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saw the 2005 results thread.....good story.

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it is. its what i wanted to do since high school.And yes i do have rns license and was a registered nurse for a year and a half until i got in anesthesia school and now i am a crna. make jokes if you want but its what i always wanted to do and i only work Eight and half months out of the year. Perfect for me.

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a) Great story CainB) Yes, I probably would have cashed the check after making sure it was legally safe to do so.c) I want some of whatever Smiddy is doing d) Zwall......It's been said before on this site but it looks like you missed the memo. People will take your opinions more seriously if you learn to spell and capitalize. I agree that it would be ethically correct to return the money to Party Poker. I'm not sure I could do it but I do agree that it would be the right thing to do. I think you opinion here would have been more respected if you had left it with, "I don't think it's right to keep the money." I do feel the example you gave about your bank experience i very different. The bank was in the US and they could have had legal recourse against you. It is a bigger stretch to suggest Cain would be trying to grab up your chips if you dropped them. He had already said he considered this to be accepting what was given to him in error from a foreign corporation and not taking directly from another person. I think keeping the discussion less confrontational would have kept the open discussion going.

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and honest mistake and playing poler are two differnt things.  I hope to think daniel would think the same thing and if he didnt it wouldnt mean i didnt like him. like i said earlier its not think i dont like the op its justed his judgement is a little clouded along with some of these other posters.  this is just my fellings about the situation
slow down, breathe, formulate the words in your head before you type them. and i hate to break it to you, but daniel makes money when other players make mistakes. this is how poker works. those players dont want to make mistakes. they are trying hard not to make mistakes. these are honest mistakes. just my fellings about the situation... :shock:
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it is.  its what i wanted to do since high school.And yes i do have rns license and was a registered nurse for a year and a half until i got in anesthesia school and now i am a crna.  make jokes if you want but its what i always wanted to do and i only work Eight and half months out of the year. Perfect for me.
what did the one male nurse say to the other male nurse...
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no my job involves putting people to sleep and waking them up after surgery.and honest mistake and playing poler are two differnt things.  I hope to think daniel would think the same thing and if he didnt it wouldnt mean i didnt like him. like i said earlier its not think i dont like the op its justed his judgement is a little clouded along with some of these other posters.  this is just my fellings about the situation
And you don't have to document that clearly ?
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thanks finztotheleft.iwasnt trying to be confrontational until partypsux was confrontational to me and like i said i dont think the op is the devil or anything its just his judgement may be off. and i know i cant type i never have to except messing around on here.and yeah we do ahve to document EVERYTHING(it gets a little tedious sometimes) but it is all by hand.

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it is.  its what i wanted to do since high school.And yes i do have rns license and was a registered nurse for a year and a half until i got in anesthesia school and now i am a crna.  make jokes if you want but its what i always wanted to do and i only work Eight and half months out of the year. Perfect for me.
I am not writing this to make fun of a male nurse. I am begging you to stop posting and further embarrassing my profession. We all have a responsibility to try to enhance the public's view of nursing.
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hmm Partypsux sounds like i struck a nerve sorry for doing that' date=' sounds like your censored it didnt happen to you, sorry.[/quote']yes I wish I would get a 7k check to my name in the mail. I would immidiately cash out my party BR and I would have a huge bankroll to play on FCP or whatever. I wouldnt regret it for one second
this is the first time ive ever told anyone aoutside my family and friends.
so you mean this is the first time you publicly announce it? I guess thats the only one you had left, after you already told your family and friends. Its like people that give $100 to a bum and and then tell people about it.
read his post and honestly almost didnt post my story.   then i saw people actually telly him way to go wish it happened to me.  Hope i never play a live game with and accidently drop any chips on the floor close to you cause you pocket those babies in a heartbeat.
if you dropped it in my pocket I probably wouldnt notice, if I did id give it back to you, 3 bet youre next PF raise, outplay you post flop, and say "haha i got it anyway you fcking donkey"
your probably the kind of angle shooting censored that keeps people wary of poker players
nope, but you however are an idiot, that would probably give back the 7k check written in your name, just so that you can tell youre friends, family and a large group of strangers. Hell, Id rather give that money to starving children than hand it back to the devil's deciples over at party gaming, but no, you wouldnt even think of that would you? All you care about is yourself and your damn ego. way to go. *******.
he knows it was wrong cause cashed it as soon as it could and then cashed out his pary account if didnt think it was wrong he woulndt have done these things.
this made no sense. I only highlited it so people could laugh at you. more than they did when you said you were a male nurse.
He tried to cahs before it got a stop put on it.  there is no way anyone can justify taking the  money.
yes there is, actually everyone is, so you can shut up about that.
I t doenst matter if it was from a poker website or from a church it wasnt your money.
yes it does moron.
sure it may not be illegal but isure is hell isnt ethical. and really says something about his character and yours.
LOL I love how your dumb ass keeps trying to make people feel bad for doing the smart thing. but you're not making anyone feel bad, your just making yourself look like an idiot. LOL I cant wait for party to freeze your acct for absolutely no reason. when I read your "wtf thes sob's stole my 900 bucks" thread, Im going to laugh at you, and so will everyone else.
no telling wha you do for money if someone wasnt looking.
that, once again makes no sense. It does however make you look even more retarded. good job.
(doenst mean i wouldnt love to play poker full time)
and outside of owning my home money just doenst mean as much to me that ill try my best take any money accidently sent to me by an honest mistake.  Im not saying i hate the guy for doing it or anything its just not the right thing to do anyone with good judgement would tell you that.
who the f*ck are you to say whats wrong and whats right????? that in itself would be considered unethical by idiots like you. According to who is this unethical? To God? Dont even try to give that answer because you'll be lauged at. Also, who nobody "tried their best" to take anyones money, THEY HANDED HIM A CHECK WITH HIS NAME FOR GODS SAKE!
the reason I started coming to this website is because i thought daniel is a class act(which he is and seems to be a very ethical person)
class act he is. Now, go read the thread where he says hed steal his opponents blinds if they got disconnected. That to you would be considered unethical right? Doesnt mean its the "wrong thing to do" though. Are you starting to understand how stupid you are?
must be just me.
must be
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ok, now be honest zwall, did my post make you feel stupider, or did prtypsux's post make you feel stupider. we have a bet.
this one was really good. It actually made me laugh pretty hard. but It doesnt count. The ones that count are the 3 or 4 short ones that justblaze wrote before this and the 2 that I wrote.
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sweet story. I would've done the samething. We are talking about a Multi-million dollar company here. They aren't going to miss 7k. they probably make much more in 30 min.it's wrong but hey, it's party poker. Like they care if you go broke. If some kid gets hold of his mommys credit card and loses $10,000 and commits suicide, do you think party poker will give a fuck what happened to the kid who lose all that money on their site?? hell NO!it's wrong to let a DONK keep his money, why should you let party poker keep theirs??teneight

