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FCPHA: Big Table in the Back

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Booo Sorry Henry :(I guess you can at least be happy you are not oone of the ones being laid off :(No chance to learn to deal in roulette or craps?
I'm hoping to take the next craps class. They haven't offered one in awhile.Roulette is a stupid game and I don't want to deal it.
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I'm about to drink wine and eat french fries. Gourmet.edit: Yep...I liked my own post.

Happy Fourth of July to those that celebrate. I have a couple of Angus steaks marinating in K.C.Masterpiece Steakhouse blend as I type. That will go with a shrimp cocktail, twice baked potato and corn

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Sweet, new forum. Hooray.In other news, I'm going to be rich, I just need a publishing company that wants the rights to my book.
Is it a guide to using your syncable Ipod ?
Tonight is my work Christmas Party. Much Free Wine and Beer will be consumed tonight.. Followed by the trip in the morning to Atlantic City :)Hopefully I don't bust out in my tournament in the 1st hand!
What are you wearing?
So I'm going to Indianapolis in the middle of January for a 3 day seminar.My boss just came up and told me there is a good chance that his brother will be flying us there in his private jet.That would be kinda sweet.
Can he pick up Scott and I and we all go to Vegas instead?
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Does that mean you haven't put forth the effort, or you've been blown off, or things are going well and you just don't want to make Nikki publicly jealous?
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We don't have a Christmas party. I think it's because we never close, so some people would always get left out. Plus, management is cheap.Work update looks pretty bleak for me. They handed out our new bid sheets for shifts. A lot of BJ dealers are getting laid off, and for those of us remaining, the schedules pretty much suck. Almost all the good shifts are only available for dealers who deal roulette and a few in craps. I think I may be headed back to graveyard shift or maybe even a temp schedule again. :club: [/end rant]
Interested in Toronto? Maybe Yvonne needs some more poker dealers and tummy rubbers.
Hola mi amigos! Got a chance to (finally) drive-by and visit the zoo. What up?
Hey baby!
What a tease! I don't mean that in a good way.
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What up wild man
Still smarting from a crazy-*** straddle from last weekend. 3/6 limit, capped pre-flop with 5 players, dealt an Ad Kc. Flop comes 7s Ks 8c, beautiful, lead out and get 4 callers. Turn comes a 4s, uh oh, so I tried to find out where I was and made a continuation bet. Yep, 4 calls. River comes a spade, but instead of slowing down I bet out and get 4 callers. Middle pos. shows Qs 10c and wins a $70.00 pot that by all rights should have been mine. Ouch! Poker hates me. I REALLY need to read a book or join a forum.
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Does that mean you haven't put forth the effort, or you've been blown off, or things are going well and you just don't want to make Nikki publicly jealous?
Well i put forth a lot of effort early with little to no results. So I would say it is more of the blown off category. Having said that I will send along christmas wishes when the holiday arrives. I'm kinda in a wait and see area which will most likly lead to a lack of caring at some point.
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Yes, I was wondering the same thing myself.
No, you were wondering when Norman was going to be in you...I like your new av but something was bugging me about it...couldn't put my finger on it til just now.Unlike you, your av still has a purse...
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Tonight is my work Christmas Party. Much Free Wine and Beer will be consumed tonight.. Followed by the trip in the morning to Atlantic City :)Hopefully I don't bust out in my tournament in the 1st hand!
Good luck and make us proud!
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Worktime. Friday for me.I always wanted to SIISP.Nice to see you, Ozz.FU
Al dente will work for me :D
Interested in Toronto? Maybe Yvonne needs some more poker dealers and tummy rubbers.Hey baby!What a tease! I don't mean that in a good way.
Howdy y'all!Y'all up for a 4 way? :club:
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Well i put forth a lot of effort early with little to no results. So I would say it is more of the blown off category. Having said that I will send along christmas wishes when the holiday arrives. I'm kinda in a wait and see area which will most likly lead to a lack of caring at some point.
if its something you want; put more effort into it dude. its like a a poker feeler bet, put it out there and see where your at.nothing comes easy; well except nikkiOh...
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No, you were wondering when Norman was going to be in you...I like your new av but something was bugging me about it...couldn't put my finger on it til just now.Unlike you, your av still has a purse...
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So if anyone decides then wanna join me and D in Tunica Friday night Jan 12th - Sunday afternoon Jan 14th for the WSOP Circuit you can call Harrahs and use Promo code S01WSOP to get room rate changed to $49/night weekend rate.
This is to remind myself that Ozz and I might want to do this but probably won't decide until after New Years. Don't let me forget Chicken.
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