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QQ UTG+1, 1-2 NL. i have 175 in front of me, up to 7$. UTG+2 makes it 20$, called in 3 spots. im not worried about any of the cold-callers waking up with real hands, theyre all morons. it comes back to me and i pop it 55$ more. UTG+2 debates, then pushes. he has me covered. he made a few loose calls an hour ago, but busted and rebought. since hes rebought he hasnt really been involved in too many hands. call off my last $100?

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It depends if you are O.K. with taking the chance if he has K-K or A-A- being a cash game I probably call and rebuy if I am wrong. It's not really a bad spot to get your money in, in my opinion, and he could be doing that with 8-8 to J-J or even A-K/A-Q. Just my 2 cents, and that's about all it's worth these days.

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QQ UTG+1, 1-2 NL. i have 175 in front of me, up to 7$. UTG+2 makes it 20$, called in 3 spots. im not worried about any of the cold-callers waking up with real hands, theyre all morons. it comes back to me and i pop it 55$ more. UTG+2 debates, then pushes. he has me covered. he made a few loose calls an hour ago, but busted and rebought. since hes rebought he hasnt really been involved in too many hands. call off my last $100?
I would. If he has one of the 2 hands that have you beat, so be it thats poker. And if you are behind, you could always get lucky!
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QQ UTG+1, 1-2 NL. i have 175 in front of me, up to 7$. UTG+2 makes it 20$, called in 3 spots. im not worried about any of the cold-callers waking up with real hands, theyre all morons. it comes back to me and i pop it 55$ more. UTG+2 debates, then pushes. he has me covered. he made a few loose calls an hour ago, but busted and rebought. since hes rebought he hasnt really been involved in too many hands. call off my last $100?
w/ 87 in the pot already. you're 55 reraise is appaulling.go all in now
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QQ UTG+1, 1-2 NL. i have 175 in front of me, up to 7$. UTG+2 makes it 20$, called in 3 spots. im not worried about any of the cold-callers waking up with real hands, theyre all morons. it comes back to me and i pop it 55$ more. UTG+2 debates, then pushes. he has me covered. he made a few loose calls an hour ago, but busted and rebought. since hes rebought he hasnt really been involved in too many hands. call off my last $100?
is this live or online?
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i would've just called after he reraised you and all those callers. I would want to see the structure of the flop before I make my next decision on a big hand like that only holding QQ(they don't seem that strong in the hand you just explained)well since you reraised him back..I would call and gamble since a lot of money is in the pot alreadyteneight

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either call and see the flop, or move all your chips in. I would just call see if there are any overs or any type of connected flop.In your case I don't see how you fold. If he has you beat that is the risk you took by reraising and committing to playing a big pot.

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I hate moving all in preflop with QQ when its against a large stack...I raise it if its not raised before me, and if it is raised I usually just call.There's a reason TJ calls QQ one small pair.You probably call off your last 100 cuz you say he's made some loose calls, there's already a lot of money in the pot and you've invested a lot. I try not to play large pots preflop with QQ.

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QQ UTG+1, 1-2 NL. i have 175 in front of me, up to 7$. UTG+2 makes it 20$, called in 3 spots. im not worried about any of the cold-callers waking up with real hands, theyre all morons. it comes back to me and i pop it 55$ more. UTG+2 debates, then pushes. he has me covered. he made a few loose calls an hour ago, but busted and rebought. since hes rebought he hasnt really been involved in too many hands. call off my last $100?
I would. If he has one of the 2 hands that have you beat, so be it thats poker. And if you are behind, you could always get lucky!
If you are playing anyone half decent at all they will have AA, KK or at the very least AK.
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The real options are 1. Call the $20 .... 2. which is the second choice push all in. The $55 dollar raise was bad. The original re-raise is either going to push all in puting you to this tuff decision; or he calls and you most likely get calls by 2 or three other players. Now your playing pocket Q's Vs. a large field. Not a great feeling unless you spike 1 of the 2 remaining Q's on the flop.

