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FCPHA: Big Table in the Back

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Good luck and make us proud!
I will try!!! Thanks :D
I replaced your shirt in Indiana? Hell, your lucky I didn't puke on it.
I'm lucky you didn't puke in my mouth as well..
Howdy y'all!Y'all up for a 4 way? :club:
if its something you want; put more effort into it dude. its like a a poker feeler bet, put it out there and see where your at.nothing comes easy; well except nikkiOh...
He put plenty of effort.. she just apparently sucks..
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I'm about to drink wine and eat french fries. Gourmet.edit: Yep...I liked my own post.

Happy Fourth of July to those that celebrate. I have a couple of Angus steaks marinating in K.C.Masterpiece Steakhouse blend as I type. That will go with a shrimp cocktail, twice baked potato and corn

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No, you were wondering when Norman was going to be in you...I like your new av but something was bugging me about it...couldn't put my finger on it til just now.Unlike you, your av still has a purse...
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Spaghetti is soooooo last month.We don't flirt in here anymore, whore.
Does anyone still have that pic of Ren from Vegas climbing over the booth? Me thinks it should be posted again. What say you Hoek? Hmmm..?
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Still smarting from a crazy-*** straddle from last weekend. 3/6 limit, capped pre-flop with 5 players, dealt an Ad Kc. Flop comes 7s Ks 8c, beautiful, lead out and get 4 callers. Turn comes a 4s, uh oh, so I tried to find out where I was and made a continuation bet. Yep, 4 calls. River comes a spade, but instead of slowing down I bet out and get 4 callers. Middle pos. shows Qs 10c and wins a $70.00 pot that by all rights should have been mine. Ouch! Poker hates me. I REALLY need to read a book or join a forum.
It was way more than a $70 pot. There was $60 in it preflop because your straddle pushed the cap limit to 5 bets instead of 4 which means each of you 5 had in $15 preflop.
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I wonder why I get emails when some of you add me as a friend but not all of you. So far it's 2 of 5. Alan fix the permission issue, its making baby jesus cry!
Jesus was a man!
Yes, I was wondering the same thing myself.
I'm driving so I'll be in OK around Sat or Sun and leaving Wednesday....I think. Maybe some poker/dinner/drinking/chillin Wednesday evening?I'm gonna spend a few days in Albequerque playing poker on my way back instead of driving to Vegas like last year.
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if its something you want; put more effort into it dude. its like a a poker feeler bet, put it out there and see where your at.nothing comes easy; well except nikkiOh...
Shut up whore! snap?
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No, you were wondering when Norman was going to be in you...I like your new av but something was bugging me about it...couldn't put my finger on it til just now.Unlike you, your av still has a purse...
Thursday, Blue.*Unrelated side note - when I am in the reply to a post screen, I have my smilies and the "quick access" (snicker, snicker) center on the top left but I have to scroll down about 1/2 way to get to the box (snicker, snicker) where I type in my response. Is that happening to you guys too?
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It was way more than a $70 pot. There was $60 in it preflop because your straddle pushed the cap limit to 5 bets instead of 4 which means each of you 5 had in $15 preflop.
Sorry, thats right. The pot was more like $112.00. Anyhoo, I played that straddle pretty badly.
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if its something you want; put more effort into it dude. its like a a poker feeler bet, put it out there and see where your at.nothing comes easy; well except nikkiOh...
The work was there.I believe there is only so much "work" that one can do before it crosses over into obsessed and that is not where I want to go. If it's gonna happen it's gonna happen. The fact that I've been brushed off the last 2 weekends indicates to me that its probably no gonna happen right now.I take offense to the second part of your post.
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Does anyone still have that pic of Ren from Vegas climbing over the booth? Me thinks it should be posted again. What say you Hoek? Hmmm..?
its my desktop background @ work
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So, about this friends thing, either:!) No one likes me2) I'm not getting e-mails from FCPC) I don't like any of you and am denying all requests.When in doubt, always choose C

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Thursday, Blue.*Unrelated side note - when I am in the reply to a post screen, I have my smilies and the "quick access" (snicker, snicker) center on the top left but I have to scroll down about 1/2 way to get to the box (snicker, snicker) where I type in my response. Is that happening to you guys too?
I have smileys on the top left with quick access directly below. My box (snicker snicker) is directly to the right of the smileys and quick access (snicker snicker).
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We don't have a Christmas party. I think it's because we never close, so some people would always get left out. Plus, management is cheap.Work update looks pretty bleak for me. They handed out our new bid sheets for shifts. A lot of BJ dealers are getting laid off, and for those of us remaining, the schedules pretty much suck. Almost all the good shifts are only available for dealers who deal roulette and a few in craps. I think I may be headed back to graveyard shift or maybe even a temp schedule again. :club: [/end rant]
Weak, man. That sucks.
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Jesus was a man!I'm driving so I'll be in OK around Sat or Sun and leaving Wednesday....I think. Maybe some poker/dinner/drinking/chillin Wednesday evening?I'm gonna spend a few days in Albequerque playing poker on my way back instead of driving to Vegas like last year.
You mean Wednesday after Christmas, right? That works great for me. If Wednesday is the day, I'll arrange to come in late on Thursday so I don't have to be a downer about leaving early or drinking lightly.
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So, about this friends thing, either:!) No one likes me2) I'm not getting e-mails from FCPC) I don't like any of you and am denying all requests.When in doubt, always choose C
You are my friend.
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Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day You fritter and waste the hours in an offhand wayKicking around on a piece of ground in your home townWaiting for someone or something to show you the way

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It was way more than a $70 pot. There was $60 in it preflop because your straddle pushed the cap limit to 5 bets instead of 4 which means each of you 5 had in $15 preflop.
Problem with that big of a multiway pot almost everyone is getting odds to draw to anything for one bet.
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