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am i weird? (cash vs trn)

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Ok, I play poker. A lot of poker. While holding down a job that requires around 50-60 hours a week, I play around 20-30 hours of poker a week.I do a lot of reading, studying, BSing about poker. Checking out FCP, RGP, and the rest. I run an affiliate site for an online poker site as well.The more I read and talk to people, it sounds like 90% of the players out there prefer tournaments. Even when I get a game going with the local college kids, they all talk about tournaments.Now, I don't dislike tournaments, I just very much rather prefer cash games.WHy is that? Why am I the minority?HELP.

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Ok, I play poker. A lot of poker. While holding down a job that requires around 50-60 hours a week, I play around 20-30 hours of poker a week.I do a lot of reading, studying, BSing about poker. Checking out FCP, RGP, and the rest. I run an affiliate site for an online poker site as well.The more I read and talk to people, it sounds like 90% of the players out there prefer tournaments. Even when I get a game going with the local college kids, they all talk about tournaments.Now, I don't dislike tournaments, I just very much rather prefer cash games.WHy is that? Why am I the minority?HELP.
i agree 100%...
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games.WHy is that? Why am I the minority?HELP.
From the people on here, I would say that cash games are the majority.And tourney likers are the minority.
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You're not necessarily a miniority. It's just that most people don't know anything but NLHE Tourney.
I 100% agree here. I would say 90%+ of the players that come to my home game tournies have NEVER played a cash game, just tournies.
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thats strange, i would have never guessed that. i''ve always played about 98% cash games adn a tourney here and there for fun....

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I enjoy single table tournies but when I'm sitting at table with 8 greasy guys and another 129 squashed around me, getting busted by a player who is super loose cause its a 'rebuy' I do kind of think about what I could be doing at a cash game.I just don't think I can sit at a table for 8 hours and come out with nothing, thats why I enjoy the single table formats.With regards to your thoughts, I would have to put singles tables and cash games on an even level, I'm happy with either.I should change my handle to SitnGoJoe or something.

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That's the way I look at tournies as well. You can play for 8 hours and get zilch. You know how much I can earn in 8 hours of ring game play? HA, just as much if not more than that dang tourny.

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I play mostly tourneys. I like the MTTs because of the risk/reward ratio. For a relatively small investment I get a chance at a large payoff. Granted, the odds are larger and it can take a lot of my time, but I'm a recreational player with a limited bankroll. And it passes the time on a weekend evening.I'm also an old fart with 2 kids in college. So when I hit a big payout, the money comes out and I spend it on whatever big bills are looking at me at the moment.I use the SNGs to keep my MTT entry fee bankroll at a reasonable level.I've been trying the ring games lately, and am starting to get a feel for them. It's definitely a different animal.

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IMO, there are many people that can play MTT very effectively and profitably. They will constantly be in the money and be a threat to win. However, I think the majority of people are attracted to MTT's because of the greater degree of luck that comes into it. A lot of people probably have went on a good run where they won 6 coin flips in a row and then placed high in th e money in a tournament. this makes them decide that MTT is their arena. Also, I think MTT's is the lottery for a lot of novice poker players. People are blinded by the big 1st prize which chances are they'll never get. "I haven't placed in the money in the last 10 tournaments but if I win this one, I'll cover it and then some." And any econ major can tell you lotteries are nothing but a tax on the ignorant.Before I get flamed... see my first sentence. There are people that are very good at playing MTT. I just think the majority of people are attracted to MTT for the wrong reasons.

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because let's face it... thanks to the poker boom, all the average Joe knows about poker is No Limit Texas Hold 'Em... I mean, other than the WSOP in 2004 when have you seen televised limit,stud,omaha,2-7draw, events?most people see the WPT or Celbrity poker and they just think that the word "poker" means no limit texas hold 'em...

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IMO, there are many people that can play MTT very effectively and profitably. They will constantly be in the money and be a threat to win. However, I think the majority of people are attracted to MTT's because of the greater degree of luck that comes into it. A lot of people probably have went on a good run where they won 6 coin flips in a row and then placed high in th e money in a tournament. this makes them decide that MTT is their arena. Also, I think MTT's is the lottery for a lot of novice poker players. People are blinded by the big 1st prize which chances are they'll never get. "I haven't placed in the money in the last 10 tournaments but if I win this one, I'll cover it and then some." And any econ major can tell you lotteries are nothing but a tax on the ignorant.Before I get flamed... see my first sentence. There are people that are very good at playing MTT. I just think the majority of people are attracted to MTT for the wrong reasons.
Agree totally. In some way, there are more recreational players out there then professional players. As such, they are only willing to invest a small amount of money in hope of getting lucky and winning big. They do not really bother about hourly rates such as BB/ hour. They do not mind playing a tourny for hours only to finish in the cash for small amounts. Its more of having fun, and if lucky, winning big.Pros/semi pros on the other hand rely on hourly rates and probably avoid the bigger variance MTT has.
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I think as a players experience level and interest in poker increases, the interest in cash games increases and the interest in tourneys decreases. The pros make their money in the cash games and do the tourneys for status and publicity.

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