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46(!!) guests..a must read..

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There's 46 of you lurking right now. You don't have an account, or you didn't log in.Well, let us unite. I'm calling on all of you lurkers; create an account, come rejoice with us--for this is splendid times. Please make your first post in this thread--I beg of you.Please? I'm drunk, it took me like, 10 minutes to make this thread.

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i've never posted here before, but I love fcp and daniel negeraenu is the greatest poker player in the history of the world!!!! I think he should go play andy beal 500k-1 million heads up and bust him for a billion dollars and then help pay down our national debt and end world hunger and create world peace.btw daniel, any chance you could come play in my home game wednesday evenings, we use real chips and everything! its only a $20 buy in, and you'll meet some wonderful people!!!!!!also daniel, I just put $200 online and started out playing 2-4 limit but im down to 100, what am i doing wrong. I had k7 and raised and flopped my king and I bet it all the way and he had KT, what a donk!!! Ive been getting bad beats like that all day, what can i do, please help me daniel!!!!!!

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There's 46 of you lurking right now. You don't have an account, or you didn't log in.Well, let us unite. I'm calling on all of you lurkers; create an account, come rejoice with us--for this is splendid times. Please make your first post in this thread--I beg of you.Please? I'm drunk, it took me like, 10 minutes to make this thread.
You're as bored as I am tonight.I'm on beer #9......I think.
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There's 46 of you lurking right now. You don't have an account, or you didn't log in.Well, let us unite. I'm calling on all of you lurkers; create an account, come rejoice with us--for this is splendid times. Please make your first post in this thread--I beg of you.Please? I'm drunk, it took me like, 10 minutes to make this thread.
You're as bored as I am tonight.I'm on beer #9......I think.
Yah.and im a bit hurt no one wanted to make thier fiorst appearance ni the forums on my thread.
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i got so bored tonight i jumped from my usual griding .10/.25NL tables to the 1/2 NL tables on Pstars..... i've made like 120 so far...bad beat stories to come.8 busch lites deep.

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i've never posted here before, but I love fcp and daniel negeraenu is the greatest poker player in the history of the world!!!! I think he should go play andy beal 500k-1 million heads up and bust him for a billion dollars and then help pay down our national debt and end world hunger and create world peace.btw daniel, any chance you could come play in my home game wednesday evenings, we use real chips and everything! its only a $20 buy in, and you'll meet some wonderful people!!!!!!also daniel, I just put $200 online and started out playing 2-4 limit but im down to 100, what am i doing wrong. I had k7 and raised and flopped my king and I bet it all the way and he had KT, what a donk!!! Ive been getting bad beats like that all day, what can i do, please help me daniel!!!!!!
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I felt so sorry for you so I will write in this thread what I wanted to write in that other huge fishie thread.You know someone's a fish when they say: "I am a proud member of the FCP forum. I posted that hand you played against me there and everyone agreed you are a donk"

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There's 46 of you lurking right now. You don't have an account, or you didn't log in.Well, let us unite. I'm calling on all of you lurkers; create an account, come rejoice with us--for this is splendid times. Please make your first post in this thread--I beg of you.Please? I'm drunk, it took me like, 10 minutes to make this thread.
You're as bored as I am tonight.I'm on beer #9......I think.
I pissed beer number 9 after beer number 20
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