grindkid 0 Posted March 16, 2010 Share Posted March 16, 2010 I went to my local card room this evening for around 3 hours, £5/£10 9 player table, i took £1000 on with me with 4 extra buy ins of he same amount as i were planning on a long night, but due to tiredness (and that whisky lol) i came away early. I had lost my first £1000 to a full house, guy holding pocket 7s, didnt see it coming but thats the way it goes. I was currently on around £2600, so i was around £600 up. Five of the guys are regular players, 2 unknowns and an occasional cash player (depends how he does on the roulette tables) so i knew most of the players and the way they play. I was waiting for the blinds to come round before i called it a night, 4 hands to go and this is what happened....Middle position im dealt pocket 2s, no callers up to me so i flat called, one unknown after me raises 2x, all fold except a regular on bb who calls and so do i. So 3 of us in pot, i had mixed it up all night played quite well, the unknown was a bit eratic raising alot of hands (then folding to my pot size bet on flop ) FLOP comes.......... J 2 J rainbowI bet £45 (hoping the guy had noticed my regular continuation bets and thought ill get him), the unknown raises to £140, BB Folds......Now I dont beleive hes got the jack, nor a pocket pair, in my mind he had Q K. So I was left in a dilemma, do i flat call and hope for another big raise on the turn, or re-raise and maybe take the pot bt possibly miss out on alot of cash as he had a bigger stack than me.What would you do???I will post the rest when I have some opinions from you guys............ Link to post Share on other sites
BaseJester 1 Posted March 17, 2010 Share Posted March 17, 2010 If I really thought he had KQ, I would call and let him hang himself. But I don't think he has KQ, so I would raise and expect to get value. Link to post Share on other sites
XXEddie 0 Posted March 17, 2010 Share Posted March 17, 2010 Flat and c/r the turn. Link to post Share on other sites
SwolyswoND 1 Posted March 17, 2010 Share Posted March 17, 2010 FLOP comes.......... J 2 J rainbowI bet £45 (hoping the guy had noticed my regular continuation bets and thought ill get him), the unknown raises to £140, BB Folds......Now I dont beleive hes got the jack, nor a pocket pair, in my mind he had Q K. So I was left in a dilemma, do i flat call and hope for another big raise on the turn, or re-raise and maybe take the pot bt possibly miss out on alot of cash as he had a bigger stack than me.What would you do???I will post the rest when I have some opinions from you guys............Best read ever?Seriously, wtf. Not only are you apparently skilled enough to put someone on two exact cards, but you can put them on KQ when he raises multiway on a JJ2 rainbow flop? Link to post Share on other sites
Dhall901 0 Posted March 17, 2010 Share Posted March 17, 2010 Min-bump pre I give the guy credit for a hand. He obviously doesn't put you on the jack so he bumps you with his pair. Flat the flop. Fade a scare card on the turn and c/r to stack-off. Link to post Share on other sites
grindkid 0 Posted March 17, 2010 Author Share Posted March 17, 2010 Best read ever?Seriously, wtf. Not only are you apparently skilled enough to put someone on two exact cards, but you can put them on KQ when he raises multiway on a JJ2 rainbow flop? no i felt he had kq or there abouts, he actually wasnt holding those cards but was close. I had been playing against him since i sat at the table so sort of had an idea of the hands he was raising with etc. There was no need to be all cocky really was there? Link to post Share on other sites
grindkid 0 Posted March 17, 2010 Author Share Posted March 17, 2010 Anyway.......I flat called his raise, after thinking and thinking, TURN.... Qthat sort of pleased me, opening up posibility of straight and also flush for him.My turn to act I bet £300 into him and he reraised me again to £900, i was like wtf. so i flat called again. Pot was at over 2k now i had about £500 left. RIVER.... 7I pushed rest of stack in thinking plese dont have j q or pkt queens. The guy said well Ive put this much in I have too see now and called. I turned my cards over and he went white lol, shoowing A Q. he said i thought u had 2 over cards and were pot stealing as you have all night , then said 'its like playing online, why would you call a raise with pocket 2s' lol.I think this is a great example of how an image adds a massive edge to ur game. I admit this guy had played poorly, but i am not complaigning- he can come every night lol. Link to post Share on other sites
SwolyswoND 1 Posted March 17, 2010 Share Posted March 17, 2010 I'm officially on life tilt Link to post Share on other sites
grindkid 0 Posted March 17, 2010 Author Share Posted March 17, 2010 Should I not be trying to put my opponents on certain hands when I am playing?How else can I make my decisions? Link to post Share on other sites
SwolyswoND 1 Posted March 17, 2010 Share Posted March 17, 2010 Put them on ranges, not hands, and don't make yourself out to be some soul reader who can put someone on KQ when they raise multiway on a JJ2 rainbow flop. That might be the dumbest thing I've ever heard on this forum, which is saying a lot. If this really is a new member and not just joke account #452091248 that has popped up lately, I apologize, but we've had way too much of this shit lately and its pissing me the **** off. Link to post Share on other sites
