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i've been tempted to do this all day long, have resisted to this point tho, but i didn't start drinking yet. odds on the balls making it through the night?
No, you go to Wal Mart again at 4AM tonight, and ask for the same guy as last night.Bring the hatchet and the balls.Someone more clever than me can take it from here
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also, has anyone seen the movie allin?best movie ever. they vaguely reference pokertracker or something similar.
A medical student with mounting debts draws on her formidable poker skills in order to stay afloat in this gambling drama starring Dominique Swain and Michael Madsen. As a young girl, Alicia "Ace" Anderson (Swain) frequently accompanied her card shark father (Madsen) to clandestine gambling rooms for tense rounds of Texas Hold 'Em. As a result of her childhood spent watching her father fleece his opponents, Alicia became a fairly exceptional card player herself. These days Alicia has left behind the world of gambling in order to focus on medical school, but education doesn't come cheap and the tuition fees are fast piling up. Of course the one way that Alicia knows how to make a quick buck is to fall back on her old skills, and now with a bottomed out bank account and few options on the table the savvy student gambler enlists the aid of some fellow students in hitting it big at the local casino. Though her cohorts may be well schooled in the art of the bluff, this team will need much more than a good poker face if they truly intend to win out over some of the world's best card players. ~ Jason Buchanan, All Movie Guide(}x Added to Blockbuster Online queue
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one more pic, you can't really make it out too well cuz the camera operator couldnt hold his hand steady(im camera operator) but when i got back to my aparment this guy was on my couch with penises drawn all over him and various gay phrases, such as, "i am gay" it was real funnyLOLpho4to.jpg
So back in college I rented a house with a few buddies. Next door lived an English lady, the English lady’s mother, and her 20-something son Timmy who still lived at home. Rounding out the cast was Michael, an overweight and extremely effeminate friend of the family next door. Michael was very frequently present at the house next door, and no one was ever really sure about the nature of his relationship to them. We were pretty certain that Timmy wasn’t gay so the whole thing was a mystery. One night Timmy passed out drunk at out house. Someone in the group took the opportunity to write “F*CK ME MICHAEL” in bold permanent marker across Timmy’s forehead. No doubt it was a you-had-to-be-there thing, but I’ve probably never laughed as hard as I did at that moment.But that night, as drunk as I was, I couldn’t fall asleep to save my life. I kept imagining the extremely likely possibility that Timmy would stumble home in the morning without looking in the mirror and be greeted by his mother, his grandmother, or worst of all, Michael himself. Anyway, I forget the point of this story. Carry on.
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So back in college I rented a house with a few buddies. Next door lived an English lady, the English lady’s mother, and her 20-something son Timmy who still lived at home. Rounding out the cast was Michael, an overweight and extremely effeminate friend of the family next door. Michael was very frequently present at the house next door, and no one was ever really sure about the nature of his relationship to them. We were pretty certain that Timmy wasn’t gay so the whole thing was a mystery. One night Timmy passed out drunk at out house. Someone in the group took the opportunity to write “F*CK ME MICHAEL” in bold permanent marker across Timmy’s forehead. No doubt it was a you-had-to-be-there thing, but I’ve probably never laughed as hard as I did at that moment.But that night, as drunk as I was, I couldn’t fall asleep to save my life. I kept imagining the extremely likely possibility that Timmy would stumble home in the morning without looking in the mirror and be greeted by his mother, his grandmother, or worst of all, Michael himself. Anyway, I forget the point of this story. Carry on.
I lol'dI'd nail the girl in your sig.
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is this the drukin thread for the nightr cuz i'm ****in plastersed
5 User(s) are reading this topic (0 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users)5 Members: mase_gotsem, troyomac, fornicator1, grocery_mony, a__thekevlar__2does this answer your question
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is this the drukin thread for the nightr cuz i'm ****in plastersed
on a scale of 1 to 7 i am about a 10 drunmk fyi
[x] someone is lying[x] yup
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5 User(s) are reading this topic (0 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users)5 Members: mase_gotsem, troyomac, fornicator1, grocery_mony, a__thekevlar__2does this answer your question
I had a few tonight, then quit prematurely. Sorry to let you down :club:
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