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FCPHA: Big Table in the Back

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Happy Friday to those lucky enough to celebrate Friday on Friday; its my Monday. :(The only saving grace to it being Friday is that its poker night! and there are enough players in town for a game. We play a myriad of games to include Omaha 8, Cinncinnati 8, 3-2-1, Double Twist (think 7 stud 8 with option), Chuck 2, 6 Card Kill, Jacks Back, and Holdem Hi-lo 1 before and 1 after. Baby needs a new pair of shoe!!

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I'm about to drink wine and eat french fries. Gourmet.edit: Yep...I liked my own post.

I'm back in the land of cold weather, wind, and snow. I left CA on a day it reached 90 degrees and arrived in Anchorage to 12 degree weather, caught a plane to Unalaska where it was 34 with 2 inches o

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Damn, I was cold decked hard tonight. I couldn't win a pot to save my life. I lost set over set, FH over FH, and I was rivered repeatedly. Now I have an 8 hour shift to lament my misfortune and plan my revenge for next week.Its been pretty slow for as many people we have in town. The season is running slow so none of the processors have any money yet and the fishermen are out on the boats. This should all change once the offloading begins and everyone has cash in hand.

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You, Scott and Dave are on the same page.
I like this page as well but although, like I said, I have never met a pair of boobies I don't like, I am most definately an ass man. There is just something about a nicely shaped ass that just gets me going.
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Damn, I was cold decked hard tonight. I couldn't win a pot to save my life. I lost set over set, FH over FH, and I was rivered repeatedly. Now I have an 8 hour shift to lament my misfortune and plan my revenge for next week.Its been pretty slow for as many people we have in town. The season is running slow so none of the processors have any money yet and the fishermen are out on the boats. This should all change once the offloading begins and everyone has cash in hand.
Then there will be drunken fisherman shenanigans to tend to? Do you ever taze folks?
I like this page as well but although, like I said, I have never met a pair of boobies I don't like, I am most definately an ass man. There is just something about a nicely shaped ass that just gets me going.
Just like Kramer!
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Then there will be drunken fisherman shenanigans to tend to? Do you ever taze folks?Just like Kramer!
Yes, the shenanigans will begin shortly. I try not to taze anyone but have been known to pepper-spray them. We actually have a world famous police blotter. http://kucb.org/community/blotter/ or http://dutchharbortelegraph.com/index1.htmI will pistol-whip the next person who says shenanigans!
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cancer indeed suckswent to drive inn Friday night and watched Madagascar 3 and Rock of Ages. Both were good. First time in long time hitting up 5 bars in same day on Saturday. Met with new bar Saturday morning for my poker league, ran poker games at my regular bar Saturday afternoon, went to BWW for UFC fight then to another one of my poker bars for a live band and then the 1 - 3 am closer at one of my other poker bars.The Hickens are not moving to Florida :club:

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Cancer certainly sucks, sorry :(This thread is becoming impossible for me to load, at least at work. Maybe it'll work better at home.
That's so weird. Too bad we don't know an admin that could help us! CHICKEN! It's slow for me, but it does load up eventually.
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Good Monday morning, well it's my Monday. Happy Turd Day to the rest of you.My BBQ finally bit the dust.(propane) I have been talking about replacing the burners in it for the last couple years but have not taken the initiative to do so. So tonight I was grilling up some pork ribs and turned the gas to low. I went inside to check on the rice and I came back to find the burners had blown out and were on high and my BBQ was on fire. I burned off most of the hair on my hands and arms getting the gas turned off and the ribs off the grill. Needless to say we did not have pork spare ribs for dinner tonight. Where does everyone fall on the whole gas vs. charcoal debate? I own both a Weber charcoal grill and a propane grill. (well I used to own one) When I have time I use the charcoal grill but for fast and convenience the propane grill is just head and shoulders above. I don't really get too bent on the flavor or gas over charcoal but I like that I can easily add a pan of wood chips to the charcoal grill for added smoke flavor.

