it's like $30 for 18 (2 rounds of 9) with cart (and it would have been less once we realized they were literally only charging us for the cart and not seats so not everybody had to pay for a cart but we still did) and $12 (lol) for a 6 pack, so we all got our beers and carts and since only 3 or 4 of us really played somewhat regularly we decided to do 3 team (3,3,2) best shot with the high team buying a round for everybody. There were only 2 or 3 other groups out on the course so we just played each hole together. It took us about 4 hours to play 9. Once we realized we wouldn't be able to fit in the whole 18 some of the WAG's took it amongst themselves to negotiate part of our greens fee's back in free beers, which totally worked, and we all had fun even though everyone was terrible (I actually played OK though and our team was up 10 strokes before we stopped counting).


The plan was to meet at 6 at the local bar/restaurant/bowling alley so we called it around 6:15, I went home and showered and then met back up with everyone. Maybe 20 people showed out of 76 and some were only there long enough to have a drink or two. We ate dinner and had a few drinks and then the remaining of us took the party to the dive bar where we stayed until bar close. I was drinking Jameson/ginger ales and buying shots and drinks for people whenever I could and my tab was only $35 at the end of the night. Part of that was also they had a game where there was a 5 gallon glass jug with a funnel on top. Maybe 5 feet back from the bar. If you could bounce a quarter off the bar and into the funnel you got a free drink. Me and someones fiance spent like $6 in quarters and won 5 or 6 drinks. Pretty great tradeoff.


Once bar close a handfull of us decided to go back to someone's house (recently remodeled, both come from money, so it was done with a lot of expensive materials but it was very bland and filled with shitty cliche'd saying art (YOU'RE MY HAPPILY EVER AFTER) type shit. I'm told they're having problems though, which is unfortunate because they have a young son. Somebody's wife hadn't been drinking so she took a few of us in her van while some grabbed my town's version of the Citibike and rode home. Once we got to the house we see our friend pull his truck into the wrong driveway and immediately a cop turns on his lights and my friend tries to like, walk away and into the random house he stopped at before the cop was yelling at him to get back into the truck. Apparently he had a taillight out. Also the cop probably saw him leave the bar at 2:00 am. And then we kind of stood outside and watched as it went down. Well, I did for a bit before heading inside to grab a beer and some munchies. Somebody wanted to call his wife but I talked them out of it. Didn't see the point in waking her up when it was still going to be a problem in the morning. Might as well let her get some sleep.


Once he was gone to jail though we started the party back up for another hour or two. Got a ride to another friend's house around 4:30 where we had another beer or two and some cold pizza and crashed. Woke up at 8 still feeling kinda drunk. Slept another hour and half and couldn't decide if I was still drunk or just hungover or maybe a little of both. Decided to just walk the mile to my car and figure it out. Felt fine once I did. Stopped for a coffee and a slice of breakfast pizza and drove home and napped for a few hours.

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Everyone loves to hate on lawyers, but if you have the money to pay for them, they are a huge maxbet. I was just talking the other day about how watches and cars and shit are nice, but if you really want a status symbol, get a lawyer and start a bunch of questionable lawsuits. If you talk to a cop by yourself, I assume you're poor.

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Greece does not qualify as exotic. You have to go. You will go to that wedding, so in the advice of Bobby Knight, just lay back and enjoy it.


Things still under your control: your family is well off, right? Work into casual conversation with one-on-one with mom your cost concerns. Maybe you can get a parental subsidy.


The girlfriend is going to want to go. Greek tans make women look hot af.





I just had my San Francisco weekend. The gay BFF is still wonderful and dirty and perfect. i bought us tickets for the 8/6 game; Arrieta pitched Cubs to a 4-0 shutout.


Last month I was in WI, went to Lake Geneva and Sheboygan; drank 3 Floyds Bubblegumhead.

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that's a tough call. but i would probably refuse and cite not believing in the accuracy of the test. then challenge it in court and see what happens.


I got a work driver's permit after 3 months of no DL.

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Napa, you can't postpone blowing. It's when they ask.



