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Name That Movie Contest Ii

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So, I'm finally getting around to doing another Name That Movie Contest. Here is a link to the original post/rules of the last one for newbies and people who have forgotten: http://www.fullcontactpoker.com/poker-foru...howtopic=109835. Also, here is a link to the 3rd round, which includes links to all the previous rounds and results: http://www.fullcontactpoker.com/poker-foru...l=movie+contest.This time around I am going to make some changes to the rules and format:1. Instead of 4 images a round, I am going to use 9 images per round to create more variance in the scoring. Last time everyone was grouped too evenly until the final round, where the handful of people who actually did well pulled away from the field.2. Since I am using more images, they will probably be easier overall. I am still going to use a mixture of 'random images from popular movies' and 'obvious images from random movies', but I'll try to make them easier overall...sigh, even for the final round.3. Scoring will be the same as before, with 1 point for every correct answer, but I am doing away with the perfect score bonus. I'm trying to make it so everyone has a chance after round 1, even if someone rips off a 9/9. Since the odds of that happening are best in the 1st round, if only one person did and I gave them the bonus from last time, they would have a huge edge the rest of the way.4. All answers are open to my interpretation. Last time I said I was going to be a stickler with the exact movie title, but I ended up giving people some slack. Pretty much same this time; try and be as accurate as possible with your guesses, but I'll probably give you guys the benefit of the doubt in most cases (unless I don't like you of course).5. Paying $ out of my account is too much of a pain because of my backing arrangement, so the prize pool this time will be Stars fpp based. I am currently in negotiations (lol) with Stars support to see if they will let me somehow transfer fpps directly to winners, but if that won't work I think I can still order things from the store for people and have it sent to them instead. So, it will still pay out the top 3 spots, and the prizes are pending. If I can't transfer fpps, each winner will get a range of fpps they can 'spend'. If there is nothing in the stars fpp store you want, I can prob do something on ftp to accomodate you.6. Images will be posted on Mondays, and results on Fridays. Since I am playing full time now I have actually less time to do something like this; no time to slack off like I did before at work lol. 7. All answers need to be submitted via PM again. I will try to respond to all PMs to let you know I got your answers.7. Contest will start this upcoming Monday. I'm playing the Bay 101 10k on Tuesday, so there is a chance I will be busy that whole week and might lag with results, responding to pms, etc. I'll most likely bust day 2 and be on here whining about it, but you never know.Glgl, questions, comments, suggestions welcome.

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oh man I'm pretty excited about this. the last one was fun I must say.
I CANT ****KING WAIT!!!last time was kool!
i hope they're a little easier than last time. i didnt get any after round 1.
because you're a little bitch
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6. Images will be posted on Mondays, and results on Fridays. Since I am playing full time now I have actually less time to do something like this; no time to slack off like I did before at work lol.
I just wanted to clarify. Last time you posted on Wednesday and we had until noon Friday to PM you our answers. So this time you'll post 9 pics on Monday and we have until noon Friday to PM you our answers?
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This was my friggin IDEA!
So you've already had a hand in this, why do you have to be so selfish to want to try to win this too?It reeks of collusion if you ask me.
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Will there be hints or clues specific to the film in the actual photos? It can be awfully random if it's a shot of a building that's been used in half a dozen movies...

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and gl in bay 101!
GL GL in the Shooting Star!
I'm down. And glgl in the 10k Patrick. :ts I might make my way down to take a peek next week.
1st guess: Requiem for a Dream? :club:
Doh! :4h I'll try not to repeat movies but you never know. FOr the first round I am going to try and make it movies people have probably seen multiple times, so stuff that has been around long enough to make the rounds on movie channels and basic cable etc.
I just wanted to clarify. Last time you posted on Wednesday and we had until noon Friday to PM you our answers. So this time you'll post 9 pics on Monday and we have until noon Friday to PM you our answers?
Yup, you will have until Friday to get your answers in.
So you've already had a hand in this, why do you have to be so selfish to want to try to win this too?It reeks of collusion if you ask me.
Heh, if I use Three Amigos multiple times you will know something is up. :5c
nope, Patrick does this out of the kindness of his own heart.
I get way more enjoyment/entertainment value out of this then I put in. :3h It gives me an excuse to watch movies I haven't seen in a while too.
Will there be hints or clues specific to the film in the actual photos? It can be awfully random if it's a shot of a building that's been used in half a dozen movies...
No clues, and I will try to make them google proof...at the same time my goal with an image could be broken down like the following:Round 1 - an image from a movie that almost all of you have seen, and something that you should recognize almost right away. Not incredibly obvious, but not too hard.Round 2 - an image from a movie that a good portion of you have seen, and something that is somewhat distinctive when you watch the movie. Round 3 - either a random movie with a somewhat recognizeable image, or a pretty random image from a popular movie...the difficulty level of these will probably be somewhat based on how people do through the first two rounds.
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