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I have to agree with the general consensus here. Flat calling the reraise is your best option for sure I think unless of course like you say he has been making loose calls all night. Once you rereraise him however i think you have to play the pot and hope for the coin flip or that you have him dominated. The way you explained the hand I don't really think he has aces, but if it's online i could be wrong, i'm guessing he's either got AK or jacks more than likely AK which is why i would want to see a flop for 20. side note: queens have quickly become my nemesis, not only did they completely destroy me at WPT they have destroyed me at no less than 5 final tables in the past two weeks. I know completely hate the Gayjax, but the Olson twins can suck my "dick"edit: oh i forgot to mention i think KK is also quite possible. But like someon said it's a 1/2NL game online he could have 99 hell he might have j10 suited, these people are nuts raw like sushi

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It seems like mentally you are already commited to these cards. If he has A/A or K/K and the flop comes 8/6/T, you're not folding to a huge bet anyway, so really, we're talking about putting all your chips in preflop and putting him to a tough decision, or after the flop, hoping he only had A/K or A/Q.

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I think the one key thing everyone is missing is the other people who called behind the guy who made it $20. After they call and there is another reraise, the guy has to believe you have a real hand. The pot was raised, reraised called twice and then reraised again IMO unless this guy is an absolute knob, he has to have AA, its doubtful he even has KK or AK to make a move like this. It is a little hard to say for sure without knowing more about the texture of the game but I would say I am 98% sure the guy has AA.

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QQ UTG+1, 1-2 NL. i have 175 in front of me, up to 7$. UTG+2 makes it 20$, called in 3 spots. im not worried about any of the cold-callers waking up with real hands, theyre all morons. it comes back to me and i pop it 55$ more. UTG+2 debates, then pushes. he has me covered. he made a few loose calls an hour ago, but busted and rebought. since hes rebought he hasnt really been involved in too many hands. call off my last $100?
Haven't read replies.I think I like pushing instead of popping it 55 more, if you're deciding that a) you're probably ahead, and b) a re-raise is in order.Pot's big enough to happily win, and it puts the heat on everyone else. 55 prices in too many people to call, makes the pot collosal, so everyone wants to win it.
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QQ UTG+1, 1-2 NL. i have 175 in front of me, up to 7$. UTG+2 makes it 20$, called in 3 spots. im not worried about any of the cold-callers waking up with real hands, theyre all morons. it comes back to me and i pop it 55$ more. UTG+2 debates, then pushes. he has me covered. he made a few loose calls an hour ago, but busted and rebought. since hes rebought he hasnt really been involved in too many hands. call off my last $100?
Haven't read replies.I think I like pushing instead of popping it 55 more, if you're deciding that a) you're probably ahead, and B) a re-raise is in order.Pot's big enough to happily win, and it puts the heat on everyone else. 55 prices in too many people to call, makes the pot collosal, so everyone wants to win it.
I like this. All those callers are likely to indicate that As, and K's are out. Yes someone might be gambling with their 77 or 99, but it seems likely that a lot of the As and Ks are in peoples' hands rather than the deck. If you like QQ enough to pop it, push it and hope.
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i dont think the 55$ raise is that bad at all. the kid had made a FEW loose calls, went bust, rebought, and i think this was the last of his cash because he was playing conservatively with it. I was pretty sure he had a monster, but i doubt he'd push with a hand im ahead of, so the 55$ raise allowed me to see his action without committing my whole stack. The texture of this particular game is such that many players will call 20$ raises with what they think are pot odds, but few of them are going to call off half their stack PF without a real hand. PS: i folded, he showed AA, they ran the board and i rivered a Q. :cry:

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Simly fold unless the guy is maniac or has no clue about the game.Reraise all in a $55 raise in NL limit game, it is obvious that he doesn't have middle or small pocket pair.Your best bet there is against AK where as you know you are only 50-50.I can't simply see him having any hand other than KK, AK or AA.The worst play there would have been flat calling instead of raisin. If you do that, you have no idea where you are and you're out of position.

