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I Called In Sick Today

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yeah I think the main thing I have to say about the whole suited thing is that I completely empathize given that I've been there multiple times. not really sure how I got out of it either. best analysis I can come up with in the latest scenario was that I diverted some of the hatred I had for myself onto her, which helped me with completely cutting off contact with her. this let the feelings subside and got me back to my normal alone, depressed self. then by pure luck I ran into a girl that I knew had always had a little thing for me and said "scew it, so what if I don't really like her." then came the smell of relationship and women love that smell, plus the (vomit) confidence it brings, and that's what got me to this current girl.


I mean make no mistake I'll be alone and miserable again soon enough, but for now, that seems to have been my path.

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My mother just bought a golden retriever, and asked me for advice on names. I'm pushing really hard for "Karen," but I don't think she's going for it.

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Yeah, all of this. That speech from Ocho is going to do nothing. She will say, "okay, I don't want to date you." She is 100% no good. I sympathize with the "what harm can staying/being friends do?" attitude, but it is misguided. Being friends with her will make meeting other women much, much harder, for myriad reasons. That doesn't mean you shouldn't be friends with her, because loneliness, but be aware of the hidden consequences.


If she says no, then he has he answer and he can move on. I said the stay friends thing for his benefit. He pretty much stated he is clinging to this relationship because he is lonely.


And Speedz, I'm married, and my wife watches that crap when I sleep, it must have been subconscious. That being said, it's a good line. Because it's true.

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Picked her up at the airport. Awesome


I think we do pick on essay, but most of us actually are trying to help improve hos situation and misery. We since have learned that he's gonna do what he wants, but I certainly appreciate his openness and honesty. I'm appreciative that people share, it makes this place tick


So, thank you essay. And thank you shake


Just to be clear, are we sure the new guy isnt Wang becauae man I dont enjoy his posts. He should keep posting, but I just wanted that out there. I'm sure he's awesome

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Picked her up at the airport. Awesome


I think we do pick on essay, but most of us actually are trying to help improve hos situation and misery. We since have learned that he's gonna do what he wants, but I certainly appreciate his openness and honesty. I'm appreciative that people share, it makes this place tick


So, thank you essay. And thank you shake


Just to be clear, are we sure the new guy isnt Wang becauae man I dont enjoy his posts. He should keep posting, but I just wanted that out there. I'm sure he's awesome


There was like a 10 post stretch where people were accusing me of being him. I think you were even involved. For the record, I am not.


And that thing you said about not liking me was pretty mean. You are fat. Even.

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It's just that so many people go to psychiatrists, who are medical doctors and want to treat the thing with meds and have no training whatsoever in psychology, that meds get disproportionately used.




I mean, it really is effective though. Here's a meta-analysis that finds significant treatment effects for exercise alone, and that exercise alone in many studies was equivalent in effect to CBT. That's pretty huge.


Of course of all the different kinds of exercise I can imagine doing, running seems the most depressing.


I can understand why people think running or any seeingly monotonous exercise can be boring. In defense of running I think there is a little more to it and it's why it's propbably the most popular activity in the US. On any given weekend there are millions and millions of people out simply running. Aside from the normal "sense of accomplishment" I think there is something to the "runner's high". It is definately a different state of mind and somewhat addicting in itself. I can tell the difference how I feel during the day based on running or not in the morning. In cultures based on a good diet and running such as the Tarahumara Indians, aside being void of all the diseases we have, depression isn't one either.



What are the rules about getting lippy with Tilt? Same as Randy? Is Tilty a made man?


Can I get a ruling on this?


You can get lippy with anyone, but if your an ass you'll be called on it.


We need more info on you, would you share your piece of pie with another guy while eating out?



I don't think we're disagreeing substantively. The thing about doing exercise is that its more than it seems -- it's doing something thats good for you and the decision to do that carries its own power that can start a domino effect of other similar decisions. It's a bit of a foot in the door just like the drugs are. Maybe Randy was being flippant but its actually decent advice that he gave.


