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FCPHA: Big Table in the Back

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The crab/shrimp boil was damn tasty. Between that, the antipasto and and the chocolate dipped fruit, I ate wayyyy too much. Food coma bed time.

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I'm about to drink wine and eat french fries. Gourmet.edit: Yep...I liked my own post.

I'm back in the land of cold weather, wind, and snow. I left CA on a day it reached 90 degrees and arrived in Anchorage to 12 degree weather, caught a plane to Unalaska where it was 34 with 2 inches o

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WTF, I leave this place for 2.5 years and everything goes to hell. Nobody seems to be posting. I went back a couple hundred pages thinking it would be a couple months worth and come to find out I went back a year and a half. Anyway. I read up from about April of 2010 so I am up on most of that. I'm seldom on FB so can't/won't follow from there. I'm on night shift so may be able to keep up with the 1 page a month that seems to be the norm. Speaking of Norm. I figured he would have found a way around any technical barriers and found his way back home.

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I am having a hard time getting my head around that you guys are not going to Vegas this year. I of course couldn't make it anyway, but still, come on, some traditions just shouldn't be messed with. I guess KC will be ok and I hope you all have a wonderous time.I haven't been to Vegas in a couple of years. I may have to try and go this Oct. when I head out for my bro's wedding.

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Hi Roger, good to see you back. It sucks about Vegas. I didn't go last year so I was looking forward to this year, but it would have been bad timing anyway.A lot of us are still around, just not as often.

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Hi Dustin. Yes I see that a lot of people stick their nose in every now and again to say hi. Nothing like the at work slacking that started it all.What happened to Brett? I didn't go back far enough to see. (this question can be answered by anyone by the way)Also, Shaver, very nice looking boobs. Are you and Jarret still getting married? When?Alan, Portland is very nice. Lots of golf courses, wine, and food. Also pretty cheap to live. I didn't see any other posts after the initial so I'm guessing that you didn't even consider it.

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Lets see, what else can I ask about? Blue, I read mention of a gf, then nothing more. How did that work out for you? I also saw that you went to Chef school and took some sort of job at Whole Foods. gj. You may not realize this but i play a chef on TV here locally and fancy myself some sort of foodie.Paul, no retirement? Bummer. I myself am about 507 days from being able to retire. 20 years I've been out here on this rock.K- you really shouldn't let the school district use you so badly and just wow and fantastic job on raising a family, working, slacking, and getting a degree. I am thouroughly impressed.Renae- quit FB and rejoin FCP. After that IPO debacle I'm surprised FB can even function. Although I guess it was mostly not their doing. Also, I'm liking me some Miranda Lambert.Scott - how is the search for sex going?

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What happened to Brett? I didn't go back far enough to see. (this question can be answered by anyone by the way)
Renae pissed him off!
Can someone remind me how to change from 20 ppp to 40 ppp.
You can't with the new version.
Scott - how is the search for sex going?
Nikki won't put out.
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Lets see if I have figured out this new quote system. To Scott, damn, that must have been some deal to run Brett out of here. To bad they couldn't kiss and make up.To Paul, 9 more years! Damn that just sucks. I am debating the financial ramifications of 20 years and out verses staying till 25. Seeing as how I couldn't really retire, just change jobs, I'm probably going to do my 20 and then move someplace warm to work on a second retirement. I'm looking forward to being less isolated and being able to visit places without having to sell off appendages to pay for it.

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QUOTE (dna4ever @ Monday, November 9th, 2009, 2:03 PM)$123 AFTER INSURANCE for ONE cavity on ONE child? Seriously?Reason number 2543456456456234532541479028281913 why I won't have kids.
Over/Under on this changing?
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I am having a hard time getting my head around that you guys are not going to Vegas this year.
Me too.Hey Roger, yeah it's gotten a bit slow around here.Ever since they changed the look of the forum, it is crazy slow for me which is why I've barely posted lately. Am I the only one with this problem? Waiting like 20-30 secs to load a damn page.Plus I still can't go to 40 posts/page which annoys me way more than it should.
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It's slow for me, too. Hey Roger! I need to catch up on your posts later, but right now I have to hit the road to Kansas City to see Ren, Ozzy, and Josh and anyone else that wants to hop a plane or jump in the car and head there for the weekend. Wahoo!

