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Lunch From Tim Horton's

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lol, i don't remember, most likely though I had many other quarters but I like to argue with customer service people. Did I ever tell the story about how I got the girl at Hollywood Video fired on the spot. That was fun.
I, for one, want that story in this thread.
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I've got to get better about checking my order in the drive thru. I've been to wendys 4 times in roughly as many weeks and 3 out 4 they've failed.If only i was hooked on that damn spicy chicken!

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My wife, girlfriend at the time, and I went to pick up some movies one summer day. The place was pretty packed. We found what we wanted and waited in line for like 15-20 minutes. Once up we got greeted by a young girl who clearly hated her job especially when it was busy. Later we find out that her chums from school were there waiting for her to get a break so they could have a cigarette and act like cool adults doing adult things.Anyway, she rings up the movies and says that there is a $12.50 late fee for the movie we rented and never returned. I asked her what movie and she told me and I said that I returned it 6 days ago. I remember exactly because it was right after a Tigers game and I was pissed because they lost and I went out for a smoke and took the movie back. She stated that they never got it. I told her that I also did not have it because I put it in the drop box 6 days ago, one day before it was due. She said that she can't rent me the movies unless I paid her $12.50 first. I was a little miffed but not like I am when people try and sell me chips. I asked to speak to someone else and she said that I was speaking to her and that should be the end of it. $12.50 or move aside. That hit the button. I told her loudly to get a manager. What I got was your typical whiny 16 year old girl turning to her side, seeing the manager right there and saying in a loud voice with much sarcasm and rudeness..."This...person needs to speak to you. I am going on break because I can't handle all these people right now!" She huffs and walks away. I am still a little shocked at how she talked to her manager and basically told the whole store what a weak and spoiled child she was. The manager, who looked beat down, asked me what was going on. We discussed it calmly and she asked which bin I put the movie in. I pointed it out to her and she said that she would go check as they sometimes go a week without ever checking the bins. Ok...So I went out ahead of her and when I stepped outside the counter girl was out front smoking with her goth wannabe friends and pointed to me and said louder than she probably should have..."there is the fucking asshole!"That prompted me to walk back in and stop the manager on her way out to check the bin and lay into her about how she needs to suck it up and be the boss and deal with this little bitch. I told her what she said and I told her that I wanted to see something done. She told me she would write her up and put it in her file and I said that wouldn't do. The bitch has been a bitch since the moment we stepped into the place. Eventually the manager gave up and called her in the store. The bitch came in and we stood at the counter while the manager checked the bin and pulled out the movie I dropped off. It was the only one in there and she said it was stuck on something and was probably missed. She confronted the bitch and the bitch mouthed off to her and she was then asked to grab her things and leave and that she was fired. She cried and I wanted to lick her tears I was so pleased watching it. We were sent on our way with free rentals that night and the satisfaction that I put a bitchy teenager out of her misery since she was not built to work in the customer service industry.

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My wife, girlfriend at the time, and I went to pick up some movies one summer day. The place was pretty packed. We found what we wanted and waited in line for like 15-20 minutes. Once up we got greeted by a young girl who clearly hated her job especially when it was busy. Later we find out that her chums from school were there waiting for her to get a break so they could have a cigarette and act like cool adults doing adult things.Anyway, she rings up the movies and says that there is a $12.50 late fee for the movie we rented and never returned. I asked her what movie and she told me and I said that I returned it 6 days ago. I remember exactly because it was right after a Tigers game and I was pissed because they lost and I went out for a smoke and took the movie back. She stated that they never got it. I told her that I also did not have it because I put it in the drop box 6 days ago, one day before it was due. She said that she can't rent me the movies unless I paid her $12.50 first. I was a little miffed but not like I am when people try and sell me chips. I asked to speak to someone else and she said that I was speaking to her and that should be the end of it. $12.50 or move aside. That hit the button. I told her loudly to get a manager. What I got was your typical whiny 16 year old girl turning to her side, seeing the manager right there and saying in a loud voice with much sarcasm and rudeness..."This...person needs to speak to you. I am going on break because I can't handle all these people right now!" She huffs and walks away. I am still a little shocked at how she talked to her manager and basically told the whole store what a weak and spoiled child she was. The manager, who looked beat down, asked me what was going on. We discussed it calmly and she asked which bin I put the movie in. I pointed it out to her and she said that she would go check as they sometimes go a week without ever checking the bins. Ok...So I went out ahead of her and when I stepped outside the counter girl was out front smoking with her goth wannabe friends and pointed to me and said louder than she probably should have..."there is the fucking asshole!"That prompted me to walk back in and stop the manager on her way out to check the bin and lay into her about how she needs to suck it up and be the boss and deal with this little bitch. I told her what she said and I told her that I wanted to see something done. She told me she would write her up and put it in her file and I said that wouldn't do. The bitch has been a bitch since the moment we stepped into the place. Eventually the manager gave up and called her in the store. The bitch came in and we stood at the counter while the manager checked the bin and pulled out the movie I dropped off. It was the only one in there and she said it was stuck on something and was probably missed. She confronted the bitch and the bitch mouthed off to her and she was then asked to grab her things and leave and that she was fired. She cried and I wanted to lick her tears I was so pleased watching it. We were sent on our way with free rentals that night and the satisfaction that I put a bitchy teenager out of her misery since she was not built to work in the customer service industry.