mtdesmoines 3 Posted March 17, 2010 Share Posted March 17, 2010 anyone who takes nearly $7K to a poker game doesn't need FCP advice. Link to post Share on other sites
grindkid 0 Posted March 17, 2010 Author Share Posted March 17, 2010 ok, when i said kq, i should have said 2 high face cards really, so sorry for any mix up. I am a new member lol not a joke account. To the last comment, I have already stated in a previous post that I am predominantly a live cash player and am looking to improve my online play, whch in the past i havent had enough time to progress as I would like. Which is one of the reasons I joined this forum, to gain knowledge from experienced online players. Does this explain my reasons for joining enough? And anyway what is wrong with looking at forums, whatever stakes you play? there is always something that can help your game.Too add a bit more info, the guy had raised big aces 4x bb on a number of occasions, same with pp's. I felt when he was hitting hands he wasnt betting big, trying to maximise profit. This is one of the reasons I felt he had KQ, as i didnt think he had big ace nor pocket pair nor the jack as by jdging the way he had been playing he would have bet small hoping for a call. I was wrong he did have big ace but thats the way it goes... Link to post Share on other sites
cashman 0 Posted March 17, 2010 Share Posted March 17, 2010 Put them on ranges, not hands, and don't make yourself out to be some soul reader who can put someone on KQ when they raise multiway on a JJ2 rainbow flop. That might be the dumbest thing I've ever heard on this forum, which is saying a lot. If this really is a new member and not just joke account #452091248 that has popped up lately, I apologize, but we've had way too much of this shit lately and its pissing me the **** off.Sorry grind, but I think there isn't really much you can defend here. To suggest that you were even close to putting him on a particular hand just sounds silly. You say he is playing loose and but he does reraise your large bet after the flop. Based on those two things alone I would say his range is huge! He could have any number of hands; small to big pocket pair, AK, AJ, Jx, or complete bluff with nothing. I am pretty sure you say you put him on KQ because you ended up seeing that he actually had AQ. I don't think anyone else that read the scenario would try to put him on anything other than a range. If you are actually playing at the level you say, I hope you really did not put him on KQ. Link to post Share on other sites
Ninja Ace 1 Posted March 17, 2010 Share Posted March 17, 2010 Now I dont beleive hes got the jack, nor a pocket pair, in my mind he had Q K.Yeah, about this whole part... don't do that. Ur not Cleo and you don't have a crystal ballOn a side note...Who gave FCP AIDS? Link to post Share on other sites
Provotrout 0 Posted March 17, 2010 Share Posted March 17, 2010 Yeah, about this whole part... don't do that. Ur not Cleo and you don't have a crystal ballOn a side note...Who gave FCP AIDS?Wow, lots of heat for OP!A few weeks ago playing in a live $1-2NL game, I had K-10o in MP. The game was playing tight the last several rounds and I hadn't played a hand in awhile, so I limped in after my friend in MP. The flop came K 9 4. My friend to the right bet $10 & my first thought was "he has K J" so I folded (despite being in in 3rd position in a 4 way pot in a nitty game). My friend ended up winning the pot and turning over K J, so my read was dead on. But we've played 1,000s of hands together and are familiar with eachother's playing styles. Just about every time we play, one of us puts the other on an exact two card combo. It's not impossible, but I'd say it happens rarely, moreso in live games than online, and mostly with players who are very familiar with eachother.So big deal, the guy got in a great situation, puportedly made a good read, and won a big chunk of European money. I sure hope to find a situation that nice in a live $5-10NL game! Link to post Share on other sites
SwolyswoND 1 Posted March 17, 2010 Share Posted March 17, 2010 He could have any number of hands; small to big pocket pair, AK, AJ, Jx, or complete bluff with nothing.You act like these two things are not one and the same Link to post Share on other sites
fighter 4 Posted March 18, 2010 Share Posted March 18, 2010 Good players put people on ranges. Great players put people on hands. Screw these haters. I like your thought process. I would shove over his turn bet though, you only have 500 left so if he has any sort of straight draw (AK,KT,AT) he will call a fair amount drawing dead. Whenever you're in the situation where you have the nuts and the other guy most likely has air, Always take the line that will induce more action from bluffs. Your bet/call, bet/call , bet line is pretty sexy and achieves this. putting in a C/R at any point will scare him away too much and c/c has to rely on him not only betting , but betting enough to put stacks in. Nice Hand. Link to post Share on other sites