Again, aside from the running part. That may actually increase likelihood of suicide.




But thanks. I mean, seriously I was just jumping on these guys for being a little too whiny. I say it because I care and they know that. I was simply saying "Get off your asses and quit whining". I seriously doubt they are going to look for sound pyschological advice from a guy who spends his vacation looking for area rugs. (I did find one!)


Oh, and I did drink a couple times. Local Brews in Traverse City, North Peak Brewing Company. Tried a Siren, a Diabolical, and an Archangel. Loved the names.


Obligatory photos,




Shopping district



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Like was said last week, I share this stuff here because there is nowhere else. I can't talk about this with anyone, really, so I say it here. It's very hard to have nothing to do and then when a pretty girl wants to do something say no. She does kiss me. It's not like we shake hands at the end of seeing each other and she hits me with a later dude. She'll tell people we are together and make plans for future vacations and dates. It's all very strange. I just really enjoy looking at her face. And other body parts. And she's nice to me.

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It's not a legit nude shot. Emma had no nudes, and even if she did, I wouldn't need you to alert me to them.


What conversations have we had? I said I don't understand what we're doing, I want to be more and I want to know if you feel the same or know you never will? She said she doesn't like to think about stuff like that because she's bad at relationships. I said what does that mean? She said I don't know. I said so we're never going to be more than we are now. She said she didn't know that, we could be, she just isn't sure. I said okay.


After I thought about that for awhile I decided I wouldn't text her again. But she then started texting me more, asking me to hang out. But always in public for dinner or at a bar, never any alone time. Even when I ask if she wants to come over she just plays it off and won't. So I haven't even been trying really. I picked her up from the airport last night. And just had lunch with her. So I'm sure I'm failing in many ways and you will all tell me so. I just don't have any hope anymore. Losing all hope was freedom. I just go places and do things and talk cause that's all I can get. It's a sad truth to face. I can either say something again and probably never see her again or just keep doing what doing. I'm too lonely to cut her out completely. She's my only real friend I guess.


That was depressing to type out. Thanks.


I get were your coming from but really you need to turn this around. You have a good friend you like to hang out with and YOU DON'T have to have sex. win/win If not having sex is really a problem, ask her about mutual masturbation or simply holding your penis.

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I think most of the posters in this thread are WAY more worried about SA's girl that's a friend situation than he is.


I think it's just something to talk about for us...he actually has to live it.


My mother just bought a golden retriever, and asked me for advice on names. I'm pushing really hard for "Karen," but I don't think she's going for it.


I'm sorry for your mother's loss in approximately 10 years due to hemangiosarcoma or lymphoma.


And Speedz, I'm married, and my wife watches that crap when I sleep, it must have been subconscious. That being said, it's a good line. Because it's true.


Yeah, but since when does that matter?


Just to be clear, are we sure the new guy isnt Wang becauae man I dont enjoy his posts.


Your taste, Ron. It's awful!


There was like a 10 post stretch where people were accusing me of being him. I think you were even involved. For the record, I am not.


You say "accused" like it's not a huge compliment.


She does kiss me. It's not like we shake hands at the end of seeing each other and she hits me with a later dude. She'll tell people we are together and make plans for future vacations and dates.


This is all quite strange. I think she really might have some actual issues to work through and it might not have much to do with you personally.

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Meh, if anything I'd think it would set his mind at ease. It's not that she doesn't want his dick inside of her, it's that she doesn't want any dick inside of her.

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And that thing you said about not liking me was pretty mean. You are fat. Even.


Nope. Not mean. And yes, I'm fat. You got me. I'll go cry now.


I just really enjoy looking at her face. And other body parts. And she's nice to me.


You don't get to look at her other parts.


And in reality, she's being the opposite of nice to you. But ok




I get were your coming from but really you need to turn this around. You have a good friend you like to hang out with and YOU DON'T have to have sex. win/win If not having sex is really a problem, ask her about mutual masturbation or simply holding your penis.