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Me too.Hey Roger, yeah it's gotten a bit slow around here.Ever since they changed the look of the forum, it is crazy slow for me which is why I've barely posted lately. Am I the only one with this problem? Waiting like 20-30 secs to load a damn page.Plus I still can't go to 40 posts/page which annoys me way more than it should.
You can't rely on how long it takes a page to load for me as I am on a satallite internet feed with a built in latency of 500ms on the best of days. It always takes several seconds for things to load.
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So lets see, I was gone on my weekend for 2 days and there were 2 posts in 2 days? Wow, just wow!I've never been to KC and really wouldn't know what the attraction is. I heard they have awesome BBQ. Is there gambling in KC? I would guess yes as there are casinos pretty much everywhere nowadays. (except Alaska of course)You know something I noticed while reading the last couple hundred pages spanning 2.5 years? The trip updates suck. I mean you used feel like you were in Vegas with the group when everyone got back. Last summer's Vegas trip had ZERO updates or recaps. Nothing was said about where everyone went, what was done, what was eaten, how the gambling was. I was very disappointed in the whole catchup. I am wondering if that is one of the problems? Is everyone afraid of being Volded? I can definately understand it if that was the case but I would love someone who has been around more's thoughts.Lets see, I got promoted. Given my affinity to voicing my opinion this is actually a surprise to most people who know me. I have made a career of pissing off and alienating people who have a direct bearing on my career advancement. Example- stood up in City Council meeting and told them they needed to fire the City Manager (my bosse's boss) and vote out the current mayor.

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It's slow for me, too. Hey Roger! I need to catch up on your posts later, but right now I have to hit the road to Kansas City to see Ren, Ozzy, and Josh and anyone else that wants to hop a plane or jump in the car and head there for the weekend. Wahoo!
Awesome K have fun in KC. Hopefully you will provide a trip report when you get back. (see other post) I'm glad you guys still get together, even if its not always in Vegas, I still hope to get to meet some of you one of these days.
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It's slow for me, too. Hey Roger! I need to catch up on your posts later, but right now I have to hit the road to Kansas City to see Ren, Ozzy, and Josh and anyone else that wants to hop a plane or jump in the car and head there for the weekend. Wahoo!
Hate to say it, but I think it might be the size of our thread.I do sometimes open threads in OT General or Entertainment and they seem to move a lot quicker.Have fun in KC! I wish I could've joined you guys. My work schedule is just so screwy these days, taking little weekend trips is like impossible having only 2 days off. I miss working 4 10hr days a week.
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You know something I noticed while reading the last couple hundred pages spanning 2.5 years? The trip updates suck. I mean you used feel like you were in Vegas with the group when everyone got back. Last summer's Vegas trip had ZERO updates or recaps. Nothing was said about where everyone went, what was done, what was eaten, how the gambling was. I was very disappointed in the whole catchup. I am wondering if that is one of the problems? Is everyone afraid of being Volded? I can definately understand it if that was the case but I would love someone who has been around more's thoughts.
I'm not afraid of being Volded, I guess we've gotten lazy (though hopefully not boring) in our old age. That and so many regular posters just aren't around anymore. I guess it was more fun/motivating to write a trip post that you thought 40-50 people would potentially read.I always have a blast on the Vegas trips, though the group has gotten smaller every year. Last year (I apologize if I forget anyone), I think the Vegas turnout was Renae and Ozzy, Raquel and Jarrett, Kristen, Scott, Yvonne, Josh, Norm and myself.I mean I know we're not going to put a trip together like the 1st couple summers, but hopefully after skipping this year, we can get 15-20ish next year. Plus I guess the trip dynamic has changed a bit over the years. Back in 06-07 most of us would be scattered around Binion's poker room, and maybe we got into more shenanigans on the street and bars downtown.Now we've been staying on the strip and to my knowledge, no one but Josh really plays much poker anymore. I don't even think I went to the Rio last year to visit the WSOP.Easier to tell stories about poker hands at a private army table I guess than "that hand I made a full house in PaiGow and won $15".
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I'm not afraid of being Volded, I guess we've gotten lazy (though hopefully not boring) in our old age. That and so many regular posters just aren't around anymore. I guess it was more fun/motivating to write a trip post that you thought 40-50 people would potentially read.I always have a blast on the Vegas trips, though the group has gotten smaller every year. Last year (I apologize if I forget anyone), I think the Vegas turnout was Renae and Ozzy, Raquel and Jarrett, Kristen, Scott, Yvonne, Josh, Norm and myself.I mean I know we're not going to put a trip together like the 1st couple summers, but hopefully after skipping this year, we can get 15-20ish next year.Plus I guess the trip dynamic has changed a bit over the years. Back in 06-07 most of us would be scattered around Binion's poker room, and maybe we got into more shenanigans on the street and bars downtown.Now we've been staying on the strip and to my knowledge, no one but Josh really plays much poker anymore. I don't even think I went to the Rio last year to visit the WSOP.Easier to tell stories about poker hands at a private army table I guess than "that hand I made a full house in PaiGow and won $15".
I can imagine the dynamic changing and such and I have no room to complain as I have never been able to make a gathering but damn, I used to look forward to living vicariously through you all when you got together.If anyone in KC is reading this while you are still in KC, you should see if you can get a private Army table just for old times sake and to appease the voyeur in me.
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Hate to say it, but I think it might be the size of our thread.I do sometimes open threads in OT General or Entertainment and they seem to move a lot quicker.Have fun in KC! I wish I could've joined you guys. My work schedule is just so screwy these days, taking little weekend trips is like impossible having only 2 days off. I miss working 4 10hr days a week.
Well, thats what prompted the move to the second thread.
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