grindkid 0 Posted March 18, 2010 Author Share Posted March 18, 2010 Good players put people on ranges. Great players put people on hands. Screw these haters. I like your thought process. I would shove over his turn bet though, you only have 500 left so if he has any sort of straight draw (AK,KT,AT) he will call a fair amount drawing dead. Whenever you're in the situation where you have the nuts and the other guy most likely has air, Always take the line that will induce more action from bluffs. Your bet/call, bet/call , bet line is pretty sexy and achieves this. putting in a C/R at any point will scare him away too much and c/c has to rely on him not only betting , but betting enough to put stacks in. Nice Hand.Thanks for the advice fighter, i have always tried to put people on hands, sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt. I find sitting at a table for 3 hours long enough to realise betting patterns etc which i why i play alot of live cash play. I think this is my problem online, i cant focus as much. Had a bad night at the tables last night, only £1/2 though thankfully nothing i played held up. Lets hope tonights games a bit better. Link to post Share on other sites
Ninja Ace 1 Posted March 18, 2010 Share Posted March 18, 2010 Good players put people on ranges. Great players put people on hands.No... this lacks a ton of truth.Great players can narrow down a range tremendously given history of a villain... sometimes it can turn a villains hand virtually face up, but even then you have to realize your range is only 95% accurate at best... because even players you know inside and out will surprise you.In this hand, I know there are villains I could make this read against. They're the type of villain who always raises a big pair really hard pre, so big pairs are out of the range... the type of villain who has slowplay syndrom so it's impossible for it to be a jack, and the type of villain who can't push edges on marginal value hands making it impossible for it to be a mid/low pair. This obliterates their range to total air. Sounds like a large bill to fit but it's actually a somewhat common type of villain.Notice I said "total air" and not "KQ" though. Also... i certainly wouldn't be making this "read" against a player I'd classify as an unknown Link to post Share on other sites
KingJames 11 Posted March 18, 2010 Share Posted March 18, 2010 No... this lacks a ton of truth.Great players can narrow down a range tremendously given history of a villain... sometimes it can turn a villains hand virtually face up, but even then you have to realize your range is only 95% accurate at best... because even players you know inside and out will surprise you.In this hand, I know there are villains I could make this read against. They're the type of villain who always raises a big pair really hard pre, so big pairs are out of the range... the type of villain who has slowplay syndrom so it's impossible for it to be a jack, and the type of villain who can't push edges on marginal value hands making it impossible for it to be a mid/low pair. This obliterates their range to total air. Sounds like a large bill to fit but it's actually a somewhat common type of villain.Notice I said "total air" and not "KQ" though. Also... i certainly wouldn't be making this "read" against a player I'd classify as an unknown[?] leveled[x] leveled imo Link to post Share on other sites
Ninja Ace 1 Posted March 18, 2010 Share Posted March 18, 2010 [?] leveled[x] leveled imoSo not fair... catchin me first thing in the mornin (what? some people get up at 1:30 p.m.) Link to post Share on other sites
KingJames 11 Posted March 18, 2010 Share Posted March 18, 2010 So not fair... catchin me first thing in the mornin (what? some people get up at 1:30 p.m.)I'm not entirely sure thoLike I don't know fighter that wellI'm at work, doing taxes, crushing a smoothie, trying to follow all the basketball Link to post Share on other sites
SwolyswoND 1 Posted March 19, 2010 Share Posted March 19, 2010 No, I think you nailed it, KingJames.The talk about the b/c b/c line being sexy is what gave it away. Link to post Share on other sites
delved 0 Posted March 19, 2010 Share Posted March 19, 2010 I'm officially on life tiltMe tooGood players put people on ranges. Great players put people on hands.This ****ing tilts, levels, and whateverthe****elsethereis me. You can soul read people on a hand, but you're still considering the range of hands around it. You aren't DN, so don't try to be him. Ranges are what its about.Flatting on the flop was the best idea. You obviously are in it to the flop and you flopped a ****ing full boat. It doesn't even matter if he has a dry J because you're dominating him. Flat and let him go. I would've check/raised the turn though. As played, you have to shove the turn, with that small of a stack behind it's stupid not to put it in at that point, he's calling anyways. Link to post Share on other sites
KingJames 11 Posted March 19, 2010 Share Posted March 19, 2010 This ****ing tilts, levels, and whateverthe****elsethereis me. You can soul read people on a hand, but you're still considering the range of hands around it. You aren't DN, so don't try to be him. Ranges are what its about. [?] leveled[x] leveled imo Link to post Share on other sites
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