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In Light Of Mnf...i'm Giving Away Money

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you and me, all in every hand.k?
fine but actually try to do it instead of folding 50% of the time.
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How fixed is the NFL? wow.
Its fixed because they Patriots showed great heart and won a close game?Its fixed because the Ravens committed a penalty on 4th down? Are you trying to say they didn't commit that penalty? Are you trying to say the didn't call time out? Tell me what the **** you're trying to say.Undefukingfeated baby.
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sigh next time i will flip with people who dont nit up when they get money.
I'll give u a shot whenever bro. I didn't nit up, I gave u a shot to win some back.Sorry again.
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I'll give u a shot whenever bro. I didn't nit up, I gave u a shot to win some back.Sorry again.
no, you didn't. you called flips when i had $5. then when i got a stack you waited for premiums.well played champ.
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Its fixed because they Patriots showed great heart and won a close game?Its fixed because the Ravins committed a penalty on 4th down? Are you trying to say they didn't commit that penalty? Are you trying to say the didn't call time out? Tell me what the **** you're trying to say.Undefukingfeated baby.
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sigh i thought we were having fun
I was having a good time until someone who wanted to "go all in" every hand decided to be a flat out bitch when he started running good.
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no, you didn't. you called flips when i had $5. then when i got a stack you waited for premiums.well played champ.
No I didn't, I went all in on nearly every hand. I even called your big all ins with marginal hands. I didn't always wait for premiums. Someone post the HH's. I won a HUGE pot with 78 and another with 10 8. LOL premiums. I didn't get a premium hand other than JJ the whole time.
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And now, for my Foxwoods Pro impression!
fyp.I wasn't dealt a single playable hand and I still managed to play more hands.
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Its fixed because they Patriots showed great heart and won a close game?Its fixed because the Ravins committed a penalty on 4th down? Are you trying to say they didn't commit that penalty? Are you trying to say the didn't call time out? Tell me what the **** you're trying to say.Undefukingfeated baby.
He's trying to say that he is a poor loser and jealous of the Pats superiority
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I never said the game was fixed, I'm just steamed. I thought this would cool me down but I guess it made it worse. PS, when you post saying "me and you every hand", please try one time to stick to your word. You played less than 75% of your hands, and didnt get in any multiway allins, hence being a nit. Nits ruin things like these. I dont care if you run that good and get to 200, don't be a bitch and start folding your crappy hands because 2+ people shoved, ESPECIALLY when you claim you're going AI every hand

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I never said the game was fixed, I'm just steamed. I thought this would cool me down but I guess it made it worse. PS, when you post saying "me and you every hand", please try one time to stick to your word. You played less than 75% of your hands, and didnt get in any multiway allins, hence being a nit. Nits ruin things like these. I dont care if you run that good and get to 200, don't be a bitch and start folding your crappy hands because 2+ people shoved, ESPECIALLY when you claim you're going AI every hand
1. When have I ever not held my end of the bargain up at anytime on this site? You said " please try one time" like i've done something wrong in the past.2. I played AT LEAST 75% of the hands.3.I got into SEVERAL mulitway pots with marginal hands.Nothing of what you say holds water. You are obv. just upset that you lost some cash. Sorry, you made an open request to come and do flips. I came, along with a few others and I ran like God for a second.I'd say im sorry your upset but I didn't do anything wrong.
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