Lol at the bold. It's not like this girl didn't deserve to get fired, but the joy you seem to take in other people being punished for their acts is somewhat frightening. I am actually surprised you didn't become a corrections officer or something.
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I once went to a Tim Horton's right outside of Foxwoods in Connecticut after a night of playing cards. It is the first and only one I've ever been to (we don't have them down here in NYC). My friend, who's a bit chubby, ordered a few donuts. The girl behind the counter, who was obviously in high school or younger, said to him, "Really, do you know how bad those are for you?"It was a pretty hilarious encounter.
This is like nails on chalkboard for me. Employees. Awful.
I am deeply afraid of people spitting on my food, so I usually won't say anything even if they royally F it up. I know I should say something, but i just can't. I'm such a pussy.
You're not a pussy, you're intelligent... well, maybe not intelligent... but not incorrect about this topic. Your food will be defiled. Like the Soup Nazi, just say thank you and move along.
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Lol at the bold. It's not like this girl didn't deserve to get fired, but the joy you seem to take in other people being punished for their acts is somewhat frightening. I am actually surprised you didn't become a corrections officer or something.
I sort of get the lol at the bold and then I sort of don't. I was in my mid 20's at the time thus an adult. Her and her friends were all under 18. Anyway, I see what you were trying to do though.What joy? I tell one story and that means I take "great joy in other people being punished for their acts?" It's more like I took great joy in watching this bitch get what she deserved. I have never witnessed anyone that wronged me in my life get fired or killed or injured other than this one girl. So I don't appreciate the comment that makes it seem like I run around getting people fired and enjoy it. Cause I simply don't. I would just like to go about my day and not have to be talked to rudely or getting poor customer service. Sadly that doesn't happen often to any of us obviously as these types of topics are all over the internet.I have worked most of my life in some form of customer service. And because of that I think I find it difficult to feel sorry for the person at McDonalds who can't put a fake smile on their face and take a simple order like a Big Mac meal with a coke without acting rude or put out and not fuck up the order. It's your job. No one likes their job but oh well, suck it up. I know my online persona is the angry guy who hates people and the world in general but my RL persona is a tad bit different. I still hate people but I don't generally show it. I deal with idiots day in and day out and I may complain or tell stories about it here but when the thing is going down I am calm, collected, and succinct. I don't go off. I don't insult them, I stay professional but stern if they are trying to manipulate the situation. I have never lost a job for being rude to a customer, ever. Actually I believe some people have gotten more angry at me because I don't stoop to their level and have a verbal war. So it is hard for me to tolerate or feel bad for someone who is rude to me when I am the customer. Especially a customer who has done nada wrong. That is what will always put me over the top, if I truly didn't do anything wrong then we got an issue.I don't know if anyone has ever been fired because of one of my complaint emails. Chances are slim I assume because most places just let it slide. This manager at Hollywood was going to let it slide but I was pretty angry and wouldn't allow it.Edit: oh wait, I lied. I once got into it with a customer when I worked at Borders. Long story short she stole a linderball and tried to make some man buy it for her and he wouldn't so I charged her and she got angry and said that he paid for it. He told her he was not buying it for her and so I asked for the $.37 and she called me an asshole and threw coins at my face and then told me to fuck off. This caused a scene and my manager was coming up to the registers and she was swearing and screaming at me while leaving and I yelled, "thanks have a nice day!" and she stopped and let me have it some more and my manager told me to go take a break and she heard this and yelled, "yeah, go to the break room and find some rope and hang yourself you worthless fucker!" at which point I got angry and started walking toward her and then she ran out. So once, and I think it was worth it.Edit: I have posted too much today and been a little long winded as well. I must be in a real talkative mood. I will post less the rest of the week.
