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FCPHA: Big Table in the Back

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You don't truly know someone until you see how they react to their bag of chips getting stuck in a vending machine.

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I'm about to drink wine and eat french fries. Gourmet.edit: Yep...I liked my own post.

Happy Fourth of July to those that celebrate. I have a couple of Angus steaks marinating in K.C.Masterpiece Steakhouse blend as I type. That will go with a shrimp cocktail, twice baked potato and corn

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Scott, you and I will have to agree to disagree.
It's understandable, you're blinded by love.
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If there was an award for most pessimistic, I probably wouldn't even be nominated.

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Whatever you do in life, give 100%… unless you’re giving blood

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Good afternoon folks, caught up. Did a trip to AC on Monday-Wednesday. Didn't do anything in the tourneys and held my own at the cash tables. Put in a 14 hr day on Tuesday on the $2-$4 limit table, with a nice dinner at Sammy D's to break up the time. We were going to hit the boardwalk but after some crazy bitch stabbed a couple of tourists to death, we decided to just stay out in the marina at Harrah's. Now I'm home early getting ready for a nice long weekend.

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Hi. What the hell is this? I'm old and easily confused.None of Sam's photos seem to be showing for me.
I'm still figuring out some of the new forum craziness.
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Well, damn. That hotel was booked. I'm going to call Ren tomorrow and see if she has a better suggestion. Josh and I talked and figured that we don't need to be right near the casino since that's not all we'll probably do.

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After tomorrow, I don't have to work until August 2nd. In other news, I woke up this morning with a sore throat. It's still sore. If I am sick right at the beginning of summer break, that will suck.

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As punishment for having the summer off, I have to go to an 8am meeting tomorrow at the high school which is 25 minutes from my house. It will be boring. I'm hoping to sneakily read my kindle. Wish me luck.

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As punishment for having the summer off, I have to go to an 8am meeting tomorrow at the high school which is 25 minutes from my house. It will be boring. I'm hoping to sneakily read my kindle. Wish me luck.
As a punishment for something...I have a 9:30am meeting every Wednesday morning from last Oct until mid-late this July. It's 3h15mins away. This week I left at 6:05, got there at 9:20, had mtgs from 9:30-11:00, back in the car at 11:30, and home by 3:30 with a lunch stop. Yea, great use of my time. Dumb.Anyway...dmb this Sunday in Ohio. WOO!
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