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Good Monday morning, well it's my Monday. Happy Turd Day to the rest of you.My BBQ finally bit the dust.(propane) I have been talking about replacing the burners in it for the last couple years but have not taken the initiative to do so. So tonight I was grilling up some pork ribs and turned the gas to low. I went inside to check on the rice and I came back to find the burners had blown out and were on high and my BBQ was on fire. I burned off most of the hair on my hands and arms getting the gas turned off and the ribs off the grill. Needless to say we did not have pork spare ribs for dinner tonight.Where does everyone fall on the whole gas vs. charcoal debate? I own both a Weber charcoal grill and a propane grill. (well I used to own one) When I have time I use the charcoal grill but for fast and convenience the propane grill is just head and shoulders above. I don't really get too bent on the flavor or gas over charcoal but I like that I can easily add a pan of wood chips to the charcoal grill for added smoke flavor.
Ouch! I'm glad you're okay. I can't really weigh in on grills. I hardly ever grill anything. I do have a fire pit in my back yard. I was thinking of getting one of those camp grates that goes in there so I can grill stuff on the fire pit instead of having to stick with hot dogs and marshmallows. I did recently get a propane powered stock pot/turkey fryer to do up a crab boil. It's pretty cool. Mmmm...crab boil.
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I like them both. The fun and ceremony of a charcoal grill is part of the experience and I don't care what kind of wood chips you add, charcoal taste better with high fat items like beef.The ease of the gas grill also is great, being able to just flip the switch and be cooking in minutes is great. It also a better choice for things like chicken and pork roasts. Any serious outdoor cook has both.Oh and Dave looses serious man points for not having a grill.

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Ouch! I'm glad you're okay. I can't really weigh in on grills. I hardly ever grill anything. I do have a fire pit in my back yard. I was thinking of getting one of those camp grates that goes in there so I can grill stuff on the fire pit instead of having to stick with hot dogs and marshmallows. I did recently get a propane powered stock pot/turkey fryer to do up a crab boil. It's pretty cool. Mmmm...crab boil.
I have a portable fire pit that I use every chance I get. It's very relaxing to sit around the fire smoking a cigar and drinking a glass of wine. My boys love themselves some smores.I used to have a large crab cooker for boiling up King Crab fresh from the water. I sold it when I sold my boat. Now I must depend of the kindness of others for my crab although I still own a pot big enough for 3 clusters of King Crab Legs which I can cook on the stove.
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I like them both. The fun and ceremony of a charcoal grill is part of the experience and I don't care what kind of wood chips you add, charcoal taste better with high fat items like beef.The ease of the gas grill also is great, being able to just flip the switch and be cooking in minutes is great. It also a better choice for things like chicken and pork roasts.Any serious outdoor cook has both.Oh and Dave looses serious man points for not having a grill.
I now have another propane grill. If you look at my pics on FB you can see full pig I grilled on my old propane grill. Its kinda expensive but a fun thing to do at least once.Yes, Dave does lose some man points for the lack of a grill but I think he gains enough back by keeping Nikki happy.
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I might be in Vegas in late Sept for a wedding. Not sure if it'll happen but it's been talked about.
If the dates coincide we'll have to cross paths.Good evening folks, caught up.I only own a charcoal grill. There is something primal about watching a nice piece of meat cook over the coals.
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Good Monday morning, well it's my Monday. Happy Turd Day to the rest of you.
Wow, you have been gone awhile. It's Turd Tuesday. :club:
You have no idea how hard it is to not say Meow the next traffic stop after watching it.
I believe it.
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So the excitement is building for the summer. We are expecting about 22 Shell Oil Ships, including two oil drill rigs, 1 Greenpeace Ship, the Esperanza, and 1 extra Coast Guard Cutter. Everyone says they are going to behave but who knows. I'm hoping that Linda Lawless shows up and I get to arrest her. I think if I get to arrest Xena Warrior Princess I can die a happy man.

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If the dates coincide we'll have to cross paths.Good evening folks, caught up.I only own a charcoal grill. There is something primal about watching a nice piece of meat cook over the coals.
No doubt. I am a grilling maniac. If the weather is nice during the summer, I've got some sort of sizzling strips of flesh on the grill.
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