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I sort of get the lol at the bold and then I sort of don't. I was in my mid 20's at the time thus an adult. Her and her friends were all under 18. Anyway, I see what you were trying to do though.What joy? I tell one story and that means I take "great joy in other people being punished for their acts?" It's more like I took great joy in watching this bitch get what she deserved. I have never witnessed anyone that wronged me in my life get fired or killed or injured other than this one girl. So I don't appreciate the comment that makes it seem like I run around getting people fired and enjoy it. Cause I simply don't. I would just like to go about my day and not have to be talked to rudely or getting poor customer service. Sadly that doesn't happen often to any of us obviously as these types of topics are all over the internet.I have worked most of my life in some form of customer service. And because of that I think I find it difficult to feel sorry for the person at McDonalds who can't put a fake smile on their face and take a simple order like a Big Mac meal with a coke without acting rude or put out and not fuck up the order. It's your job. No one likes their job but oh well, suck it up. I know my online persona is the angry guy who hates people and the world in general but my RL persona is a tad bit different. I still hate people but I don't generally show it. I deal with idiots day in and day out and I may complain or tell stories about it here but when the thing is going down I am calm, collected, and succinct. I don't go off. I don't insult them, I stay professional but stern if they are trying to manipulate the situation. I have never lost a job for being rude to a customer, ever. Actually I believe some people have gotten more angry at me because I don't stoop to their level and have a verbal war. So it is hard for me to tolerate or feel bad for someone who is rude to me when I am the customer. Especially a customer who has done nada wrong. That is what will always put me over the top, if I truly didn't do anything wrong then we got an issue.I don't know if anyone has ever been fired because of one of my complaint emails. Chances are slim I assume because most places just let it slide. This manager at Hollywood was going to let it slide but I was pretty angry and wouldn't allow it.Edit: oh wait, I lied. I once got into it with a customer when I worked at Borders. Long story short she stole a linderball and tried to make some man buy it for her and he wouldn't so I charged her and she got angry and said that he paid for it. He told her he was not buying it for her and so I asked for the $.37 and she called me an asshole and threw coins at my face and then told me to fuck off. This caused a scene and my manager was coming up to the registers and she was swearing and screaming at me while leaving and I yelled, "thanks have a nice day!" and she stopped and let me have it some more and my manager told me to go take a break and she heard this and yelled, "yeah, go to the break room and find some rope and hang yourself you worthless fucker!" at which point I got angry and started walking toward her and then she ran out. So once, and I think it was worth it.Edit: I have posted too much today and been a little long winded as well. I must be in a real talkative mood. I will post less the rest of the week.
I only said joy, not great joy. Stop being so melodramatic.
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Tim Hortons is terrible. For a turkey club try a torpedo at Quiznos. Best $4 value out there for fast food sandwichs. Unless you got your heart set on a shitty donut.As for food tampering by junior douchebags I stay away from fast food places late at night when there is little to no adult supervision. I once threw away a whole teen burger I ordered late night at A and W because I didnt like the looks of the punk who took my order.

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I find it funny that the McDonald's
went to mcdonalds late last night. parked my car and went for the front door but it was locked. turns out only the drive through was open. i walk around to the drive through. their speaker thing was broken, said to order at the window. i go up to the window and some kid opens it up. i say "uh ill take a coffee and..." kid cuts me off. says i need to be in a car to order. i said "fine have it your way." got in my car and drove up. i say "is this better?" hes like "yea now i can take your order." i told him i wasnt ready to order. said i wanted to talk to his manager first. he gives me this look and then goes for his manager. manager comes to the window. says "how can i help you sir?" i was like "yea your employee tried to sell me weed and i dont appreciate that." manager starts getting all apologetic. says hes gonna go talk to the kid. i said "nevermind that for now, im hungry and i want to order finally!" he asks me what i want and i say a coffee, double cheeseburger and 3 fruit and yogurt parfaits. manager says hes gonna make my order and investigate the weed situation. i said "good, whats the world coming to when you get asked to buy weed at your local mcdonalds?" he closes the window and walks out of sight into the kitchen. i drive off and go to 7-11 and get 3 bags of trail mix. ate it all right outside to see if they really care about loitering. turns out they dont so now im gonna do it all the time.
