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There's a couple of days left but I was hoping to see some people's graphs/results for 2008. I started tracking cash games in August and obviously have had ups and downs. Here's my final year...mostly heads up:Year2008.pngProbably down a couple of thousand on Full Tilt tournament wise (-ROI and don't feel like doing the math), here was my final total on Stars. Profit ROI $14,216 58%

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92k in prizes, 22k profit, 30% roi in tournaments... really didnt start playing super serious until august though. Spewed wayyy too much in the first half of the year.+another couple thousand from cash games and rakeback.

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I played between 7-8 months this year. Can't really post a graph of it entirely as I just got HEM and it's not accepting my hands from Prima.Depending on how this month ends I earned 70-90k. Not super thrilled about it (poker wise), as I know I should have made over 100k but I didn't put in the hands. Some of which I could not control, a lot of which was a choice.Main goal was to make more than I did last year, which I have, but barely. I improved a lot too, which was a goal. Gonna work on volume in 09.I think there has already been a goals/results thread made, so maybe these threads can be merged together. I'm trying to not focus on $ in 09, rather hands. Gonna try and average 20-30k hands a month for 10-11 months. Results should follow. Also luck boxing some rando tournaments.Edit: This is graph for all hands in my PT2 database from January 2008 - November 2008. I'll have to post December 2008 in a separate graph with HEM once year is finished.Jan08-Nov08.jpgand first 50k hands, where I was losing/breaking even, was from January to March. April was my first winning month and month I put in more than 20k hands (won 30k). May I won ~13k, and then goes on from there. First three months I was on life tilt and hardly played.Also profited 14k from staking.

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msals quit on his post.I'd like to read: Rdogs, jesse's, naismith, cwik1, and matt's results. A few others too (oh yea, Mark, and trevor!), but I'm blanking on their names ATM. I'll read anyones though. For me, it's good for inspiration, haha. When I compare how much I earn, to others, which I try not to, but it happens (come on)...I think of it as a game. Like, how much did you score? What is your top score? Sometimes I need to remember it's $ and real life and not some video game, lol. Anyone else do this?

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msals quit on his post.
lol meh, like anywhere between 75-125k in tournys, haven't kept track or look... somewhere in there
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Won about $20,000 playing live throughout the year, didn't play that much online but did go one some plo heaters and cashed out around $7,000. Goals for next year are to try and get a roll online and play atleast 10,000 hands a month.

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Might wanna get on that for Uncle Sam.:club:
lol yea sometime in january i'll do it i guess.. meh
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Cash games: I made $8k from January through April, then $30k from May-December, without playing more than 10k hands from September-Dec 1. Add in like $10k in rakeback, and deduct probably like $13-14k in tourneys and PCA sattys, and it wasn't my most successful year.

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i really wanna see rdog and jesse's graph simply cause of the volume those two put in...wish u didn'ts tart this thread so early, cubs...now i gotta sit here nad wait for 2 days. lol
I actually wasn't going to start this thread. I really like seeing people's graphs and I didn't want it to get into the new year without a thread like this being made, where people may not care as much anymore. I saw Tre/Acid's graph around somewhere else, but those graphs and others like it always look soo pretty.Also I was curiuos how some of the tournament players did, ty VT and msals.
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Counting FPPs, I'll end up somewhere between $85k-$90k on the year. That number is somewhat disappointing as I had hoped to hit 6 figures, but I started the year jobless, out of school, living with my dad and playing .50/1 LHE on a $300 stake, so I can't complain too much. I also improved more in this game over the past 8 months or so than I ever thought possible, so we'll call this year a good investment on my future even if it came up slightly short of my monetary goals.I only have a graph of about the past 6 months as I had an error in my previous database and had to start a new one:JunetoDec08.jpg

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the area around 111k and 120k is ridic...esp considering it's all LHE right? how do you not lose a hand in that span...lol so sick. other side of that is ugly tho, reminds me of my current month. looks like the showdown police decided to show themselves :club:

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My graph will have about 200k hands, $100k profits, $20 in showdown losses and a general upward trend. I'll post when I finish it off.My style is so ridiculous. Make me turn over my hand, and I'm losing $20,000.Oh, and Jordan, don't forget the $18k of my graph that is in your pocket :club:

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the area around 111k and 120k is ridic...esp considering it's all LHE right? how do you not lose a hand in that span...lol so sick. other side of that is ugly tho, reminds me of my current month. looks like the showdown police decided to show themselves :club:
Yeah all LHE. It really is a sick game. There are so many tiny ways to run bad or good that the variance is like amazingly volatile at times in both directions. When I'm not getting popped on every turn bet I make, it makes me feel like a god and results in those nice upswings.
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My graph will have about 200k hands, $100k profits, $20 in showdown losses and a general upward trend. I'll post when I finish it off.My style is so ridiculous. Make me turn over my hand, and I'm losing $20,000.Oh, and Jordan, don't forget the $18k of my graph that is in your pocket :club:
Yea, I wrote +14k staking...I lost 4k on the other guy, remember?- Jordan
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LOL, I know this is thread is for serious players but dammit, I did OK (for me) so I'm gonna share, too.Somehow turned $100 into $1000 playing live in low-limit cash games and tourneys (at least before donking off about $400 in other casino action).Best live poker day was during an early-Spring trip to Vegas where I FT'd both Binion's daily tourneys for about a $600 profit.And despite finishing a respectable but OOTM 5th in the WSOP/FCP Poker Tourney in Vegas, I managed to nit Zach's $93 windfall into a $170 online.So all in all, I have about $500 live and $170 online profit that I didn't have when I started '08, so hooray poker, hooray beer...

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Yea I finally started playing seriously in early September and turned $260 into almost $2200 even after losing $850 this month at 1/2 LHE. It was a good year that helped me see what is possible if I apply myself a little bit.The graphs from the serious players are an inspiration to us all.

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