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:shock: There is balance in the universe and ultimately all is made right somehow. It is inevitable.There is Ying....and there is Yang.And sooner or later you will get...your Ying Yanged.Good Luck.

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i'd probably take the money as well. But the check just didnt come from thin air, I bet some other guy withdrew from his PP account and then some crazy mistake happened. Well that guy definitely got screwed unless PP paid him as well.

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i'd probably take the money as well. But the check just didnt come from thin air, I bet some other guy withdrew from his PP account and then some crazy mistake happened. Well that guy definitely got screwed unless PP paid him as well.
no, cuz that guy calls party and says his damn check didnt arrive. Party pretty much has to pay I think.
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Just make sure you don't spend it all....gotta have some left for bail money!!
People who say I was wrong to take the money I can respect. You are just a schmuck. You dont go to jail for cashing a check with your name on it. If in the unlikely event PartyPoker pursued legal action against me, it would be a civil matter not a criminal one.Who lets these clowns in here???
You like soap-on-a-rope right??? I thought so.....
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The question is, if the check had been from the "Make-A-Wish" Foundation, would you still have cashed it? :shock: That said, I would have cashed the PP check with the quickness; at the same time, I'd donate some amount ($500?) to charity :club:

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i would have NOT cashed the check...ya, partypoker made a mistake, dosent make what u did right...somebody probably got fired over this...i believe in karma, but thats just me.
karma doesnt really apply here. The only way I see karma in this is karma for party poker fuking so many people over. The person that got fired was gonna get fired regardless. I dont understand people saying "its not right" ..is it wrong then? accoording to you guys? I wouldnt say theres a right or wrong thing, Id say theres definately a smart or dumb thing though. (smart and dumb can change depending your situation, ie. you make 20k a month playing poker, you have Rake back and it pays a lot. If you stop playing on party you might cut your monthly earnings down to 15k a month. THEN It might be smart to send the check back and not risk getting your acct terminated)Im sure you've all had this happen at some point or another, and I want to see what your opinions are on this:you go to Wal-Mart (evil evil evil) you decide to buy a digital camera, you pick the good sony cam thats 600 bucks. The wal mart employee grabs the box from under the counter shows it to you and says "is this the camera you wanted" you see it and it is and he tells you that you can pay for it at the cashier. He goes his way and you go to the cashier. You hand her the box and take out your credit card, as she rings it up you see the words on the little cashier screen say "cannon x83 dgt cam $299.99". You know it's got the wrong tag, you know nobody will know and theyll just mark it off as sold in their inventory. Do you think to yourself "sweet I get it half price cuz someone fcked up with the bar codes" or "I cant accept that, everyone has to pay 600, Ill pay 600. Its unethical to screw Wal-Mart for $300" ?????? if you say the latter. You are lying.
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So are you taking any actions to get your 400 back?
Nah. That would strike me as tempting fate. I still ended up way ahead here.Jelly filled....I really dont feel like this constituted me losing my integrity. It is fine if people say that I should have given it back....but that is a bit melodramatic an accusation in my mind all things considered.
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i'd probably take the money as well. But the check just didnt come from thin air, I bet some other guy withdrew from his PP account and then some crazy mistake happened. Well that guy definitely got screwed unless PP paid him as well.
I am sure this is exactly what happened. I am also Positive that guy got his money just a week later than he wanted it. If I thought that whoever made that cashout wouldnt get his money I really wouldnt have kept it. I suppose it is a rationalization to say its ok to take money from Party and not from a fellow poker player but thats the way I feel.Also zwall. This is not akin to taking your chips if you dropped them near me. Stop being melodramatic. The equivalent would be if you TOOK 7 thousand dollars worth of chips....put them in a fedex box....and shipped them to me for no apparent reason. I did not lift a finger to get this money from them. Party should be more careful. If I made a 7000 dollar misclick in a high stakes game would they refund my money? Or if I got disconnected in the PP 500K guaranteed final table with a huge chip lead would they pay me the difference if I came in 4th? Perhaps not the same thing but close.As far as karma goes....to be honest I felt like this was in fact karma coming back to me. I am pretty well off and I feel that I have always been generous with my friends/giving to charity/etc and that maybe coming home from work and finding a Fedex with over 7000 dollars in it was a little present from the karma gods. I have had some negative variance lately so maybe karma is biting me?? You never know.....
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