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i dont think the 55$ raise is that bad at all.
I kinda do.My point is, for the three $20 cold-calls and the 20+8+1+2, a mere $55 more won't make him fold hands QQ is beating. Calling's bad too, because if you call the 20, the pot's big, and your out of position with a vulnerable hand against a field. And you don't know he's got you beat already. If you raise 55 more, he either pushes (and you KNOW you're beat and HAVE to light the $75 on fire) or he calls (and possibly makes the cold-callers call, and you have the same problems, only worse).That's why I'm thinking raise all in if you think you're ahead or fold.BTW... You comin down to Bonnaroo again next year? A friend of mine is thinking about getting a group.
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i dont think the 55$ raise is that bad at all.
I kinda do.My point is, for the three $20 cold-calls and the 20+8+1+2, a mere $55 more won't make him fold hands QQ is beating. Calling's bad too, because if you call the 20, the pot's big, and your out of position with a vulnerable hand against a field. And you don't know he's got you beat already. If you raise 55 more, he either pushes (and you KNOW you're beat and HAVE to light the $75 on fire) or he calls (and possibly makes the cold-callers call, and you have the same problems, only worse).That's why I'm thinking raise all in if you think you're ahead or fold.BTW... You comin down to Bonnaroo again next year? A friend of mine is thinking about getting a group.
yea, im gonna be there. just saw north mississipi all stars last nite.
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i dont think the 55$ raise is that bad at all.
I kinda do.My point is, for the three $20 cold-calls and the 20+8+1+2, a mere $55 more won't make him fold hands QQ is beating. Calling's bad too, because if you call the 20, the pot's big, and your out of position with a vulnerable hand against a field. And you don't know he's got you beat already. If you raise 55 more, he either pushes (and you KNOW you're beat and HAVE to light the $75 on fire) or he calls (and possibly makes the cold-callers call, and you have the same problems, only worse).That's why I'm thinking raise all in if you think you're ahead or fold.BTW... You comin down to Bonnaroo again next year? A friend of mine is thinking about getting a group.
i disagree in one aspect.i feel that the two options shouldn't be to allin or fold, but rather allin or call.if you think you're ahead, then by all means, push.if you peg your opponent on aces or kings, play this hand like a mid pp and call for set value. if you miss, then c/f
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I think that since your opponent has put in the fourth raise you might need to accept that you are beat and fold. You said that he had been making loose calls earlier on and posters have referenced this as a reason to call him. This is a fallacy in that he is not calling, but in fact raising an under the gun raiser not once, but twice. As Hellmuth said you can bet the farm on Kings, this does not include the queens. In my mind a good player in a cash game is likely to call that second raise with AK in an attempt to hit a flop. The decision to reraise isn't horrible, but a bit more I believe was necessary when you think of the players behind UTG +1. You can still fold with 90 dollars in front if you know he's got you 4.5-1. To those who will disagree saying that AK is a real possibility I would answer that unless your read of him shows him raising allin with real marginality, this fourth raise is a tell-tale sign of AA or KK.

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I think that since your opponent has put in the fourth raise you might need to accept that you are beat and fold. You said that he had been making loose calls earlier on and posters have referenced this as a reason to call him. This is a fallacy in that he is not calling, but in fact raising an under the gun raiser not once, but twice. As Hellmuth said you can bet the farm on Kings, this does not include the queens. In my mind a good player in a cash game is likely to call that second raise with AK in an attempt to hit a flop. The decision to reraise isn't horrible, but a bit more I believe was necessary when you think of the players behind UTG +1. You can still fold with 90 dollars in front if you know he's got you 4.5-1. To those who will disagree saying that AK is a real possibility I would answer that unless your read of him shows him raising allin with real marginality, this fourth raise is a tell-tale sign of AA or KK.
we're not debating calling the all-inwe're debating calling the original $20 raiseeveryone here is saying to fold to the reraise
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