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Awesome Post

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I haven't posted in awhile so I figured I should take pity on the populace and give them awesome. v/rSpademanDo not attempt to be funny with something like, "awesome post?... more like awww, some post." If you want to flame a self-proclaimed awesome post, look no further for instruction on how to do so than my example in the religious forum: ttp://www.fullcontactpoker.com/poker-foru...t&p=2442191 . This is what happens with Intellect gets into a fist-fight with humor and timing.For those of you who may genuinely be wondering what makes this plain post awesome, well, there are a couple of things.First, I wrote it. Whatever I write, regardless of what the topic, what is actually stated, how many letters and words I use, the font, context, style or effort... whatever I write is, by default, by necessity, awesome.When one opens a thread in which I've posted the soft light emitting from their screen changes from that sickly, dull, flickering white shine that normally accompanies the soul-drenching information digitally being displayed to a golden glow of truth. A glow akin to the briefcase in pulp fiction. It is the light that would shine forth from the smile of god, if god existed. Second, shut the fuck up as you have no right to question me or anything I say or do.

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I haven't posted in awhile so I figured I should take pity on the populace and give them awesome. v/rSpademanDo not attempt to be funny with something like, "awesome post?... more like awww, some post." If you want to flame a self-proclaimed awesome post, look no further for instruction on how to do so than my example in the religious forum: ttp://www.fullcontactpoker.com/poker-foru...t&p=2442191 . This is what happens with Intellect gets into a fist-fight with humor and timing.For those of you who may genuinely be wondering what makes this plain post awesome, well, there are a couple of things.First, I wrote it. Whatever I write, regardless of what the topic, what is actually stated, how many letters and words I use, the font, context, style or effort... whatever I write is, by default, by necessity, awesome.When one opens a thread in which I've posted the soft light emitting from their screen changes from that sickly, dull, flickering white shine that normally accompanies the soul-drenching information digitally being displayed to a golden glow of truth. A glow akin to the briefcase in pulp fiction. It is the light that would shine forth from the smile of god, if god existed. Second, shut the fuck up as you have no right to question me or anything I say or do.
Hello there!
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I like the moxie of the OP, but.. this thread, really, really failed. Big time. I'm hoping Spademan can pull it out of the muck, as he's wont to do. But this isn't in the slightest bit funny and was in fact a huge let down after his brilliant Membership Required thread.

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I always LOL when blacks say reciprocity, because they work so hard to enunciate every syllable. "ress-ah-pross-a-tee".It's one of those low-rent polysyllabic words that college educated negroes try to shoehorn into every conversation, thinking that it makes them appear smarter than they really are.
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I always LOL when blacks say reciprocity, because they work so hard to enunciate every syllable. "ress-ah-pross-a-tee".It's one of those low-rent polysyllabic words that college educated negroes try to shoehorn into every conversation, thinking that it makes them appear smarter than they really are.
You're still on this? I think it's new material time.
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maybe he's just talking about race in general?581px-Ted_Kennedy,_official_photo_portrait.jpg
(because she'll always be, no matter what the miracles of modern surgical intervention can do) 4344c8b927f89-81-1.jpgIt's possible that he's talking about 'race in general'. If so, then the answer is no; it will never, ever be new material time. As long as the public has been trained like whipped mules to remain comedically hypersensitive about race, then I'll have material to work with, and indeed, a little bit of purpose in my own life.
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I haven't posted in awhile so I figured I should take pity on the populace and give them awesome. v/rSpademanDo not attempt to be funny with something like, "awesome post?... more like awww, some post." If you want to flame a self-proclaimed awesome post, look no further for instruction on how to do so than my example in the religious forum: ttp://www.fullcontactpoker.com/poker-foru...t&p=2442191 . This is what happens with Intellect gets into a fist-fight with humor and timing.For those of you who may genuinely be wondering what makes this plain post awesome, well, there are a couple of things.First, I wrote it. Whatever I write, regardless of what the topic, what is actually stated, how many letters and words I use, the font, context, style or effort... whatever I write is, by default, by necessity, awesome.When one opens a thread in which I've posted the soft light emitting from their screen changes from that sickly, dull, flickering white shine that normally accompanies the soul-drenching information digitally being displayed to a golden glow of truth. A glow akin to the briefcase in pulp fiction. It is the light that would shine forth from the smile of god, if god existed. Second, shut the fuck up as you have no right to question me or anything I say or do.
The day I'm out of the military and no longer forced to read v/r at the end of every e-mail will be awesome.
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So what makes that golden light in Pulp Fiction briefcase?Answer this and you will be awesome. Please don't go with the metaphysical rote answer and say M. Wallace's soul. He's bald so Soul Glow doesn't make any sense. It's not heroin either, so what is it?

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So what makes that golden light in Pulp Fiction briefcase?Answer this and you will be awesome. Please don't go with the metaphysical rote answer and say M. Wallace's soul. He's bald so Soul Glow doesn't make any sense. It's not heroin either, so what is it?
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So what makes that golden light in Pulp Fiction briefcase?Answer this and you will be awesome. Please don't go with the metaphysical rote answer and say M. Wallace's soul. He's bald so Soul Glow doesn't make any sense. It's not heroin either, so what is it?
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mmmmmmmkay, but wouldn't that make whitish light?
Now this is a good answer and a reminder to add this to my netfix queue. What's with M Wallace having a band-aid on the back of his neck? I mean, he's a bad ass. Why would a bad ass wear a band-aid?
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