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went to mcdonalds late last night. parked my car and went for the front door but it was locked. turns out only the drive through was open. i walk around to the drive through. their speaker thing was broken, said to order at the window. i go up to the window and some kid opens it up. i say "uh ill take a coffee and..." kid cuts me off. says i need to be in a car to order. i said "fine have it your way." got in my car and drove up. i say "is this better?" hes like "yea now i can take your order." i told him i wasnt ready to order. said i wanted to talk to his manager first. he gives me this look and then goes for his manager. manager comes to the window. says "how can i help you sir?" i was like "yea your employee tried to sell me weed and i dont appreciate that." manager starts getting all apologetic. says hes gonna go talk to the kid. i said "nevermind that for now, im hungry and i want to order finally!" he asks me what i want and i say a coffee, double cheeseburger and 3 fruit and yogurt parfaits. manager says hes gonna make my order and investigate the weed situation. i said "good, whats the world coming to when you get asked to buy weed at your local mcdonalds?" he closes the window and walks out of sight into the kitchen. i drive off and go to 7-11 and get 3 bags of trail mix. ate it all right outside to see if they really care about loitering. turns out they dont so now im gonna do it all the time.
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drove past a farm the other day. there were some cows grazing in the pasture and i pulled over to the side of the road to watch them. they didnt really do much, just stood there eating grass and looking delicious. one of the cows kept looking at me. so i got out of the car and walked up to the fence. the damn cow was still staring me down so i hopped the fence and walked right up to him. i said to him, "quit staring at me you damn dirty cow." he just mooed at me and kept on staring. so i kicked him in the utter and ran back to the car. i didnt look back but i'll bet it really hurt. on the drive home i saw another farm and another pasture full of cows. they'll get theirs some day, thats for sure.
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drove past a farm the other day. there were some cows grazing in the pasture and i pulled over to the side of the road to watch them. they didnt really do much, just stood there eating grass and looking delicious. one of the cows kept looking at me. so i got out of the car and walked up to the fence. the damn cow was still staring me down so i hopped the fence and walked right up to him. i said to him, "quit staring at me you damn dirty cow." he just mooed at me and kept on staring. so i kicked him in the utter and ran back to the car. i didnt look back but i'll bet it really hurt. on the drive home i saw another farm and another pasture full of cows. they'll get theirs some day, thats for sure.
lawrence-office-space.jpgFuckin A.
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Fuckin A.
at my desk last week when i notice its raining outside. i get up and go to the window. i look out and there is a lady walking down the street as if it wasnt raining at all. i hurried outside and ran after her. she heard me coming and turned around. i said, "didnt you notice it was raining?" she said, "ummm, yeah, i did." i laughed at her and told her that if she didnt walk faster she was going to get very, very wet. she thanked me for the advice and told me that i'd changed her life. "all in a days work," i said. she laughed and ran away down the street. i went back to the office. i got pretty wet but it was worth it. when i got back to my desk there was a missed call from my girlfriend. i called her back and told her what had happened. she told me i was a great man and that she was lucky to have me in her life. i agreed and told her to make pork chops for dinner because it was wednesday and on wednesdays i like to have pork chops for dinner.
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first of all, tim horton's is a coffee shop COFFEEEEEEE that is what you should be ordering there. I'm not big on sandwiches and if i want one, i would go to a place that makes mainly sandwiches (although i used to love the chicken salad from tim's but they changed something and it's definately not as good.) Their soup is pretty good, (in fact, their cream of broc is awesome) but summer isn't really a soup time (wait till mid jan).

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(we don't have them down here in NYC).
That's not true.I was in NYC a couple weeks ago, and there was one in Times Square (I know, locals don't go to Times Square), and I also saw one somewhere else. Either way, I definitely saw 2 Timmy's, one of which was outside of TS.Edit - A quick look on their website shows 10 locations in Manhattan south of 95th street, and 2 more in Brooklyn, within a few blocks of each other for some reason.
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That's not true.I was in NYC a couple weeks ago, and there was one in Times Square (I know, locals don't go to Times Square), and I also saw one somewhere else. Either way, I definitely saw 2 Timmy's, one of which was outside of TS.Edit - A quick look on their website shows 10 locations in Manhattan south of 95th street, and 2 more in Brooklyn, within a few blocks of each other for some reason.
Wow, so apparently there are 8 in Manhattan alone. Who knew?(And don't answer that rhetorical question with, "Zach")
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Damn I was just going to post that there were 10 in NYC according to the website.I am still going to post though to get my at bat.We have a TH about a mile from my house. The drive thru is open 24 hours and I always wondered about getting donuts at 3am but never have.

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