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GL man, win all that 10nl monies

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Just curious, if one manages to be successful in the $50 to $1000 Challenge, does that bode well for taking it beyond $1000? /Running bad, back under $200, going back to $.05/$.10 6max PLO and NLHE

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thank you.general sort of bankroll mgt question here. i've been playing in the 25nl games for a while now, and play $4.40 sng's, 5.50 sng's and some mtt tourneys usually maxing my buyin at $10.00. current bankroll around $470.00. how much should i have/would you guys want to have before moving from .10/.25 cash game stakes to .25/.50?i was thinking about making the move when i get to $500.00, but having doubts that it might not be enough, a couple tough swings could really take a bite out of my roll. thoughts?edit: not sure how much this matters, i usually buyin on the 25nl game for $20.00
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thank you.general sort of bankroll mgt question here. i've been playing in the 25nl games for a while now, and play $4.40 sng's, 5.50 sng's and some mtt tourneys usually maxing my buyin at $10.00. current bankroll around $470.00. how much should i have/would you guys want to have before moving from .10/.25 cash game stakes to .25/.50?i was thinking about making the move when i get to $500.00, but having doubts that it might not be enough, a couple tough swings could really take a bite out of my roll. thoughts?
$1k if you're casual$1.5-2k+ if you're serious.$5k if you're FargoPokerND.Tbh you should probably have more than $500 to play 25nl but it's not the end of the world as long as you're willing to drop down.Just use a 20 Buy In rule and you should be ok, maybe start taking shots when you get 15-16 buy ins as long as you're feeling confident and don't worry about losing larger sums of money.
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$1k if you're casual$1.5-2k+ if you're serious.$5k if you're FargoPokerND.Tbh you should probably have more than $500 to play 25nl but it's not the end of the world as long as you're willing to drop down.Just use a 20 Buy In rule and you should be ok, maybe start taking shots when you get 15-16 buy ins as long as you're feeling confident and don't worry about losing larger sums of money.
i would consider myself to be somewhere between casual and serious...casually serious maybe? either way looks like i've got a ways to go before i should realistically move up. back to the grind!
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Just curious, if one manages to be successful in the $50 to $1000 Challenge, does that bode well for taking it beyond $1000? /Running bad, back under $200, going back to $.05/$.10 6max PLO and NLHE
Yeah its more of a goal right now. Getting $50 to $1,000 and then when I get that goal I'll try to make it into $10,000.It's just my bankroll and me using bankroll management to get it up.
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i would consider myself to be somewhere between casual and serious...casually serious maybe? either way looks like i've got a ways to go before i should realistically move up. back to the grind!
Yeah I would go with 1.5k
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I had a pretty good session, $12.90.I need to be more disciplined in my calls. I'm having a hard time laying down over pairs when I know they're beat.That's why I go up and down throughout the session. By the end of the session I played good poker and was able to run up a profit.I need to be more disciplined and not just start calling because I have an overpair. As I go deeper into my session I appear to do better.I'm gonna work on it.

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played my first session and ran pretty bad. I had the best hand and it didnt hold up. I definately kept my losses at a minimum.I took a break and cooled off and tried another session. I played a long session and didn't get many bad beats. I managed to get some money back.

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do u play tournaments anymore or are u just going back to cash tables?btw had a big break through tonight finally, finished 2nd in a 2.20 buyin 3321 people, scored $594.kinda got screwed heads up, but the big score was nice.

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do u play tournaments anymore or are u just going back to cash tables?btw had a big break through tonight finally, finished 2nd in a 2.20 buyin 3321 people, scored $594.kinda got screwed heads up, but the big score was nice.
Congrats on that nice win. Yes I am back to playing cash games, multitabling 12 at 10nl right now. I might do a few tournaments if I'm not feeling ring games but right now it's working for me.
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Been crushing $.05/$.10 6-max PLO recently. Up almost $60 in the last two days. I'm want to be solidly in the $300's before i go back to $.15/$.25 again. Hands like this definitely help:PokerStars Pot-Limit Omaha, $0.10 BB (5 handed) - Poker-Stars Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.comHero (Button) ($24.45)SB ($21.80)BB ($5.10)UTG ($10.05)MP ($3.30)Preflop: Hero is Button with K :D, 6 :4h, 6 :D, 8 :5cUTG bets $0.20, MP (poster) calls $0.10, Hero calls $0.20, SB raises to $1.10, BB calls $1, UTG calls $0.90, MP (poster) calls $0.90, Hero calls $0.90Flop: ($5.50) 6 :club:, 6 :club:, A :3h(5 players)SB checks, BB checks, UTG checks, MP checks, Hero checksTurn: ($5.50) 2 :jh(5 players)SB checks, BB bets $2.30, 2 folds, Hero raises to $12.15, 1 fold, BB calls $1.70 (All-In)River: ($13.50) 7 :qh(2 players, 1 all-in)Total pot: $13.50 | Rake: $0.65Results in white below: Hero had K :club:, 6 :D, 6 :(, 8 :D (four of a kind, sixes).BB had 5 :club:, 8 :club:, A :ts, A :club: (full house, Aces over sixes).Outcome: Hero won $12.85

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Yesterday I played a session and wasn't catching much. I lost $5.00 by getting blinded out pretty much. I hoped into 4 $3 buy in 9 player tournaments and sadly, busted out of all of them. I was down about $18. I played another session and won back about $9, took a break and played another session and won back another $16. So I did end up making a profit. And I'm at the highest my bankroll has ever been.I'm gonna play a session right now, I'll post when I'm done.I bought Power Hold'Em Strategy saturday and I've been reading that in between sessions. It's a great book, good review. I skimmed the first chapter because it was basic hold'em strategy, but I've read everything beyond that to chapter 3.Has anyone else read Power Hold'em Strategy? What did you think of it?

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I played a short session, won about 7. I'm starting to really get my game together, I'm improving all the time.My post flop play is pretty weak but I've started to be a little more aggressive. I'm gonna take a break and play another session later.

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