Essay, challenging the calibration on the machine is definitely a tactic. Hopefully, your cop is sloppy and doesn't keep up on his maintenance. But it's not unlikely, as most cops that write duis, do it as their primary gig

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When I lived in washington one time, I got pulled over pulling into my drive way. My driveway was actually behind this small commercial business next door to me, so it looked like I was driving into that parking lot. I lived on a major street in that town, back then, and I got pulled over I think 3 times immediately infront of my house or in this case, in that parking lot, because I kept odd hours. They were just looking for drunk drivers, and I never drove drunk (at that point in my life), and it was endlessly annoying. One time, I got pulled over before I'd even started the car. There weren't any black people in this town, really, so the cops had were lowered to harassing the white man. They said the time in front of my house, that there were a lot of break ins going on in the neighborhood, which was bullshit because I left my house unlocked 100% of the time and it was never broken into.


Anyway, this time I got pulled after I'd pulled into my driveway, I'm not sure what it was about. I think I'd crossed too many lanes of traffic, turning onto a one way, without signalling or something ridiculous. It was a drunk test. I had one drink at a friend of mine's party, as I remember, but I absolutely was not drunk and would not have blown drunk. Since I was at my house, they didn't make me blow or do a sobriety check, and after they ran my plates for warrants, they told me I could go inside. But, they were also giving me a song and dance that they thought I was visibly intoxicated, and drinks you have at house parties are much stronger and buzzed driving is drunk driving and blah blah blah. So, as I was about to leave, they said " Would you like to blow on the breathalizer, just to see what you were?" And I gave them a side eye and said " But.. I don't have to blow into it?" and they said " Nope.. it's for your own sake, to show you how impaired you actually were" And I said " have a nice night, officers" and went to bed. Ya'll pigs must think I'm stupid.

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The girlfriend is going to want to go.


This is noteworthy here. I'm going to tell a story I'm not proud of. About 4 years ago, I had a dispute with AT&T. I was 100% in the right, but they didn't care, so I went into spite mode. For months, my partner and I were on shitty burner phones, waiting for a new iPhone release before we signed up with a new carrier, and I was routinely going into AT&T stores to sabotage floor models. The criminal vandalism never comes up, but I still consistently have to eat shit whenever I try to brag about being a Winner, as this often triggers a sarcastic comment about how much Winning we did without iPhones all those months. It's probably the most genuinely painful, shameful thing I have in my history, and I hope Strat doesn't do something that can't be undone, the same way Loser Dutch did.


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That reminded me...one of the town cops showed up outside the bar last night and was letting people blow on the breathalyzer. I was not aware of it but I almost definitely would have partaken just to see. I don't think it was malicious or anything. He was just friends with a lot of the people in our group. Small town and all.

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Greece does not qualify as exotic. You have to go. You will go to that wedding, so in the advice of Bobby Knight, just lay back and enjoy it.


Things still under your control: your family is well off, right? Work into casual conversation with one-on-one with mom your cost concerns. Maybe you can get a parental subsidy.


The girlfriend is going to want to go. Greek tans make women look hot af.


Last month I was in WI, went to Lake Geneva and Sheboygan; drank 3 Floyds Bubblegumhead.


Hey, I just got invited to a weekend at a friends cabin in Wisconsin. I can't remember what lake but Larry the Cable guy has a cabin there. I guess I could probably google and figure it out easily enough.

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Greece does not qualify as exotic. You have to go. You will go to that wedding, so in the advice of Bobby Knight, just lay back and enjoy it.


Things still under your control: your family is well off, right? Work into casual conversation with one-on-one with mom your cost concerns. Maybe you can get a parental subsidy.


The girlfriend is going to want to go. Greek tans make women look hot af.





I just had my San Francisco weekend. The gay BFF is still wonderful and dirty and perfect. i bought us tickets for the 8/6 game; Arrieta pitched Cubs to a 4-0 shutout.


Last month I was in WI, went to Lake Geneva and Sheboygan; drank 3 Floyds Bubblegumhead.


Where were you sitting? We were there

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