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New To The Forum, Just Saying Hello

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Hi all, Im new to the forum, but have been reading for a while. Finally registered to say whats up and take part in some of the poker discussion that goes on here

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Hello. Enjoy. I'm usually an ass, so brush off any of my snide remarks as an attempt at humor.Edit: Oh, and 2nd!
Welcome... and he's a liar.He's not an ass.I, on the other hand, can be annoying. Especially if you decide to try and push me down only to find out that I bounce back up.Bumbles bounce!Have fun!
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Hello. Enjoy. I'm usually an ass, so brush off any of my snide remarks as an attempt at humor.Edit: Oh, and 2nd!
Hello.Just don't put a strat question in the general forum. It makes freak's eye twitch.
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Clay Aiken, what is the smell of hope??
Fastidious in fortune, demoralized by despair, a young child carries a bag of bricks four miles each morning to a school house in a neighboring town. You may ask why, and the answer is as revealing as a trapeze artist dancing gleefully on a tightrope as the audience gasps in stark horror as they realize that a masked man stands ready to cut that rope and send Trapeze Tom (that's his name) to his fiery death in a pit of burning coal below. For you see this child knew something, something that even a rat in the sweltering August heat could never know. For a secret had been told unto her by that same masked man sleeping under her bed, that if she were to carry that bag of bricks four miles each day, back and forth, then she could turn that bag of bricks into a tower, and that tower into a city, and that city into a country that held each animal ever created that they might prance in the freedom that only a child can give, and like a diabetic with his last vial of insulin, clutch that hope of a better tomorrow in her sweaty, cracked and bleeding palms, that one day all will be well. So you ask me what is the smell of hope?? I ask you, "How much does a bag of bricks weigh, and do you think you're strong enough to carry them, all the way into to fiery center of the Creator of the Universe's burning yet soothing heart??" This I truly and honestly believe!! Wonderful!!
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Fastidious in fortune, demoralized by despair, a young child carries a bag of bricks four miles each morning to a school house in a neighboring town. You may ask why, and the answer is as revealing as a trapeze artist dancing gleefully on a tightrope as the audience gasps in stark horror as they realize that a masked man stands ready to cut that rope and send Trapeze Tom (that's his name) to his fiery death in a pit of burning coal below. For you see this child knew something, something that even a rat in the sweltering August heat could never know. For a secret had been told unto her by that same masked man sleeping under her bed, that if she were to carry that bag of bricks four miles each day, back and forth, then she could turn that bag of bricks into a tower, and that tower into a city, and that city into a country that held each animal ever created that they might prance in the freedom that only a child can give, and like a diabetic with his last vial of insulin, clutch that hope of a better tomorrow in her sweaty, cracked and bleeding palms, that one day all will be well. So you ask me what is the smell of hope?? I ask you, "How much does a bag of bricks weigh, and do you think you're strong enough to carry them, all the way into to fiery center of the Creator of the Universe's burning yet soothing heart??" This I truly and honestly believe!! Wonderful!!
I dont care who;s fake account this is, its always awesome. And to the owner, ie: the story teller, I hope you plan on being the next Matt Stone.
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I, on the other hand, can be annoying. Especially if you decide to try and push me down only to find out that I really suck...I mean ALOT!!!.playmoney cocksuckin FTW!Have fun!
THIS I honestly and truley BELIEVE!!WONDERFULL!!!!
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Fastidious in fortune, demoralized by despair, a young child carries a bag of bricks four miles each morning to a school house in a neighboring town. You may ask why, and the answer is as revealing as a trapeze artist dancing gleefully on a tightrope as the audience gasps in stark horror as they realize that a masked man stands ready to cut that rope and send Trapeze Tom (that's his name) to his fiery death in a pit of burning coal below. For you see this child knew something, something that even a rat in the sweltering August heat could never know. For a secret had been told unto her by that same masked man sleeping under her bed, that if she were to carry that bag of bricks four miles each day, back and forth, then she could turn that bag of bricks into a tower, and that tower into a city, and that city into a country that held each animal ever created that they might prance in the freedom that only a child can give, and like a diabetic with his last vial of insulin, clutch that hope of a better tomorrow in her sweaty, cracked and bleeding palms, that one day all will be well. So you ask me what is the smell of hope?? I ask you, "How much does a bag of bricks weigh, and do you think you're strong enough to carry them, all the way into to fiery center of the Creator of the Universe's burning yet soothing heart??" This I truly and honestly believe!! Wonderful!!
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