Or the Dutch Rudder.


Your taste, Ron. It's awful!




You say "accused" like it's not a huge compliment.



You know better.


It's actually not


I'm sure SA finally bringing a lesbian out won't have any long term effects on his mental state at all.


Be careful Friendo. While I very much enjoy your drop ins, you're dangerously close to being one of Strats non content drop in insulters. I think you've been on fire lately.


Meh, if anything I'd think it would set his mind at ease. It's not that she doesn't want his dick inside of her, it's that she doesn't want any dick inside of her.


If he was inside of her, she'd definitely have a dick inside of her.

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But I do hope good things for my man Essay. Speaking from experience, I think he's pissing into the wind on this one and wish he'd keep with it while working on other ass. Stop with all the eggs in one basket stuff. Find one friend to chase some ass with. You have to know people doing that at your age.



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then came the smell of relationship and women love that smell, plus the (vomit) confidence it brings, and that's what got me to this current girl.



Vomit or not I really enjoyed this.


I think it's just something to talk about for us...he actually has to live it.



This is all quite strange. I think she really might have some actual issues to work through and it might not have much to do with you personally.


Oh I realize that. I was mostly giggling at the rehashing of the same good advice SA isn't going to take because he's happy enough where things are at the moment.


I've said that before too. I really think this is a "it's not you (SA) it's me (her)" kind of thing. And unlike most I think there's a 60/40 chance SA ends up getting his willy wet.




Be careful Friendo. While I very much enjoy your drop ins, you're dangerously close to being one of Strats non content drop in insulters. I think you've been on fire lately.



Huh, I pretty much assumed Thera and loogie were at the top of Strats list from the get go.

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And in reality, she's being the opposite of nice to you. But ok


I don't know, it seems like she's been clear with him in terms of what she won't do (sex or anything close to it). Other than that, she seems to want to be a couple, and it's up to him if he wants to get on board with that plan or end it.

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Other than that, she seems to want to be a couple?



Other than that? Really? Come on now. Also, quite clear? Did you read what he wrote, and how he had to play 20 questions and still got nothing resembling a real answer. Just maybe's and possibly's


They don't even talk every day. You ever had a girlfriend you didnt talk to at least 6 days a week? A GIRLFRIEND, not just a girl you banged. They are every other, at best.


And I'd like more info on these kisses. Are we talking full makeout, tongue and all, of just life kisses you get from a creepy grandmother.

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I'm pretty sure Tilt-bashing counts as content.


My content in life is pretty baby heavy right now, not very interesting. Lots of work and reffing. Drinking alone while watching AD the other night when the wife and baby were at the in-laws was the most depressing its been in a while. Probably won't be doing that too often.

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Relationship without sex is the worst thing ever. While the companionship is nice if this girl I'm with wasn't chomping at the bit to get in my pants I would feel incredibly undesirable and that would crush my ego and psyche as a man. Mexi-melt is right I guess. Stay with her and keep making moves on her while actively pursuing other options. Don't make someone a priority who only makes you a sexless gay best friend option.


My Memorial Day 4 day weekend Of drinking was sidetracked by the flu. Sick as a dog my last 3 days and ha to call in sick today for The second time in my 17 years of employment. The flu blows but it has given me an excuse today to lay in bed watching AD. Which thru 4 episodes is somewhat disappointing. The seperate storylines for the characters I think so far is killing the dysfunctional family dynamic that was so funny before. Still some laughs and plenty of time for it to get better.

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Other than that? Really? Come on now. Also, quite clear? Did you read what he wrote, and how he had to play 20 questions and still got nothing resembling a real answer. Just maybe's and possibly's


That seems pretty clear to me.


Drinking alone while watching AD the other night when the wife and baby were at the in-laws was the most depressing its been in a while.


Really? That sounds great.

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