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I was kinda bummed. I invited him to play poker (only like 30 mins away from each other) simply B/C I thought he was Asian. I've got friends of most other races and nationalities. Only ones I was missing were an Asian and a Jew. So (heavy sigh) now I gotta find two again. Things are worth more as a complete set, you know. I'll put it here so it's readily visible - SW

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im fairly sure he is, and if i'm not mistaken, dutch is as well? making 3 of us in here.. or technically 2.5, since i'm only 50%i need an asian count.. i can't keep track :club:
here's the head count i have so far:YouDutchXX44466XXmmmmikeysongand the most obvious, MarionSauce (which since she barely posts anymore, does it count?)I am not Asian. My name derives from an ex-gf and I (I being the american--Miguk, she being the Korean--Hanguk).Of course, people see asian words and auto-assume a lot of things. Some of course, mean nothing by it. Others, like hardkorbeatz, turn it into racially motivated hate.On a side note: I never knew what this would become when I created this username 2 years ago. I just did it because I was head over heels for said gf, and it sounded cool. I kept it after the breakup for three reasons:1) No need to confuse myself with multiple names2) It's pretty obvious my taste in women still mirrors it3) It's a weapon at the table.It's usually few and far between, but I can use it against narrow-minded honkies who decided to stereotype. It pisses them off more than anything it seems. And once I spot one, I run that stereotype well.It's like I was telling 76 on AIM tonight. I don't mind the Asian jokes. I laugh at them. It just lets me know what kind of person they are, that I can run mind games on them, and it lets me know that I'm playing better than them, so instead of trying to find faults with my game, they find faults with my "online skin color."However, when words like "chink" or "gook" are thrown around, fun time stops. I'm e-mail support, calling over abuse support, what have you, and letting them know what was said, and making sure their chat is banned.Those are highly offensive words that I don't take lightly. If anyone said something like that to a girl I was seeing, I'd break their jaw. Since I can't do that online, I just get their chat banned.
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wow u are SUCH a pansy. youre actually gonna run and tell on me? i guess nothings changed since middle school huh?just a little...tip..if you dont wanna get called a mofukin gook then dont make fun of other peoples nationality. common fkin sense really.to all the gooks on here: i <3 u guys, dont think got anything against asians just cause i use that word. in fact, the only time i would ever use that word is if i had to piss some asian dude off(and right now). For some reason, that gets to em. Hanguk could just call me a cracker and call it even but hes gonna pm half the mods here cause hes a little b.itch like that. And hes not even asian , goddamn, what a moron.anyway i was glad to see that it workedalso, do you really think i care if i get banned? ill just make a new account and keep on postin just like always.why r u so dumb hanguk?why?I LOL @ U for actually being lame enough to go back and edit flames. god man u r so frickn sad.

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wow u are SUCH a pansy. youre actually gonna run and tell on me? i guess nothings changed since middle school huh?just a little...tip..if you dont wanna get called a mofukin gook then dont make fun of other peoples nationality. common fkin sense really.to all the gooks on here: i <3 u guys, dont think got anything against asians just cause i use that word. in fact, the only time i would ever use that word is if i had to piss some asian dude off(and right now). For some reason, that gets to em. Hanguk could just call me a cracker and call it even but hes gonna pm half the mods here cause hes a little b.itch like that. And hes not even asian , goddamn, what a moron.anyway i was glad to see that it workedalso, do you really think i care if i get banned? ill just make a new account and keep on postin just like always.why r u so dumb hanguk?why?I LOL @ U for actually being lame enough to go back and edit flames. god man u r so frickn sad.
let's just see what daniel has to say about this buddy. you just called CW a gook too.did you forget lori's asian? you are truly pathetic and stupid, and i feel no pity for you.i only said you should go back to russia, and that you're ideology was like the roots of communism.you took the jump to racism. not me.
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let's just see what daniel has to say about this buddy. you just called CW a gook too.did you forget lori's asian? you are truly pathetic and stupid, and i feel no pity for you.i only said you [bold]should go back to russia[/bold], and that you're ideology was like the roots of communism.you took the jump to racism. not me.
Two wrongs dont equal a right.
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Numbers: Baseball- Bunch of guys standing around until the ball comes to them, which may be never, only really running when they are batting, or if they need to collect the ball. Football- On average, players only play about 3 minutes in the one hour game. (My dad played football in college, and has alot of patients who are HUGE football fans) Soccer- LOTS of running, full 90 minutes played, very little start-stop.I rest my case.
catching up reading and saw this...dude, are you ****ing kidding me? i played football all through hs and through my sophomore yr of college, and i'll be damned if i only played 3 minutes per game...thats ****ing crazy...i'll admit soccer takes more endurance than football, but football is a lot more violent and takes much more toughness than kicking a ball around for 90 minutes...and as far as baseball ending 1-0 after 4 hours, at least there's a damn winner at the end of the game...no gay *** 0-0 draws...that is all for now...korea just won 2-1...
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You know when you're doing laundry and you've got that sock in with your red t-shirt ? ARGGHHHH!!! I hate'm
And to think I was going to call you a racist SOB. j/k, I actually kinda assumed it had to do with Laundry. That's the reason I try not to where White clothes. If Red Mixes With Black, doesn't show as much.
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And to think I was going to call you a racist SOB. j/k, I actually kinda assumed it had to do with Laundry. That's the reason I try not to where White clothes. If Red Mixes With Black, doesn't show as much.
No no...I am a cracker....
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wow u are SUCH a pansy. youre actually gonna run and tell on me? i guess nothings changed since middle school huh?just a little...tip..if you dont wanna get called a mofukin gook then dont make fun of other peoples nationality. common fkin sense really.to all the gooks on here: i <3 u guys, dont think got anything against asians just cause i use that word. in fact, the only time i would ever use that word is if i had to piss some asian dude off(and right now). For some reason, that gets to em. Hanguk could just call me a cracker and call it even but hes gonna pm half the mods here cause hes a little b.itch like that. And hes not even asian , goddamn, what a moron.anyway i was glad to see that it workedalso, do you really think i care if i get banned? ill just make a new account and keep on postin just like always.why r u so dumb hanguk?why?I LOL @ U for actually being lame enough to go back and edit flames. god man u r so frickn sad.
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We all expected as much.ANd hardcorebeatz=teneight?
I never found teneight to be a racist, but he was banned pretty soon after I joined.
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